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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:53 am
by cosmicdancer
Inigo wrote:Oh and I think one of the WATCHERS was one of the creators... maybe Mesh
I think maybe it was too.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:53 am
by blondiejam
WOW! what a great video!
i wonder if the footage of the scenery is important? a lot of time was devoted to it... should we try to identify the places?
(i will be of no help, btw - i live in pennsylvania lol)
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:54 am
by Falls
Tachyon tossed the flashbang in. She was the one with the second camera, taping everything. Did Jonas not make it? Lucy was pretty close.. still, Lucy's like this size 2 order chick. Wouldn't you just have to, like, dropkick her down the stairs and run? I don't think they got him.
I love the crossover.. when the Tachyon music started, I orgasm'd.
Haha, Daniel was so wasted.
Seriously, this is my favorite LG15 video in the series. I was so mad that they didn't show us Tachyon! Grr..
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:56 am
by cup o' noodles
Emilya90 wrote:When I first saw the way the shots were for the driving scene I was getting excited because it wasn’t the normal way, it was all smooth. Then when I heard the music I screamed and started freaking out!
When I first heard that song, I was started bouncing up and down like a hyper little kid! The first few notes of that badass song basically guarentee something totally kickass is about to happen.
Does ANYONE know the name of the song?
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:56 am
by Kanazaka
I think we need to stop doubting the Creators; it seems to me that they've been giving us what we want to see in many of the recent videos--Daniel missing, Daniel captured by the Order and now Tachyon flying in to save the day. That said, this was a BADASS video. Great music, cool cinematography, slick costumes for Lucy and her Order goons and nice editing. My only quibble is that they didn't show Bree running out of the elevator, but then again, the stairs sequence at the end provides enough suspense.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:58 am
by absolution
Nice caps. He could have handed the camera to Daniel?
Quoting General Tagge: "possible, however unlikely"
Daniel: Whatever give me the camera so I can edit the footage!
Jonas: OK! here you go! bye!
It wouldnt make any sense. If they get him, he wouldnt have time to pass the camera. simple, in that respect, It's no cliffhanger because he got away.
Well I was hoping for some sexy lunging action (camera pass) then Jonas staying back to fight off the O'dah.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:00 am
by kgurl84
Not sure if this was posted yet but waaaay too excited.....go creators on a fan-freaking-tastic video!!!
but it's up on Bree's youtube account:
"Daniel here on Bree's account. I guess she showed up with Jonas to get me back. I had some help editing this video, it's all still a blur..."
Tags: LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast ransom lucy order opaphid
Edit: To put in which youtube account it was on.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:00 am
by Sheqinah
I wonder if Tachyon did toss the flashbang in? Would not the Order know who she is? They would get very suspicious if there was anyone else other than Bree and Jonas in the hall waiting for the elevator. I am sure they had their own cameras set up too
I am sure Jonas got away. Daniel would of said something. Lucy could of had a gun. If they shot Bree's Dad, they are not against packing heat apparently, and they had a lot in stake for Bree to do the ceremony, so I am sure they were not without a plan too.
There was up to five cameras that I counted. Not including Jonas'
Edit to add that there is also a ground camera, and elevator 2 camera (which suggests there was an elevator 1 camera that was set up in case they used a different elevator??
Anyway, that is a total of 8 cameras accounted for
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:01 am
by je_sais_cequisetrame
Well... maybe I should give Bree another chance, hehehe.
I lovelovelovelovelove how EVERYONE comes together in this video. We've got OpAphid, Tachyon, Brother, and the mains... wooooo, I love it when things finally come together and make sense.
I wonder if they didn't get Jonas, yeah, but it would be sort of weird to take the camera from him and leave him there and all O_O I dunno, maybe I have to watch the video a few more times...
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:01 am
by Emilya90
I think my favorite part in this vid is when Bree looks up when she’s in the elevator. She looks so bad ass!!! I also totally want my own theme song!!!
One more thing it looks like she is saying tachyon when she talking to Daniel.
edit: Another thing, in a reply the creators sent me it said
‘I think you’ll like where we are headed with the story’
And I sure do!!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:07 am
by Falls
I wonder why when Jonas said "Tachyon" it was muted?
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:11 am
by Onewen
Falls wrote:I wonder why when Jonas said "Tachyon" it was muted?
I noticed that too...are we thinking they are trying to protect her? Although, they did mention

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:14 am
by Inigo
Can somebody grab a screencap of all the watchers please??? Im pretty sure one of them is MESH FLINDERS
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:15 am
by Emilya90
Falls wrote:I wonder why when Jonas said "Tachyon" it was muted?
When was this, i don't hear it.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:16 am
by bethy
I swear that a couple of the first scenes are recycled footage.