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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:31 pm
by Way2Curious
spaciegirl, thats my birthday too

We're both Scorpios, like Bree is supposed to be! I like your creepy doll avatar by the way.
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:36 pm
by coconeedles
I'm 30 years old and from Texas. I'm a housewife with no kids, so what else have I got to do with my time?

I'm not a great puzzler solver, but it is so awesome seeing you guys at work!
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:33 am
by lordgreystoke422
I am a 38 year old hurricane Katrina survivor from Metairie, Louisiana. That's basically New Orleans(we are a suburb of Nawlins).
I was born the son of a Poor black Louisiana Sharecropper..oh wait no..sorry..that's some other Jerk.
Anyway....I am..rather simple..yet complex...I am way to serious...yet I am a serious wise cracker.I talk too much yet I am a man of few words. I have a work ethic that would make you tired thinking about it..yet I am lazy..I don't drink, I don't smoke,...what do I do?
I think we should have a Cassie Watchmen convention here in Nawlins!
Notice my age on Myspace? Remember.. Myspace lies! ... d=88295178
Edit: I am SO very concerned that one of the young 20ish women that seem to dominate this site might come stalk my old ass... Ahm SKIRED!
Re-edit: Does anyone need my address?
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:55 am
by khjq
I'm 20/m and I live in Texas, and I mostly lurk around on these boards but I've posted some though, and of course I'm a huge LG15 FAN!!!
edit: and I submitted that REALLY crappy video response to Daniel's latest vid, haha I was REALLY bored, actually I'm always bored. I think I oughta start doing something productive with my time...

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:51 am
by Hannahbee
i'm hannah- 18/f/MA. i just started college and i've been dealing with my TV withdrawal symptoms (no TV in my room YET!) by spending a lot of time watching and reading random things online. this is how i came upon the story about LG15 on the Best Week Ever blog. then i did my homework on youtube, lurked on a buncha forums until i finally decided i understood enough of what was going on to join in on the conversation.
i think this whole phenomenon is absolutely brilliant. i think it'll prove to be the evolution of the entertainment industry as we know it- maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, whether those whiny truth-monger video-blogger types at yt like it or not! no offense to anybody who video blogs- i'm only bothered by the ones who get all freaked out about "purity" or whatever on yt.
nice to meet you all!
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:47 am
by rodrigogar
23, florida, male, single.
i wont say more cuz u going to stalk me

, or cassie is going to read this and start calling me hehehe
nah, i like computers, i am getting my degree on IT, and i like acting as well
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:11 am
by calphilips
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:12 pm
by Flautapantera
I've been here for a little over a week, I think, and though it's probably best that I finally introduce myself.
Well, my screenname comes from two Spanish words--yeah, public schooling taught me something! Flauta = flute, the instrument I used to play in marching band [do NOT forget the piccolo! ah, love.]; pantera = panther, which was the school mascot of my high school.
My birthday is the 7th of May (go Taurus!) and I live in the Midwest. Yep, it's about as exciting as it sounds.
Nice to meet you all! Hopefully we'll have exciting conversations later!
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:55 pm
by cuseguy85
Hey guys. Well about me...
I am a cheerleader at Syracuse University, and no I am not a girl. I am from Maryland most recently, GO MOCO!!! I work at a bar just off campus and I am going to be 21 in 2 more months. Dude Im gonna be so drunk from then on it wont even be funny. 100% Irish ftw. Anything else u want to know? cant think of anything really interesting
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:46 pm
by Cattra
Hellos, im Cattra and i am 26 and an art student in Southern California.I've been following the LG15 videos on and off all summer. It wasn't until this past week that i discovered there was actually an underlying plot to the saga. This is facinating and i love reading everyones posts in the religion section, we have quite a few very intelligent people here.
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:28 pm
by asenath
I'm a 21 year-old female amateur writer from Kentucky. I've been interested in the LonelyGirl15 phenomenon for awhile now, and I'm highly intrigued with the direction it seems to be going. The religious aspects, especially.
My screenname is from a Lovecraft story. Yes, I am that nerdy. That's all you need to know.
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:28 pm
by rachelalexis
lordgreystoke422 wrote:I am a 38 year old hurricane Katrina survivor from Metairie, Louisiana. That's basically New Orleans(we are a suburb of Nawlins).
I was born the son of a Poor black Louisiana Sharecropper..oh wait no..sorry..that's some other Jerk.
Anyway....I am..rather simple..yet complex...I am way to serious...yet I am a serious wise cracker.I talk too much yet I am a man of few words. I have a work ethic that would make you tired thinking about it..yet I am lazy..I don't drink, I don't smoke,...what do I do?
*ahem* may I just say I am required now to bow to the awesomeness of getting a Steve Martin AND an Adam Ant joke in one post. You Goody Two, Goody Two, Goody Goody Two Shoes you!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:35 am
by NillaWafers
People know me I think. I'm 21, taken, live in LA CA. There's not much to say about me. I'm really weird, a dork, and possibly certifiabley insane. And I know I spelt certifiably wrong. Or not. I don't KNOW!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:21 am
by Sungkoo
Hi all. Been lurking for a few days, figure I'd join in. Names Mark, 24/male/Olympia, Wa
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:18 am
by Senna
My name is Senna. I'm twentysomething years old. I'm a huge bitch. I don't take crap, I tell it like it is, and I don't say I'm sorry.
Nice to meet you.