Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:07 pm
I want them to go to Jonas already!!!! 
Creators, MORE Jonas please!

Creators, MORE Jonas please!

Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Sure they do. They could go home. They could go to the police. They could go to . . . er, TWJaniak's house. They could go hang out at a completely different commune. They could petition the California legislature. They could join Scientology. They would even have a choice if the Order was holding a gun to Bree's parents' heads. They simply will have to deal with the consequences of any particular choice.omegawoman wrote:They have to go to Jonas now. They have no choice.
Huh? What are you talking about?omegawoman wrote:Also, there is now a cam in Daniel's room.
On the contrary, I thought she was being just as childish. One thing she said popped out at me: "I don't know what Daniel's plan is." Well, why the hell doesn't she come up with some kind of reasonable plan? (And no, I don't view "going to Jonas's" as a reasonable plan -- although I could see asking him for money.) She's sixteen years old, and this whole situation has been caused by the choices she made. She needs to shoulder some responsibility, and not just run to some stranger she met on the Net, hoping he'll rescue her and the Beast.lurker wrote:Nice to see Bree acting a little more mature
Those are HUGE's hard to focus on the story when the Creators can't focus on the details.GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:filmmaker flaws, focus on the storyTheFatLady wrote:Reality check--does this warehouse have working electrical outlets? The computer and vid cam won't be working long if there's no place to plug them in--even with a full battery, my laptop won't get me through the extended version of "Lord of the Rings."
Then again, maybe that's why we saw all the wires--DB has found some way to hijack power from outside the building.
But another reality check: B and D look WAY too clean and hygienic to have been on the streets even a couple of days.
You said it long before I couldtrainer101 wrote:Ahem... *whispers* "Skull and Bones Society"glowe126 wrote:I mean there's no way the order is like infiltrating sororities and fraternities with hundreds of years of legacy members.
I second this. Daniel looks better homeless for some reason.Enid wrote:I’m sorry I must digress… Daniel is looking very cute in this video and I can’t help but picture them snuggling while they sleep. They look rather cold in their hoodies.
I'm at this point too. And Daniel is clearly close to it, as well, since he is reminiscing about a life he used to be so bored with.Annabelle wrote:I'm getting so sick of Bree that I'm hoping she *does* go to Jonas's and he *is* in fact a twisted serial killer/deacon/whatever.. I know, I know.. I have no heart.
Creators, what happened to the Bree we knew and loved? What happened to the witty, intelligent, naively funny Bree..? Now all we get is the obnoxiously naive, grating Bree.. Ugh, shut up, stop warwalking, and DO something, team!
I feel like the Creators are posting a vid, reading our comments, and then making up the next vid based on those comments. I don't like that.khjq wrote:I want to be suprised already, no more of this predictable crap.
I would love to see that! See ANYTHING resembling the least bit of intimacy between them. They need to take it to a HO......NUVA.....LEVO.Enid wrote:I’m sorry I must digress… Daniel is looking very cute in this video and I can’t help but picture them snuggling while they sleep. They look rather cold in their hoodies.
What makes you so sure Bree's parents are still alive?Smelltheflowers wrote:I couldn't agree more! We need to see the motivation for Bree and Daniel to keep running, as right now they just seem to be running from their own shadows. We keep being told about 'how dangerous' The Order is, yet we have no actual proof of it.khjq wrote:I want some action already!!!! I want the Order to give B&D a reason to run, I mean the Order hasn't even did anything evil yet, I think there oughta be a video of like Bree's parents bound and gagged, that'd be pretty sweet, but I really want to be suprised tho, so far I haven't been.
Show Bree's parents locked in a dark warehouse. Show them chasing Bree and Daniel in a video. Something to reinforce the fact that their lives are actually in danger because right now they seem to be saying it but there's no evidence that it's true. [/b]
Have you seen the OpAphid video? The Order has cameras in Bree's house and I think outside too, if I am remembering correctly. I don't think going home is a good idea.khjq wrote:Steph1636 wrote:Aww this video is sadMaybe they should trust Jonas, just so that they can have a place to stay and real food to eat.
no no no no no no, they SHOULD NOT go to Jonas's house, they should go home. The Order has just been watching them, and they're gonna keep on watching them, by running how is Bree gonna get the answers that she needs, they need to go to Lucy's apartment and get answers. They are running from nothing right now, the Order has done nothing but keep an eye on them.
I thought the same thing. Whoever the larger figure is, they are definitely holding a child's hand.heybitch wrote:Shastacat2 wrote:
Also, I can't believe I get to point something out. But at the end of the video when Daniel says he got a connection there is a guy in a black suit (possibly) at the end of the alley, over bree's left shoulder. I don't have any kind of screen capping stuff so if anyone can cap that or if anyone else sees it let meknow if I am not crazy
There?? Hm.. Im, not too sure.
Almsot looks like there is a child with him/her.
Oh god, I HATE Fellini movies. You watch all kinds of weird stuff that makes no sense and end up at the end looking at each other, thinking "what the eff was THAT?"glowe126 wrote:I'm all for them bringing in some scary clowns and little people as watchers. have the order be something from a fellini nightmare. I think in the next video jonas is going to skate by and say jump on my board guys. the board with magically expand to where all three can fit on and they will skate off screaming, "We are butt-monkeys!"
It will have a motor too, so we will see them traveling all over the world and then ending up at jonas' house.
did anyone else laugh when she said, "well we'd have a warm bed at jonas." hahaha, welcome to pervytown:) Make daniel be the maid and have jonas sleep with bree. You can have shots of Jonas having horrible nightmares about his parents drowning. And have clowns sneak in while they are all sleeping. Killer Klowns from outer space...