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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:43 am
by onsweetavenue
imogene2004 wrote:What ticks me off is that after everything Daniel's done for Bree, she still doesn't seem to appreciate him. Yeah, she saved his life (actually that credit should go to Tachyon) but he was only in that predicament because of her. Now, she hardly gives him the time of day, she's too busy making googly eyes at Jonas.

Daniel deserves alot better.
I disagree. I think she does appreciate daniel, very much so.
She doesn't need to be sexually attracted to daniel just because he helped her. If she likes Jonas, she can like jonas. If daniel is sleeping and they wanna go on a hike, they should go. That doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate him, that means she's respecting his health and letting him sleep. She was annoying before jonas came about when they were on the road - with daniel and taking advantage of him - but now I think she's been great - especially when she put it all on the line for daniel.
I don't think she's into him. maybe she is, but I kinda hope she's into Jonas because i'd like to see a love scene.
I just outed myself as one of the massses with a crush on jonas. sigh.
So did everyone zoom in the background of the hiking scenes? I assume by now if there was anything it woudl ahve showed up, right?
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:03 am
by watermelonhead
looks like there's another rooster in the henhouse!
haha j;/k dont be jealous danielbeast, jonas is gay, so he's not a threat to your relationship with bree!
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:56 am
by Balmung
I think danielbeast is just being a big old drama queen!
p.s. ^watermelonhead has 111 posts!
that's gotta be lucky or somethin
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:00 am
by exquizid
So, yes in my opinion, definately, definately flirting. Sooo cute.
One thing I had to add is that; bree has been really socially isolated for most of her life. When most girls in highschool have tons of crushes, dates, etc., Bree has basiclaly just had Daniel. (not that theres necesarily anything wrong with that...) and they were never really boyfriend/girlfriend either. so now, all of a sudden, theres this new guy Jonas. And he's taking huge risks for her, taking care of her, and maybe flirting a little with her.
And she doesn't know what to do, because it's kind of new, and she's enjoying the attention.
So whether she ends up choosing Daniel or Jonas...either way, she'll be in a better place to MAKE a decision, because it won't have been her one and only option.
Sorry if this sounds confusing...horrible flu + too much Nyquil
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:25 am
by impulse
Oh nice little flirting action.... Our beast friend is pissed. Now, would his jealousy make him betray the two love birds and put them into Lucy's arms?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:08 am
by Misty
Maybe it's not Jonas being with Bree, that Daniel is jealous of, maybe it's Bree being with Jonas. After all, Daniel sure seemed enamored with Jonas after his last Video

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:32 am
by angie78gg

poor Jonas and DB.....if they end up in prison, they better pray that they get the same cell!
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:59 am
by Biglancer01
aideen wrote::
The fact that ONE person will always be awake to keep watch, tells me that someone will fall asleep and the Order will come.
I just hope it isn't Jonas :/
What if he doesn't fall asleep? What if he lets them in? If Jonas is working for the order, althought I'm starting to believe it's Daniel and I will explain that after, why wouldn't he just wait till everyones asleep and let the order in? hmmm. Get close to Bree build up her trust and then when she thinks everything is ok, wham-o Jonas flips.
But seriously, I think Daniel is the one who flipped. Maybe when he went to the Pins and Pints, he wasn't caputured but left with the order. Maybe he was getting pissed at Bree for pushing him aside all the time, and Jonas for stealing his girl, he has put the better part of a year into sweeping off her feet. Maybe it was a "If I can't have her then no one will mentallity"? They knew Bree would do something foolish to get him back, like give herself up and do the ceremony, they just weren't counting on Tachyon. But now with everything going on with J&B it'll just further push DB away and into the arms of the order.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:10 am
by AM
For those who keep saying that Daniel is only there because of Bree, try looking at it from Op's POV, that Bree is there because of Daniel.
Who convinced Bree, even to the point of arguing with her and almost causing her to break off their friendship, that the ceremony was a bad idea?
If you look at it that way, they're essentially all on the run with their lives changed forever because Daniel convinced Bree to question her religion. Had he just been a good boy and kept his suspicions to himself none of this would have happened.
Is Daniel 'on the run' because of Bree or is Bree 'on the run' because of Daniel's meddling ways?
Bree didn't ask D to break into Lucy's apartment, in fact she asked him to back off before he put himself in danger. As far as we know d-beast acted of his own free will getting himself deeper and deeper into this intrigue.
Another thought; if he could go back in time and just get his old life back, working at the gas 'n eats and beign 'violently ignored' by his parents, what do you think he would choose and why? I think he'd choose espionage and intrigue over hum drum boring (and not just because of his love for Bree).
Besides, what would Bree have to do in order to repay her supposed debt to Daniel? Would anything short of falling in love with him and 'hooking up' for real be enough?
I'm not trying to defend Bree here at all, I am more just playing Devil's advocate. In fact, as I stated earlier in this thread, I've come to believe they don't actually belong together because I think Daniel deserves happiness and I don't see Bree being able to give him the love he deserves.
(and now I'm thinking of Scooby Doo; "...If it hadn't been for you meddling kids OP would have gotten away with it too.")
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:49 am
by Christie91
Aww bless, I feel sorry for DB but I do actually want onas and Bree to get together for some strange reason that is beyond me

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:09 am
by silvermoon
Poor Daniel.
Heck, poor Bree. Can't stand her, but what a position she's in! Stuck in a cabin with two fabulous boys who both seem to adore her....
Yep, sucks to be Bree.
I have to admit, Jonas gets hotter every video. I love me some Beast, but there's just something about Jonas.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:42 am
by Kasdeja
Gah...I was hoping that the series wouldn't go to this sappy OC route. If this turns into a love triangle I swear... I'd rather find out more about the Order, Watchers, what they are going to do...etc...then watch people play googley eyes and such. Frustrating.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:23 am
by nobackspacebutton
nobackspacebutton wrote:Definately some trouble. Daniel feels left out...
I think this is the first time we actually SEE Daniel's true feelings for Bree. He was definately jealous that he was left out while Jonas and Bree were dancing in the snow and making snow angels. Luckily for Daniel, Bree is kind of childish, and just because she was enjoying her time with Jonas doesn't mean she has feelings for him. I think Bree just enjoyed goofing off for a while. Hopefully Daniel won't be too mad at Bree or Jonas about this...maybe they will get into a fight. =P
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:24 am
by lookinginonyou
ok, so everyone's said Daniel's jealous.. yes, but I think there's something bigger here. Jonas has said he doesn't dig Bree.. like when he built the great wall of Jonas.. but he seems to have lost some of that since daniel's been gone for a while.. i was expecting this to happen in this video from the beginning.. and when they didn't stop filming outside, i figured daniel'd get pissed..
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:34 am
by Sami
I don't think Daniel is jealous.
They're hiding from a scary order who kidnapped Daniel a while back. He wakes up, and his friends are GONE! Maybe he thinks they're kidnapped. He's all alone and worried.
Them they come back all "We played in the snow! It was soooo funny, we made a snow angle, man we had a good time!"
I think Daniel got pissed