Gah! How flattering it must be to be sketched as an X-Man...
I agree with the above posts, Yousef/Gambit is gorgeous. Which means I'll be useless when it's done.
From a critiquing standpoint: I honestly see no quirks that stand out as "wrong"'ve captured Y. very well. Really looking forward to the finished product.
i can't see jonas either!! and i'll be fixing it eventually, i just haven't gotten around to it. i figure i'll work with danielbeast first and at the end we'll all go back and you guys can give me feedback on a new sketch of jonasssss
marlasinger wrote:QtheC, send over some dimensions and any ideas or colours youd like to see incorporated.
Today, ladies and gentlemen, is Gambit day. Drumroll please?
Okay marlasinger, I finally got something figured out and sent you a PM here on the forum and on the comments board (since I don't know which one you pay attention to). Check it out and let me know if you are still up for helping with an LG15 Today blogspot facelift!
just to let you guys know: the next few days are hectic for marla!
tomorrow i'm speaking at a convention and monday i've got a secret (as in the movie) supper to host, and tuesday i'm on a plane. Wednesday morning I have an exam as well as Friday.
So it looks like the xmen taag team will be finished NEXT week. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting
As soon as school is over you can all expect new portraits! We can do a whole series -
THE FACTION: LG15 Defense Force
STATUS: Vice President & Feather Fan Holder in the Secret Society of Jonas Fans
The Offical Getter Backer of Kari's Laser Gun
Bree Daniel Jonas Sarah Taylor