psychobunnie wrote:maybe this is all an evil scheme to nab daniel. dun dun dun.
i mean come on, we can't forget the whole pictures of him on lucy's comp business.
yet it feels we almost did forget.
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Good connection, I would like to know what the hobo/cookie lady stories are for still.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Am I the only one that thought "being my friend is like a full time job" was in relation to Jonas and Daniel's stories about the hobo and the cookie store person? It's a job without many economical benefits... but he should do it for the joy of the experience.
:O Thats good. SmarrrrtAm I the only one that thought "being my friend is like a full time job" was in relation to Jonas and Daniel's stories about the hobo and the cookie store person? It's a job without many economical benefits... but he should do it for the joy of the experience.
I don't even want to think about itWhat if the reason that Bree and Jonas are never on camera at the same time, and the reason we haven't seen the stufties is because in this vid Bree only made like everything was hunky-dorrie because Jonas had a gun to p-monkey or owen's head? The rest of the time she is in her cell, eating cookies.
I thought about this before. In the Wired article (I think) the creators said something about hiring other teams to work on new character's videos (or something like that), maybe Jonas' vids are being filmed really far away from Bree's and Daniel's? Maybe thats why we've never seen Jonas in a shot with Bree and Daniel yet?Kimmi-Chan wrote:What if the reason that Bree and Jonas are never on camera at the same time, and the reason we haven't seen the stufties is because in this vid Bree only made like everything was hunky-dorrie because Jonas had a gun to p-monkey or owen's head? The rest of the time she is in her cell, eating cookies.
I'd say she abandoned common sense back when she was doing what the Order told her to. This is the first time we've seen her painted nails in a while, though, but, really, girls paint their nails, so I don't think it's too big a deal.lookyz wrote:I think she's back with the order. The post-ceremony nails, the common sense returning...
It's not like "Daniel said it's bad" is all she has to go on, though. Aside from stalking him stalking them, there's the fact that they were having her injected with crap that they wouldn't identify, that they wouldn't tell her when the Ceremony would be, that they kidnapped her parents, apparently stalked her, ransacked her motel room, etc. I'd say she's got a lot of reason to doubt them with or without Daniel.lookyz wrote:I think Bree is setting up Daniel - that "when not if" comment was serious stuff, a command even. I can't get over that Bree would just turn her back on something she so strongly believes(ed) in just because Daniel put a few doubts out there. I was a 15 year old girl once, and I made some stupid mistakes b/c of cute boys...always went back to my own beliefs though...
I doubt the filming is going on anywhere far from where the rest of the filming is going on. At the very least Gemma and Lucy's actors are in the same area with Daniel and Bree's, so it stands to reason that Jonas' would be too.Way2Curious wrote:I thought about this before. In the Wired article (I think) the creators said something about hiring other teams to work on new character's videos (or something like that), maybe Jonas' vids are being filmed really far away from Bree's and Daniel's? Maybe thats why we've never seen Jonas in a shot with Bree and Daniel yet?Kimmi-Chan wrote:What if the reason that Bree and Jonas are never on camera at the same time, and the reason we haven't seen the stufties is because in this vid Bree only made like everything was hunky-dorrie because Jonas had a gun to p-monkey or owen's head? The rest of the time she is in her cell, eating cookies.
I definitely read that as penises.lookyz wrote: just my pennies...