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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:23 am
by nobackspacebutton
Marbella wrote:Hi Everybody. At first, this video just totally confused me. I still really want the transcript, 'cause I cannot take in visual info as well as words. However:
Reasons given that Jonas may be with the order:
(1) He goes to the van, crawls inside it and then says there is nothing there. If you open the back of a van and don't see anything, do you try to climb inside it? The other guy calling the cowboy also seemed orchestrated.
(2) The Order MUST know the location of Jonas' house by now, as Apo pointed out. They are doing nothing about that. Essentially, the Order (Jonas) already has Bree.
What gets me is that they would actually leave and take that long drive back, all the way!
I think they should have gone back a few miles and then tried again.
If this video were a video game, that is what I would do.
Going all the way back to the beginning is just "defeat."
You are exactly right. Why would they go back? All that way? And how much time has passed between these videos?
It would be crazy to go allll the way back..crazy to not investigate...crazy to not try harder.
Daniel is in danger! I feel like Jonas is just wasting time and leading Bree away from where she needs to be!
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:25 am
by nobackspacebutton
Marbella wrote:Another comment about something confusing:
"Fearless" Jonas climbs into the van like nobody's business!
Then, "Fearless" Jonas starts running back and drives all the way home.
What happened? Why is he afraid of the local "Cowboy," if he knows him?
Also, "Watchers don't wear hats," or "Watchers don't wear cowboy hats?"
Uh.. Transcript please.. or I guess I have to watch it again.
This reminds me of Ms.Kelly's constant comments about Jonas going out "without his hat!!"
The ONLY person to date who has ever DESCRIBED a watcher was Gemma. She is completely unreliable. Also, I don't believe anyone was able to blow up the wrist smudge on the man at the grocery store to prove he had a tatto there..
You're right...How does Jonas know anything, even that, about the Watchers? And why would he make a joke like that? I love all your points and I agree with them completely. I couldn't have said any of it better myself.
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:25 am
by silvermoon
I don't want Jonas to be bad!! Here are my (lamish) excuses why these things happened:
Marbella wrote:
(1) He goes to the van, crawls inside it and then says there is nothing there. If you open the back of a van and don't see anything, do you try to climb inside it? The other guy calling the cowboy also seemed orchestrated.
Maybe there was a lot of junk in the back--the cowboy gets hired out to do odd jobs--tools and such. Jonas crawled in to get a better look around all the clutter.
Marbella wrote:
(2) The Order MUST know the location of Jonas' house by now, as Apo pointed out. They are doing nothing about that. Essentially, the Order (Jonas) already has Bree.
Maybe the Oder isn't doing anything about getting Bree, because she is bad, and they really have been after Daniel all along.
*sigh* Or maybe Jonas is bad, who knows?
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:28 am
by nobackspacebutton
Its okay..we're all a little frustrated by this.
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:31 am
by itsreallyreal
And it is AWESOME!
Wasn't Jonas a boxer? He should have whjooped that cobwboys butt...

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:31 am
by Kasdeja
I'm going nutzo.
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:35 am
by silvermoon
Kasdeja wrote:I'm going nutzo.
As illustrated by your avatar.
That thing freaks me out!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:37 am
by nobackspacebutton
silvermoon wrote:Kasdeja wrote:I'm going nutzo.
As illustrated by your avatar.
That thing freaks me out!

It hurts my eyes >.<
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:40 am
by Marbella
NBS.. We also have THAT in common!!
That spinning avatar freaks me out, too!!
Silvermoon, so many of your comments crack me up! I would nominate you for playing "crazy neighbor" on LG-15, if you want to!
You had some interesting "what if" rebuttal points..
except for that we KNOW the white van and the man with the hat were most likely just traveling along with them the entire time..
Well, I'm 98% sure.
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:43 am
by nobackspacebutton
How about this one Marbella?
Jonas is a boxer.
Why not just ask the guy and beat the answers out of him?
Why so scared?
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:44 am
by silvermoon
Marbella wrote:
Silvermoon, so many of your comments crack me up! I would nominate you for playing "crazy neighbor" on LG-15, if you want to!
What is "Crazy neighbor" (besides what my actual neighbors say when they point at my house)?
Glad I give you a chuckle now and again!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:44 am
by joygasm
voyboy wrote:
I wonder who drew the heart? lol
Love it!
I am not sure what to think of this video. Kind of lame. I am with some of the others who are not sure why they keep watching. I am not getting the answers I want and I guess it doesn't matter to the creators
WHY we keep watching... just that we do.
For the people who wonder why the man was still at the bowling alley. I am pretty sure the man knew what he is doing... if he is with the order. Lets see... your friend never comes home and you are worried about him.... you are going to go to the last place he was known to be to see if anyone saw him, right? That's pretty natural. I am sure this man knew that Bree and Jonas would show up there....
BUT... why didn't he do anything to them once they got up there? I'm sure he would have noticed him. Maybe Daniel was still tied up in the back of the van while they were at the bowling alley. If it was the man who sent the text, we are pretty sure he saw Bree sitting a few cars over right?? Why would he lead them all the way to him cabin, more or less, and then just let them go? What did he try to leave at the rest stop? Was that intentional or was it accidental?
There are just too many questions... this video made very little sense to me... I think if the creators don't feed me soon, I will have to go look elsewhere...
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:45 am
by Marbella
Also Silvermoon,
This video REALLY incriminates Jonas more than any other one, IMHO. I thinkthe Order DOES want Daniel. They want to either (a) keep him out of the way, or (b) eventually use him as a "kidnapping."
Now, Bree has been known to say some off-the-wall things, like talking about her Medulla oblongota (spelling? I don't remember!!)
Maybe she just confuses Superman and Bruce Wayne.
Next thing you know, she'll be talking about her "endoplasmic reticulum!"
Whe's just an odd bird. I really like her though, although lately, she's been so ungrateful that I've been very put off by her.
Then again, deep down, she probably suspects that Daniel IS with the Order. Who would be grateful for that?
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:46 am
by Marbella
I meant Jonas, not Daniel.. Of course!!
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:46 am
by joygasm
nobackspacebutton wrote:silvermoon wrote:Kasdeja wrote:I'm going nutzo.
As illustrated by your avatar.
That thing freaks me out!

It hurts my eyes >.<
I hate that thing! It's kind of disgusting! I am glad someone else brought it up.