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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:18 am
by ericski
the mexico joke was funny but more so because of bree and the music stopping. good stuff.
but for me, i actually laughed out loud and clapped when daniel announced he was going to break in and grinned that that was what he knew how to do. that was one of the best bits of this whole series imo.
daniel (like many dorks, self included) is easily led by a cute girl. so i can only hope for his sake alex is going to go easy on him.
i'm inclined to think that alex staged the call for his benefit.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:30 am
by Sami
Now we know the TAAg has passports.. i guess?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:41 am
by megs229
Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.
I also noticed this on the vid transcript in the notes section. So I just thought I would let everyone know
I thought the MexicHo joke was hilarious especially the way the editors played it up with the music and such... Made Bree seem real, most people have ditz moments at some time or another. It was cute. Anyways... I also see more and more of Bree and Jonas time.
Kudos to Beast for B&E AGAIN! lol Anyone else think that Alex's pad looked a little bit like Lucy's, with the balcony and all? just thought that they sort of resembled each other. Also she was making a drink, or so we assume, just like Lucy was when Nikki B found her. lol I'm sure it's not relevant just pointing out what I saw
definately think it is time for a Jonas vid!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:47 am
Fun video...the Mexic-ho bit was pretty funny (classic Bree, and the music stopping was a nice touch), as was Daniel's self-awareness about his perpetual breaking and entering. Do you guys think that "fish taco" was supposed to be a double-entendre, or is that too non-PG13?
So, it seems like Aunt Alex, beyond being incredibly attractive, is also indeed conflicted. However, from her half-conversation, it does seem like she's still on the side of the Order. She sounded resigned at the end of the conversation, which isn't a good sign.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:54 am
by imogene2004
At first I thought Alex said "intercept them for you" but after listening a few more times I don't know what she said

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:24 am
by EternalConfusion
Okay, so I only got to the third page of this forum cause its spring break for me and i got stuff to do (and the snow outside is making me terribly depressed)
1. I think the 'ho joke' might be "hoe". Like you know, the Beast might be getting some action?? Hence, "mamasitas lock up your daughters". Oh Jonas is so hott when hes speaking Spanish
2. I don't think that Alex was smiling at all at the end. I thought she was crying. Usually when most people cry, they kind of "smile".. if u get what I mean. I think she's defintely conflicted.
3. Bree & Jonas out together again? Maybe another "Snow Angels" video is in call? Maybe the air in mexico is going to start a romance <3
4. Even if they dont need passports, why would they randomly have their birth certificates and IDs? I mean, they did just escape from the order w/ nothing and I didn't think Bree n Daniel had theirs when they left their houses in the first place.
5. I totallly knew they were gonna go travelling!
6. This is a public video... so the Order now knows they're in Mexico.. greaaaaaat. Repeat anyone?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:31 am
by mellie3204
TOSG wrote:Do you guys think that "fish taco" was supposed to be a double-entendre, or is that too non-PG13?
Oh TOSG, you're so bad!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:44 am
by sparkybennett
great video
mexico joke was so funny
fish tacos are great,

keep your minds out of the gutter!!!)
here's what I hear from Alex:
Yes they called me/
no because/
I do care because it's a violation of free will and you know/
well do you want me to psych them for you?
edited to add if it is Psych it could mean :
. 1. to intimidate or frighten psychologically, or make nervous (often fol. by out): to psych out the competition.
2. to prepare psychologically to be in the right frame of mind or to give one's best (often fol. by up): to psych oneself up for an interview.
3. to figure out psychologically; decipher (often fol. by out): to psych out a problem.
___________do anything/
It's horribly upsetting alright? I don't like lying. It goes against/
because he's my nephew!
I think I see a little smile at the end when she is holding her head...she is so evil!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:48 am
by silvermoon
I think the "smile" was more of a grimace of frustration/conflict.
The only way a smile there would make sense is if she were putting on a show for Daniel with the phone call. And don't you think she's a little too smart to put on a fake phone call because she knows Daniel is listening...and then smile? Obviously if she knows he can hear her, he can see her as well.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:57 am
by Jamidru
Fish Taco IS a slang term for something else, and though it's inappropriate, It also doens't make sense in context.
So I'm thinking they mean the other definition, which is a mexican dish.
Though I admit I was shocked becuase the slang definition is the first one I thought of.
(for street definition you can try urban dictionary.... gross)
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:02 am
by HisGirl
what's up with aunt alex perpetually having a shopping bag with her? what is she carrying?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:20 am
by EternalConfusion

OMG!! Some people here are so guttered minded!! I'm not saying that its not amusing (cause it most certainly is) but wow!
It's like the spinner thing all over again!
Jeez... its always Jonas n Bree

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:31 am
by Languorous Lass
Sappho wrote:And now that Daniel's teeth are Hollywood. . .
They are?

I better go back and watch again.
EDITED TO ADD: No, they're not. Sappho, you really got me on that one.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:36 am
by megs229
Quick ? - Can anyone tell me what they mean by Beast's teath being all Hollywood? Thanks

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:37 am
by Languorous Lass
Misty wrote:if you listen to Daniel's tone of voice, when he mentioned the fish taco, it sounded like sarcasm, or like he didn't really believe that's what they were up to.
Or maybe . . . the term "fish taco" was meant as an obscene reference.
Think about it.
EDITED TO ADD: Sorry, several people made that point before I did.