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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:38 pm
by Mirage
Guess I'm gonna have to start shopping for tapered jeans with front butt now.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:42 pm
by Kasdeja
Ew, that's in the TOOOOO old spectrum, lmao.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:44 pm
by nobackspacebutton
Its strange thinking there are (so far) 4 people on here that are my parents age...I can't think of my dad sitting in front of here trying to decode Daniel's last video or what P. Monkey is really trying to tell us. @.@
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:45 pm
by Kasdeja
If that one guy is telling the truth, there's only one person here my dad's age. phew.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:47 pm
by wintermute
nobackspacebutton wrote:Its strange thinking there are (so far) 4 people on here that are my parents age...I can't think of my dad sitting in front of here trying to decode Daniel's last video or what P. Monkey is really trying to tell us. @.@
What's even scarier is that there are 8 people so far who I'm easily old enough to be the father of. And a few more if I had started before I was 18.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:48 pm
by Kasdeja
Let's not go down that scary road, 'mute...
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:53 pm
by wintermute
Kasdeja wrote:Let's not go down that scary road, 'mute...
You're right.... I don't wanna put any of the people who haven't voted yet into mid-life crisis
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:00 pm
by Cuddlebunni
whats that I hear ? Mute is brees biological father?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:03 pm
by wintermute
Cuddlebunni wrote:whats that I hear ? Mute is brees biological father?

Easily old enough to be
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:37 pm
by mandamoon
AutoPilate wrote:mandamoon wrote:today is my birthday. i'm 27.

Happy birfday!

thank you!

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:50 pm
by Eric
Get used to it guys. Like I said, I'm 42, but I still feel mentally like I should be in my 20's. Sometimes it weirds me out to think that i'm actually my age. The body doesn't necessarily always agree. There are a few extra creaks and pops sometimes.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:20 pm
by lonelycrackerjack
nobackspacebutton wrote:Its strange thinking there are (so far) 4 people on here that are my parents age...I can't think of my dad sitting in front of here trying to decode Daniel's last video or what P. Monkey is really trying to tell us. @.@
Yeh, I'm the one that's 62 and I sure can't picture either of my parents sitting around doing this either. Unfortunately, neither of them was at all technically inclined, and there was no way I could get them to use a computer.
I get a kick out of listening to the kids in their 20's here who figure it's all down hill for them now. That is so opposite what it can be and what it should be. As strange as it might sound to you guys - both my wife and I figure that every year gets better than the previous years.
Through high school, life is extremely rigid. You have parents telling you what to do, teachers telling you what to do, extreme social pressure on what to wear, how to talk, who to talk to, who to be seen with, who you can get a date with and you probably have to face all this with zits on your face. I should want to go back to this?
The college years are a little better. You have some more freedom, but not a lot more money. In fact, chances are good you're building up a pretty good size debt. You still have as many social pressures pushing you around as you had in high school. If you're dating someone steady, you're afraid you are letting yourself get tied down way to early. If you're not dating steady, you feel like a social outcast and are concerned about your sex appeal. Go back to this - Nope!
Your first job in your new career. You are excited. Now you have a steady paycheck and can get your own apartment. Your first weeks on the job are quite interesting. You do find that though you feel you have a lot to offer on the job, and you feel you are a mature adult, everyone else just thinks of you as the new kid. No one really takes your ideas seriously, because at this point in your career you have no reputation and no one has any reason to respect what you say. If you did match up with someone in your personal life, this is about the time either you or your partner becomes pregnant, changing all your plans. Do all this again - not likely.
After you've been out in the world a while. You have moved up in your company and have gained the respect of your fellow employees. Your income has kept up with your increased responsibilities. Your kids are grown and out of the house. You now have much more vacation time and more money to spend on those vacations. You are free to do whatever you and your spose want to do. I believe I'll stay in this life stage for a while.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:25 pm
by Kasdeja
Yeah...but you never answered my question on how long your wife thinks I can get away with saying I'm 29...
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:31 pm
by lonelycrackerjack
Kasdeja wrote:Yeah...but you never answered my question on how long your wife thinks I can get away with saying I'm 29...
You can do the same as her, just keep on saying it, though with each passing year less people will believe it. At some point, you may want to jump your age from 29 to 39 in order to maintain a little credibility with the more gullible people around you.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:34 pm
by Kasdeja
True...but people still think I'm only about 20 so hopefully I can get away with it for awhile.
I just think...I don't look my age and I certainly don't act I'm just not going to be, haha.