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Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:01 pm
by Killthesmiley
someone already has over in the video board...
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:42 pm
by annie
EEVEE wrote:Yeah the woman in the video had blonde hair, it's got to be Lucy
I agree. In the picture posted here, there's blonde hair and the "Lucy look" of that black pantsuit.
At first I was sure it was Bree who got shot, but now I'm confused. Everyone who thinks it wasn't Bree has made really good points.
I'm wondering: where was/is Bree's mother? (Mrs. Bree

Bree and her Dad were gone for a bit, while Daniel and Jonas waited... maybe they went to see her Mom. since Bree undoubtedly misses her, too.
Bree's Mom might have followed them, for back up, and shot at Lucy and her cohort who tried to grab Bree and Mr. Bree. Nah... That's probably too far-fetched. Still, I'm wondering where her Mom is in all this.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:47 pm
by gogo
I am still not convinced that someone from this video was shot (meaning Bree, her father, Daniel, Jonas, she-who-is-probably-Lucy and he-who-is-probably-creepy deacon guy). From screen caps and repeated viewing in my video-editor, it seems like Bree is not holding her stomach as she runs into Daniel's arms.
(thanks to Cherie_Sotta for the screen caps from the video section)
My interpretations(Good ideas, gogo):
- I really hold to the belief that the shot heard startled everyone involved and that this shot heard came from somewhere else in the vicinity. Parking garages (inside or outside and especially as empty as this one) would certain carry a sound and create an echo that would cause a startled reaction in all. (Brother?)
- If Bree's father were, in fact, shot, wouldn't Daniel or Jonas post the bulletin? Bree would probably be too traumatized to tell people to "watch what happens" (I am misquoting the bulletin, but it's something to that effect.)
- Perhaps the "Unthinkable" is the fact that her father would somehow be involved in this attempted kidnapping.
Reasons that my interpretation could be wrong (aside from the various posts and theories stated in this thread and elsewhere)
(Bad ideas, gogo):
- This does not explain the tall, lanky-ish man left standing (who I believe is Bree's father- who would be doubled over if shot) and his role in this whole episode.
- Gun fire from "The Order" would definitely solidify the threat of this group about whose power we have only been told and never really shown. Actual danger has only been implied thus far and mostly by Gemma who turned out to be misrepresenting herself.
- If the shot came from "Brother" as alluded to in his video targeting Gemma, some of the people who were concerned about watching OpAphid would really be angry if this were a crossover moment because they would have not known this part of the story.
I am willing to be wrong and just wanted to throw my ideas out there. I have read through every post on this subject and hope either way that a video explaining this situation is coming soon.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:20 pm
by echoesofury
Just something kind of interesting.
I marked it in different colors to point out important parts of the shot.
Yellow: Kind of looks like a woman with longer blond hair.
Green: The mysterious figure.
Red: It appears that someone is leaning down, and we see their back and leg.
Blue: You can kind of see the shape of a person laying down, and reaching their arm up. Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem like anyone was wearing short sleeves, so it could just be the negative space where the Red figure's leg is.
Just a thought.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:21 pm
by vicious_kittie
I know a couple of people have already mentioned it, but I feel it's worth mentioning again - after Daniel jumps in and tells Jonas to go, he says "They shot him". That would indicate to me that "they" are The Order and "him" is Bree's dad. He may not be dead or even injured, but I'd say he's the most likely candidate for being shot.
- Viki
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:22 pm
by Thrar
My theory is they were probably aiming towards bree and the father prolly took the shot cuz if u look at the pic he was like standing guardly in front of her.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:23 pm
by echoesofury
vicious_kittie wrote:I know a couple of people have already mentioned it, but I feel it's worth mentioning again - after Daniel jumps in and tells Jonas to go, he says "They shot him". That would indicate to me that "they" are The Order and "him" is Bree's dad. He may not be dead or even injured, but I'd say he's the most likely candidate for being shot.
- Viki
I didn't really hear him say "They shot him". To me it just sounds like "Go go go go, just go". But again, just my opinion.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:25 pm
by vicious_kittie
echoesofury wrote:I didn't really hear him say "They shot him". To me it just sounds like "Go go go go, just go". But again, just my opinion.
Yeah, to me when I listen to it again, it sounds like he says "they shot him" immediately after go. We'll have to wait for the next vid to find out, I guess
- Viki
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:00 pm
by Kelly
I think it was Bree's dad...mainly because of the title of the video. Obviously, someone got shot, otherwise what would be so unthinkable? The order just appearing and taking Bree's dad away again would hardly be would just be kind of expected. It also wouldn't be unthinkable for an order member to get shot, plus, it wouldn't make Bree scream "No!"
Jonas had the camera and got into the driver's seat, so it wasn't him, and Daniel jumps into the car so it wasn't him. I also don't think it was Bree because her reaction to the shot wasn't right. If she had been shot, she wouldn't scream "No", she'd just...scream.
So, in conclusion, Bree's dad has most likely bit the big one. Unless it was Gemma like the brother video subtly suggests...which would be really weird, but I still can't see Bree caring enough to fall over with grief had Gemma been shot, unless Gemma was a double...err...triple (?) agent, and was helping them, but we never see Gemma with Bree and her dad, so I don't see how she could have just appeared to be shot...
One thing for sure though, there were gunshots fired. Hmm...
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:02 pm
by onyx
Some of you people I think are too close minded about the possibility of it being "Brother's" gun shot.. Here are two quick inputs in response to some of your opinions about what happened. I'm not saying this is what I think happened, as i said... it's just input:
It couldn't have been "Brother" shooting Gemma, because that wouldn't be "the unthinkable happening."
Well. Don't take it at face value. It could actually have been "Brother" shooting Gemma. But since Bree, Jonas, and Daniel heard the shot, they could have just thought that it came from where her dad was, when in reality, it was from the top of the parking garage where "Brother was implied to be. And thinking that it came from her dad's location, it would have caused Bree to freak out the way she did.
And in disagreement with someone's opinion of it being brother...:
"If it were a gunshot from somewhere inside the parking garage, it would have been a lot louder. It was way too quiet."
Okay yeah. If it were a real gunshot, it would be. It would be loud enough to half-deafen anyone near by, and it would set off car alarms. The Creator's and film crew aren't going to make an artificial noise that loud. /it would draw a lot of attention from passer-by's who could call the police thinking it was a real gunshot. Obviously the sound effect is going to be way under-exagerated.[/b]
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:03 pm
by GoodGollyItsHolly
Maybe they want Bree to think that they shot her Dad to draw her back out. I doubt they would shoot him, they would be killing someone they could use in the future to get to Bree. I think its a show. Either that or they shot him in the foot or something non-life threatening.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:56 pm
by Thrar
what is with all the "brother" stuff? did i miss something?
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:57 pm
by iamcool
Thrar wrote:what is with all the "brother" stuff? did i miss something?
yes u did if u dont know who brother is
oh brother
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:03 pm
by Killthesmiley
also...anyone notice that bree doesn't jsut scream "No"
she screams "No Daddy"
listen closely through the confussion. You can hear it.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:50 pm
by lonelyelendi
Does any else notice that no one seems to notice that Jonas and Daniel just run up and take Bree? That kind of seemed odd to me...or that only one shot was fired when, if it was a fully loaded pistol it would have had at least 6 shots, maybe even 10, and depending on the caliber it would have easily been able to kill Bree, Daniel, and Jonas.