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Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:42 pm
by krig
Perhaps her adoptive mother and father originally took Bree in to raise the genetically "special" baby, but ended up caring for her in a sort of reverse Stockholm Syndrome. They might have been compelled to sacrifice themselves to protect her, as AniDonia suggested above.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:42 pm
by laurenesque
AniDonia wrote:That's some good acting!

The first scenario that popped into my head was that the got a fertilized egg implanted in her, or someone else's sperm. I'm inclined to think there is something genetically special about Bree, and that she was chosen for the ceremony, or whatever it is, a long time before this summer when she was told of it.

This really sheds more light on why the Order wants Bree, and only Bree so much. She was probably "special" before she was born.

Another thing is that even though it seems that her mom wears the pants in her parents' marriage, she also supported Bree in her stance in not participating in the ceremony, she also helped write the note, and she also left with the Order so that Bree would get away. I don't think her mom willingly set her dad up to this, or was working for the Order all along. ESPECIALLY if they have been trying to figure out the contents of Bree's note--(i.e. through Gemma, through the ransacking... etc) If Bree's mom was working for them, she would have told them already.
That's an interesting theory too. I like it; I also agree that Bree was chosen LONG before she ever knew about the ceremony.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:42 pm
by AniDonia
About how Bree's dad was "going through this recently", I think she meant the feeling of "....And then, one day, you find out the truth, and it's so overwhelming, that you're forced to view your life from an entirely different perspective. It's like, you're not even the same person anymore." after going through life being comfortably numb in what you think is the truth.

From "How my Parents Met", it sounds like her dad was normal enough before he met her mom, and her mom was the one with ties to the religion. So he converts to her belief system, raises a child into the religion, and lives his life comfortably in this whole structured thing. I mean, even though he's a doctor, he allows himself to inject his daughter with Mystery Fluid because his religion tells him to. I think after being picked up by the Order and finding out it's not just that Thelema-like religion that he thought it was, but actually just part of an Illuminati-like (or the Illuminati??) organization that is all sorts of secret and all sorts of evil, he'd feel that way.

I imagine that feeling is like a super-Christian finding out that there is no God.

Or a child finding out her parents weren't really her parents.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:54 pm
by eerbree
I'm not sure that "adopted" is the right word to be using.

I think it's much more likely that Bree was stolen or engineered or given to them (by a young mother/couple forced to have a child in the commune, for example). I don't think she'd be so angry and upset (and unwilling to talk) if she had just found out she was adopted. I think there is much more to it than that.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:59 pm
by nakita
lookinginonyou wrote:I don't really see why "mom" would want "dad" dead. If they're together, it's probably safe to assume they are married. I don't see why someone who made a life-commitment would want the other partner killed. It doesn't make sense to me. I said the same thing in another thead in the Plot Discussion about "mom" and "dad". My cents..
Some people don't see marriage as a life-commitment. As well, in this day and age, it's actually just as safe to assume that they are (were?) NOT married. Did Bree actually ever talk about them getting married?
Maybe they just let people assume they were married so as not to 'blow thier cover'

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:01 am
by bethy
eerbree wrote:I'm not sure that "adopted" is the right word to be using.

I think it's much more likely that Bree was stolen or engineered or given to them (by a young mother/couple forced to have a child in the commune, for example). I don't think she'd be so angry and upset (and unwilling to talk) if she had just found out she was adopted. I think there is much more to it than that.
I agree...and I think her mother was the pivotal role in it. Sounds to me like her dad had no idea Bree wasn't his natural daughter or that he wasn't aware of all the circumstance of how/why she came to live with them.

It does sort of explain why she's an only child. (yes, yes...I know there are lots of reasons people are an only child....I mean in *this* case)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:01 am
by nakita
eerbree wrote:I'm not sure that "adopted" is the right word to be using.

I think it's much more likely that Bree was stolen or engineered or given to them (by a young mother/couple forced to have a child in the commune, for example). I don't think she'd be so angry and upset (and unwilling to talk) if she had just found out she was adopted. I think there is much more to it than that.
I agree, she never said the word "adopted", she said her dad wasn't her real dad, etc.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:05 am
by nakita
bethy wrote:
eerbree wrote:I'm not sure that "adopted" is the right word to be using.

I think it's much more likely that Bree was stolen or engineered or given to them (by a young mother/couple forced to have a child in the commune, for example). I don't think she'd be so angry and upset (and unwilling to talk) if she had just found out she was adopted. I think there is much more to it than that.
I agree...and I think her mother was the pivotal role in it. Sounds to me like her dad had no idea Bree wasn't his natural daughter or that he wasn't aware of all the circumstance of how/why she came to live with them.

It does sort of explain why she's an only child. (yes, yes...I know there are lots of reasons people are an only child....I mean in *this* case)
How could he not know Bree wasn't his natural daughter?? The only way that could happen is if his wife carried a baby to term, went to the hospital without him, and had the babies switched at birth before the father got to visit the mother

Come to think of it, what are the traditions surrounding birth in Bree's religion? In some cultures, isn't the man not allowed to be in the room when the woman gives birth?


Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:06 am
by oleandereyes
True, she never said adopted. But you'd be surprised how hurtful hearing that could be, depending on the circumstances of course. Whether or not "adopted" is the right term, its the same concept. Who really knows what the intentions of the birth parents were except for themselves. I think its possible she was a "bred baby" for a satanic ritual. Ive been doing some research and apparently there was a HUGE satanic ritual scare with children in the late 80s... Bree was born a short time after that.. and this wasn't just in the US, it was pretty much all over the world.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:13 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
WOW. incredible acting by jess!

Okay, so the theories that entered my mind:
:arrow: jonas is bree's brother. the order killed his parents off or did something to get rid of them and he's been living a lie too..
:arrow: when daniel was looking up information, back when he and bree weren't speaking, he mentioned a missing girl from Arizona. (i saw someone ask about this in the earlier pages.) i'm going to have to go back and listen. maybe that's bree.
:arrow: bree isn't really human. the "weird birthmark" on her back is like a branding or something.
:arrow: i did have the horrifying "lucy is bree's mom" thought. :shock:
:arrow: uncle franklin..? is her dad..?

the questions that entered my mind:
:arrow: did she already tell daniel and jonas this? or will they find out from the video first too?
:arrow: is daniel's "Bree's Dad" memorial about her dad or her 'dad'?
:arrow: is bree's mom in danger, hurt, dead or did she do something that bree cannot forgive?
:arrow: (still don't get it..) WHY THE HELL DOES THE ORDER WANT HER SO BADLY?
:arrow: what made her dad tell her the truth? what exactly did she mean by 'midlife crisis'? what was he questioning or doubting? and WHY was he freely driving around with bree?
:arrow: when we saw the order "kidnap' bree's parents, they seemed to be walking out without a fight. are we to assume this is why?
:arrow: WHERES CASSIE. (the neverending mystery in my mind..)
:arrow: did her dad know this all along? her mom? gemma?

okay this list might go on forever so i'll end it here for now. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:14 am
by Luv2Skydive
trainer101 wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:I mentioned it too when I talked about the Illuminati stealing babies from hospitals and that it wouldn't be hard for him to do whatever he's done to her medically if she's not really his.
Hehehe.... we're baaaaack... /.\
Can you post the link to that thread? I'd like to check it out again.
OH YEAH......and I can't find where I posted it. Probably because I usually just post the links. I found the website and here's a quote:

"There is a lot of corruption that goes on unnoticed too. These doctors and nurses have taken lots of preemies for the Network to use for programming experiments. Some of these premature children are described as dead and taken with the excuse that “they can’t breathe”. They then are used for programming experimentation."

Re: ...

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:26 am
by nakita
oleandereyes wrote:True, she never said adopted. But you'd be surprised how hurtful hearing that could be, depending on the circumstances of course. Whether or not "adopted" is the right term, its the same concept. Who really knows what the intentions of the birth parents were except for themselves. I think its possible she was a "bred baby" for a satanic ritual. Ive been doing some research and apparently there was a HUGE satanic ritual scare with children in the late 80s... Bree was born a short time after that.. and this wasn't just in the US, it was pretty much all over the world.
There was a scare? Really? I was born in 1989, so that's why I'm asking... can you give us a link or something?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:33 am
by Virginia
So who's taking bets on whether this is "DaVinci Code" (as in, she's holding a great bloodline) or "Rosemary's baby" (where she is the spawn of Satan)?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:35 am
by nakita
Virginia wrote:So who's taking bets on whether this is "DaVinci Code" (as in, she's holding a great bloodline) or "Rosemary's baby" (where she is the spawn of Satan)?
Oh please Creators, let it be Da Vinci Code style... Rosemary's Baby was so utterly boring, and nothing even happened in the end!

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:41 am
by HenrySugar
In Daniel's 'Aleister Crowley' video, he says the girl disappeared in 1943.
Supposedly Crowley had a house there and left for England shortely after the disappearance.
None of this is true as Crowley was already in England at that time and too sick to travel...or so I've been told.
So, why was this story made up? Because it ties into soemthing later on.
Of course, this Arizona girl, even if she were an infant at the time would be in her sixties by now, and a bit old to be Bree's mom.
Grandmother maybe?
I dunno, but that story's there for a reason.