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Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:42 pm
by mellie3204

I don't think Alex was filming at the end, I don't think they would let down their guard like that in front of her. Smcks of having just gone back to Jonas and fessed what they just did. But I do wonder what else was spoken about with the ebil Aunty. Surely the convo went for more than 2 minutes.

What now indeed... what action will they take next? This was a nice bit of proactive thinking on their part, going to confront her... but if they didn't tie her up and interrogate her properly, I'll be really disappointed!

Time to stop being reactive and start being more proactive like this, otherwise they'll never get the answers they need.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:47 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
robtomorrow wrote:
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:

with that icon, and answering my unmentioned, sarcasm-prefaced question, you remind me of Ask Jeeves!!!!
Oh it was sarcasm, sorry, I just thought you didn't know what you engage in had a name.
mainly sarcastic, partially decided i'd look sorta stupid for having been around so long and not know what fanwanking was....

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:51 pm
by HisGirl
Bree and Daniel are the worst interrogators, EVER! They asked no valid questions whatsoever. "How could you do this to me?" is not going to give them any information that is useful at all.

They need my friend onewen... that girl asks the best questions. I bet she could come up with a TON of things to ask Alex that are much more productive.

I can think of a kajillion myself...what would ya'll ask Alex if you had her alone and she seemed to be ready to give up some info?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:57 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
HisGirl wrote:...what would ya'll ask Alex if you had her alone and she seemed to be ready to give up some info?
Her digits, of course.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:57 pm
by trainer101
I want crazy evil Alex back! That was such a good character.
Oh well... a teaser for a traditionally slow Friday night and a shoutout to the forum.
Guess we should be keeping an eye on "Everyones a Character" to see who shows up next.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:05 am
by wh_pirate
I can see Jonas being the one holding the camera at the end and Daniel adjusting his hood to hide from Jonas because he (Daniel) knows that Jonas knows there was more than "making out" that happened between him and Alex. How awkward would that be?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:12 am
by mincartaugh
Good God, people. It was absolutely Jonas filming at the end. They were in a restaurant, not at Alex's house and the "we" that Bree is talking about is--as it has always been--the three mains, Bree, Daniel, and Jonas. They were much too upset with Alex to ever have included her in this video as a friend! Daniel is near crying in that last shot and unless a whole lot of time has gone by between talking to Alex and getting to that restaurant, he is near tears over Alex's betrayal! How did you ever get on this topic? There are much juicier bits to chew over. move on!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:15 am
by DoktorBob
I think DB is just hiding in his hood as a non-verbal way of saying "I don't want to talk right now, the woman I liked had no explanation for making me feel like a complete waste of time".

Wonder if DB ever thinks about "why didn't I take the red pill?"
No wonder why he's been drinking more often.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:22 am
by Visceria
I find it kinda funny how only a few videos ago, Alex was all, "Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Order will stop at NOTHING to get you to do the Ceremony, little girl!"

And now she's all, "Look, guys, I know I said, 'Stop at nothing,' but what I meant was, 'Stop at nothing . . . short of violating your own free will!'" XD

Anyway, I believe her (she seems sincere enough), but I just don't really get the sudden change of heart. Saying she didn't know that anyone would go as far as to kidnap them, when she had just threatened them that someone would go to drastic measures, seems a little weird. =/

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:28 am
by DoktorBob
Wonder what Alex's side of the story is?
Maybe she had no choice but to follow the Order?

Crazy Idea: She made a deal with the Order to leave Jonas alone if she worked for the Order.

Wonder if she said her side of the story off camera? If she did, guess we'll get a recap from the trio in the next vid or possibly a Order faction vid from her.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:48 am
by Teh Freaky
cbizzle44 wrote:i agree with cosmicdancer- alex was serious when she said she didn't like what happened
and which guy was on teh drugs? with the not sleeping and being smarter and stronger and such? the guy running after them in the desert, the shooting guy, the talking guy, or some other guy? there's a plot twist i didnt see coming- maybe thats part of their ultimate goal? give everyone this drug? make the world "better"
That idea reminds me of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley...had to read that in college...

But that's something valid. Perhaps the order is after a utopia of sorts...with the whole religion intertwining with the power and control deal, along with the use of drugs to control, it makes a bit of sense.

Here's a link to SparksNotes for Brave New World:

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:49 am
by cosmicdancer
mincartaugh wrote:Good God, people. It was absolutely Jonas filming at the end. They were in a restaurant, not at Alex's house and the "we" that Bree is talking about is--as it has always been--the three mains, Bree, Daniel, and Jonas. They were much too upset with Alex to ever have included her in this video as a friend! Daniel is near crying in that last shot and unless a whole lot of time has gone by between talking to Alex and getting to that restaurant, he is near tears over Alex's betrayal! How did you ever get on this topic? There are much juicier bits to chew over. move on!

There's no proof of that. They shut off the camera during their conversation with Alex at a point where she was speechless, we have no footage of them finishing the conversation or leaving her house. They could have shut off the camera and continued the conversation for all we know. It could just as easily be Alex as Jonas. Don't you think Jonas would have some sort of reaction to the fact they went and interrogated Alex without him? Obviously if Bree is asking what to do next they would have told him.
I really think that some part of their conversation with Alex has been withheld from our view. An important part, at that.

It could be Jonas but it could also be Alex. Or even Tachyon for that matter. I think it's suspicious we don't see or hear the person holding the camera at the end of the video.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:10 am
by Vintage_Angel
I'm just kinda confused on one part, was it Alex who was holding the camera at the end? Or Jonas?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:12 am
by HisGirl
ApotheosisAZ wrote:
HisGirl wrote:...what would ya'll ask Alex if you had her alone and she seemed to be ready to give up some info?
Her digits, of course.
thanks, smartypants.... :roll:

I just think that having someone who can answer some questions right there is like hitting the lottery. if she's willing to talk, why not ask for some REAL info? Sounded more like they were looking for an apology.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:38 am
Visceria wrote:I find it kinda funny how only a few videos ago, Alex was all, "Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Order will stop at NOTHING to get you to do the Ceremony, little girl!"

And now she's all, "Look, guys, I know I said, 'Stop at nothing,' but what I meant was, 'Stop at nothing . . . short of violating your own free will!'" XD

Anyway, I believe her (she seems sincere enough), but I just don't really get the sudden change of heart. Saying she didn't know that anyone would go as far as to kidnap them, when she had just threatened them that someone would go to drastic measures, seems a little weird. =/
She goes from



One minute she tells Jonas that his parents probably don't even remember him, the next she apparently cares for him from the last video: ex: "...HE's my nephew..."
