Okay, in
the files on the disc Tachyon gave BDJ, we get our first blatant reference from an in-story character that the Watcher symbol given to us by Gemma and seen in OpAphid's videos
is the symbol of the Watchers, and that it's a symbol representing the Order's "all seeing eye" (had to use the phrase for trainer's sake):
Tachyon wrote:The Theta is similar to an Egyptian symbol that represents the Sun, and the Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon? When combined this "watcher" symbol establishes that the Order rules and watches over all that exists in between.
Theta is the 8th letter, Mu is the 12th. So that's one more 12, but the 8 = ?.
Theta was also used as an abbreviation for "Thanatos," and considered a warning of death.
So, as long as you believe Tachyon (which I do), this is a straightforward accusation connecting the Watchers with the Order, and consequently with OpAphid. Take that as you will, everyone, but I'm taking it as another indication that the Watchers are for the Order, and, therefore, do not have Bree's best interests in mind.