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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:47 pm
by jenlight
First I'll react then I'll read the thread.


She is so going to break his heart. Oh Daniel, you are such a "nice guy" :cry:

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:48 pm
by Cherie_Sotta
Did they do it? Didn't they do it?

I think they did it. "Walk of Shame" is only related to sex. "Hooked up" is almost only related to sex. But why would he title it "Bree and I hooked up" like some kinda sleazy? Daniel isn't a sleazy! I'm way confused. Still convinced it's some kinda trick.

Bree's being crazy again. What a surprise.

... wonder how Jonas is gonna feel about this? Looks like maybe he was giving us some foreshadowing with his dead fish theory... hmmm?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:48 pm
by autumneternal
Broken Kid wrote:
autumneternal wrote:I was going to reply to house's comment, but you beat me to it. In other words, the age of sexual consent in California is 18. I know that they're filming in California, and they don't make much effort to hide landmarks, but are we sure that this is actually taking place in California?
I think it's pretty well established...

But I imagine they didn't have sex...
I really hope not. I hope that we're just interpreting the phrase "walk of shame".

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:50 pm
by Inigo
I dont think they did it anymore.

Daniel is just not that type of guy. He's said before Bree is an innocent girl, and he loves that about her. I dont think he'd take that away. Even if Bree were the one that started he'd push her away.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:51 pm
by Beckers
I new they would eventually have to kiss but I don't have to like it.
Hooked up refers more to sex so I was confused about the video name like everyone else is.
I'm glad bree finally stoped being a B**** cause it was getting on my nerves.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:53 pm
by thelogicpuzzler

[deep breath]


[recollect myself]



Now, unfortunately, you know what this means. Bree is eventually going to see this vid. I have no idea how she is gonna take this. With so much change going on in the last few months, there's no sure way to tell what the reaction will be.

What does he mean by "hooked up"? From what I here from my friends, "hooked up" can mean two different things. Who knows for sure? Except for Bree and Daniel.


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:54 pm
by sparkybennett
when Bree met with her Dad, he told her alot of stuff about the order and being chosen.
What if he told her that she would no longer be "desirable" to the order if she was no longer a virgin.
So either that motivated her to hook up with the Beast, or she and Daniel put out the video just to see if the order would give up on her.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:54 pm
by impulse
Right now the Creators are like #-o or like :smt043

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:56 pm
by Absynth

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:56 pm
by betz28
sparkybennett wrote:when Bree met with her Dad, he told her alot of stuff about the order and being chosen.
What if he told her that she would no longer be "desirable" to the order if she was no longer a virgin.
So either that motivated her to hook up with the Beast, or she and Daniel put out the video just to see if the order would give up on her.
thats what i was trying to get out earlier...that seems likely to me

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:56 pm
by Inigo
sparkybennett wrote:when Bree met with her Dad, he told her alot of stuff about the order and being chosen.
What if he told her that she would no longer be "desirable" to the order if she was no longer a virgin.
So either that motivated her to hook up with the Beast, or she and Daniel put out the video just to see if the order would give up on her.

They wouldnt give up on her. If they find out she lost her virginity, they would kill her and Daniel

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:56 pm
by Cherie_Sotta
... and also....

HOW many times have we "predicted" that a video was plotted, that a story twist was plotted, to fool the order? And HOW many times was it true? Once and we didn't even know about it - it was too fool our beloved Daniel about Bree's Ceremony. I dunno, I'm kinda over this whole "they're trying to trick the order!" thing. The order doesn't really even seem to be around, lately. And (I can't remember if it was Daniel or Jonas... think it was Jonas...) they even said that it didn't even look like The Deacon and Lucy WANTED Bree - they wanted Bree's dad. There has been nothing that's happened that WE have seen to prove that The Order is on their tail. No Watchers, no Gemma, no Lucy, no Oppy, not even any Tachyon. So why would they want to trick the order - after living in motel rooms ALL ALONE while they WERE a hot commodity - would they chose to fake having sex NOW? Something to explore, I think.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:57 pm
by autumneternal
impulse wrote:Right now the Creators are like #-o or like :smt043
I happen to think you're probably right. I'd like to think they're the latter, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:00 pm
by Luv2Skydive
sparkybennett wrote:when Bree met with her Dad, he told her alot of stuff about the order and being chosen.
What if he told her that she would no longer be "desirable" to the order if she was no longer a virgin.
So either that motivated her to hook up with the Beast, or she and Daniel put out the video just to see if the order would give up on her.
Or Bree wants to get pregnant...the question is does she was to do it FOR the Order or to get OUT of the Order?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:00 pm
by jenlight
impulse wrote:Right now the Creators are like #-o or like :smt043
I think they're more like :^o