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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:52 am
by Christie91
nobackspacebutton wrote:cosmicdancer wrote:Can I just say if we look at everything from the 'theres no proof" point of view then we would have no straight facts about anything? Do the Creators want us to disprove everything they have shown us or are they actually showing us certain things with the intention of showing us straight facts?
I mean its one thing to try to disprove things coming from either side, but if we're going to get technical here the Creators DID sound the gunshots and have Jonas witness Brees fathers body being loaded into the car for a reason.
Which I think gives us more proof that he's been killed than proof that he hasn't.
Is there a certain point where we should believe what the Creators are trying to show us, or should we continue to question everything we see? Because if so, we're not going to have any proof of anything.
Do they need to present Brees Dads bloody body to us for us to believe that he's been killed?
I mean I completely respect the whole question everything motto but when we are given more facts (from the Creators) about one theory than another perhaps we should just assume they're true until the point where we have more reason to believe otherwise, rather than just saying "there's no proof that he IS dead."
Ya know what I mean, jelly bean?
Oi vey that made my eyes cross for some reason. Not enough sleep.

Good explaination of how we can over speculate and how sometimes we don't take everything as we see it. Lately I've been starting to think that even though the Creators said they were going to have more hidden clues in the videos, everything we see is AS IT SEEMS. There were gunshots---why speculate that the gunshots weren't intended for the only one who was 'supposedly' killed?
Ye, thats always something that confuses me when I think of a new theory

'Maybe I'm looking into it too much'
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:52 pm
by Lurker
Ziola wrote:I draw my conclusion about this being a personal vendetta VS one for Bree's safety based on emails I've exchanged with Tachyon. She grew up jealous of her sister and her sisters place in the Order. She always felt as though she wasn't good enough or special and that she was treated that way.
That doesn't really address what I asked or commented on, though. We've not gotten any suggestion that Tachyon's crazy simply for being jealous of what happened when she was young, or even that she's using Bree in a sick game (again, all she's done where Bree is concerned is save her and her friends). I can think of much "sicker" ways she could be using Bree than even if she's just sitting back and watching while she waits for the Order to come at Bree.
I don't doubt that there's some personal vendetta at work here, but that isn't enough to tell us 1) Tachyon's acting without the knowledge or approval of the rest of the Culper Ring (in fact, based on Tachyon's early stuff and her later trip to Fiji, I'd say they're well aware of what she's up to and give her many of her orders), 2) that Tachyon's only concern is revenge (why would she have gone to Fiji to do other things and left it all in Brother's care if that were the case anyway?), and especially not to suggest us to us 3) that the Watchers are good.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:50 pm
by Lurker
Okay, in
the files on the disc Tachyon gave BDJ, we get our first blatant reference from an in-story character that the Watcher symbol given to us by Gemma and seen in OpAphid's videos
is the symbol of the Watchers, and that it's a symbol representing the Order's "all seeing eye" (had to use the phrase for trainer's sake):
Tachyon wrote:The Theta is similar to an Egyptian symbol that represents the Sun, and the Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon? When combined this "watcher" symbol establishes that the Order rules and watches over all that exists in between.
Theta is the 8th letter, Mu is the 12th. So that's one more 12, but the 8 = ?.
Theta was also used as an abbreviation for "Thanatos," and considered a warning of death.
So, as long as you believe Tachyon (which I do), this is a straightforward accusation connecting the Watchers with the Order, and consequently with OpAphid. Take that as you will, everyone, but I'm taking it as another indication that the Watchers are for the Order, and, therefore, do not have Bree's best interests in mind.