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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:54 pm
by Ziola
Hippie wrote:
I didnt expect Jonas' aunt to be as old as she was, she looks late 20s to me, doesnt matter, she is kind of hot. one can only hope! ;)

Looks can be deceiving...some people look older then their age, some people look younger.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:57 pm
by michiev
Ziola wrote:
Hippie wrote:
I didnt expect Jonas' aunt to be as old as she was, she looks late 20s to me, doesnt matter, she is kind of hot. one can only hope! ;)

Looks can be deceiving...some people look older then their age, some people look younger.
Yeah im 15 and i look 12. or so..other people say.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:59 pm
by Ziola
heh...I'm 30 and still get carded when I buy cigarettes for the hubby 8)

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:59 pm
by Incognito
i think she was wearing a lot of foundation, it made her look kinda older than she is. but she's definitely really pretty and seems very interesting, i love new characters!

btw anyone know the actress yet?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:01 pm
by FyodorReader
michiev wrote:
Ziola wrote:
Hippie wrote:
I didnt expect Jonas' aunt to be as old as she was, she looks late 20s to me, doesnt matter, she is kind of hot. one can only hope! ;)

Looks can be deceiving...some people look older then their age, some people look younger.
Yeah im 15 and i look 12. or so..other people say.
dude im almost 20 and people still say i could pass for 12/13 ... however one person thought was 25 once... how that happened ill never know...

i liked how aunt alex didnt take daniels hitting on her very seriously... in her mind *eww little man*

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:02 pm
by imogene2004
Ziola wrote:
Hippie wrote:
I didnt expect Jonas' aunt to be as old as she was, she looks late 20s to me, doesnt matter, she is kind of hot. one can only hope! ;)

Looks can be deceiving...some people look older then their age, some people look younger.
yeah I'm 28 and the last time I bought beer I got carded, felt good actually....especially since I have 3 kids (the oldest is 10) :D

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:12 pm
by Chelseyrl
Incognito wrote:i think she was wearing a lot of foundation, it made her look kinda older than she is. but she's definitely really pretty and seems very interesting, i love new characters!

btw anyone know the actress yet?
It is rumored to be Jessica Lee Rose's friend Amy Aitken. ... 7d6dec.jpg

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:18 pm
by freakish
dang jonas and aunt alex are such good actors.

also, on account of how bad jonas is at lying we can probably safely assume hes not part of the order

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:04 pm
by Kanazaka
I liked this new video. Daniel's flirting was hilarious, Aunt Alex is very pretty :smt049, Jonas's and Daniel's banter was very funny as usual, and Bree has finally wised up and gotten away from the boys. I don't think that Jonas will be able to hide his secret snooping for very long, but it will be funny while it lasts.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:06 pm
by Mvidrine
Well, that was a great video. I love the banter between Jonas and Daniel. One big question is now that the Teen trio has split, I wonder where the Order will focus their efforts? It'd seem that Bree would be fairly safe with Tach. So perhaps the Order will double their efforts to capture or even kill Jonas and Daniel, now that they don't have to worry about harming Bree.

As for the Aunt, we don't have enough to say for sure, she could totally go the way of Gemma, she could drive a wedge between Daniel and the rest, but who knows. Personally I think she's cool. She looks put together, able to do alot of research and find stuff out. She put up with Daniel's sad attempts very nicely. As for if she'll make videos, I think its a possiblity. Daniel did say she's really into Photography, so who knows

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:31 pm
by islandlove
"See she thinks I'm cool"

haha this video was really cute

Aunt Alex was definitely really pretty she did look a little older than i thought she was

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:55 pm
Great video.

The videos with Jonas and Daniel (and not Bree) are consistently great. Jackson and Yousef have great chemistry (although certainly not in a way that would make me inclined to believe the "Jonas loves Daniel" theories that everyone likes trotting out).

I wonder what kind of role Aunt Alex will come to play. Will she be a main character like Bree/Daniel/Jonas/Gemma, or a side character like Lucy?

I'm a little surprised that Tachyon was on call to come babysit Bree, but it could just be a convenient device to let the series focus on the other characters for a few videos. I wonder whether Bree will be posting any videos while staying with Tachyon.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:58 pm
by TommyIsCancer
This was a very funny video. Jonas and Daniel together are gold. I was laughing my ass off for most of the video.

I don't understand why people are forming opinions already - positive or negative - about Aunt Alex. We've barely even seen her and people are already saying "I don't like her." Jeez, that's rather judgmental.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:01 pm
by Chartreuse
OMG I haven't posted here in ages... I've only had time to follow the videos and the Pedia pages. Hi, Lanie's back!

Anyhow! Jonas and Daniel do have good chemistry as actors (not in a slash-y way), and I really enjoy their videos.

The aunt thing bugs me. I mean, every character in the series has a specific reason for being there. Even Random Girl was important in that she helped Daniel realize there were other girls out there, which led to his drunken bar adventure, which led to him being abducted, which led to them meeting Tachy and Brother...

So I think the question is, what important role is Auntie Em (Alex, lol) going to play? Is she going to be an aide to their current quest for information? Is she going to be an Order spy? Or is she simply going to be a meddling aunt and stick her nose in too far and start really asking questions that could get them into trouble?

PS: Jonas, your lying sucks. Keep it simple, stupid... you could have said that you had been FIXING SOMETHING when you hurt yourself with the screwdriver. The less you have to stretch the truth, the more believable you are, sweetie.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:10 pm
by imogene2004
Chelseyrl wrote: It is rumored to be Jessica Lee Rose's friend Amy Aitken.

I definately see some similarities.