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Post by tiltingwindward »

tigerlilylynn wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Here I am at last, fulfilling my civic duty to the OpA community... :)

I live in Oregon (whee!), where it is lovely and all the food is twice as good as anywhere else in the country. I'm in the post-college crowd here at OpA, and am working at a small non-profit while looking for a job in the international spectrum. I've been following LG15 since "Girl Problems," way back when--I got turned on to it by the Screens blog on the NYT. I followed the Jessica Rose revelation and most of CiW as a lurker, getting involved with CiW just before Second Life made all our lives a living hell. I watched OpA from the first video, but didn't really pay attention to it until I realized that I was the only person on the forums still working on Cassie's Final Anagram--then I got myself over to this part of the forums in time for the solution to the 5/5 puzzle that led to the first VM. And here I've been ever since.

When not sacrificing my life and youth to this game, I love to read and I'm big on the Great Outdoors. I'm a huge LOTR fan (seriously, it's embarrassing to my friends), and I think that The Phantom Tolbooth is one of the best childrens' books ever written. I speak Chinese, and as some of you know, I'm pretty passionate about cheese. I like storms, and wind in particular, and I believe that it's always possible for one person to change the world.

There, that should be enough random nonsense about my life to satisfy you all. FallingIntoSin, I hope I haven't disappointed you. :)
Have you RPd LotR? I used to run one on deadjournal. Good times ^_^
No...what's it like?
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Post by tigerlilylynn »

tiltingwindward wrote:
tigerlilylynn wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Here I am at last, fulfilling my civic duty to the OpA community... :)

I live in Oregon (whee!), where it is lovely and all the food is twice as good as anywhere else in the country. I'm in the post-college crowd here at OpA, and am working at a small non-profit while looking for a job in the international spectrum. I've been following LG15 since "Girl Problems," way back when--I got turned on to it by the Screens blog on the NYT. I followed the Jessica Rose revelation and most of CiW as a lurker, getting involved with CiW just before Second Life made all our lives a living hell. I watched OpA from the first video, but didn't really pay attention to it until I realized that I was the only person on the forums still working on Cassie's Final Anagram--then I got myself over to this part of the forums in time for the solution to the 5/5 puzzle that led to the first VM. And here I've been ever since.

When not sacrificing my life and youth to this game, I love to read and I'm big on the Great Outdoors. I'm a huge LOTR fan (seriously, it's embarrassing to my friends), and I think that The Phantom Tolbooth is one of the best childrens' books ever written. I speak Chinese, and as some of you know, I'm pretty passionate about cheese. I like storms, and wind in particular, and I believe that it's always possible for one person to change the world.

There, that should be enough random nonsense about my life to satisfy you all. FallingIntoSin, I hope I haven't disappointed you. :)
Have you RPd LotR? I used to run one on deadjournal. Good times ^_^
No...what's it like?
It depends on the type, Middle Earth Sock Puppet Theatre was larger so they had all the valar and stuff like that which was cool to read. In these cases we always played with the characters fanon interpretations. Sam and Frodo had kids. Morgoth had...issues. That old chestnut. Ours was smaller but loads of fun. High rate of Rohirrim which seems to equate to drunken Irishmen in a few games. Good goofy stuff.
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Post by Captious »

My name is Sarah Anne. I'm 24, as of today actually. I live in St. Louis. I have two cats. Green pwns all those other colors so bad. I'm technically homeless, my ex is letting me stay with him. I am trying to accumulate money to go back to college. I work as a taxi dispatcher. I'm obsessed with politics and want to work in a think tank some day. I have great love for a stock market simulator game online which I have entirely neglected during all of this but will go back to when this is over. I first found LG w/ the vid talking about other YT'ers b/c I was on a kick for a while where I found YT'rs opinions of other YT'ers hilarious. I missed CIW entirely but found Op right away. I had never played an ARG before this one so I wasn't sure what to make of it. WatchingCassie and Wiki fixed that. Found the IRC and spent a night w/ Cu_Roi and Chess analyzing the 5/5 puzzle and have been hooked ever since.
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Post by shifty »

Captious wrote:My name is Sarah Anne. I'm 24, as of today actually.
Well, Happy Birthday!
We improve with time. Like a fine wine, really.

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Post by LesterG »

shifty wrote::yaFgnilla yaby yardetseuqe yaAs

!yaJnahtano yais yanema yamy ,yaHolle

.yaleki yalkoo yaI yawtah yakgniwon yain yaidetseretn yaer yayou yaif yagyrella yars'eugo yateh yain yame yaof yaperutci a yaptso yaddi yaI yabtu ,yaMecapsy yafro yaehguon yacloo yanto yaIm' .ya:x yavsemagoedi yapgniyal yaadn ,yaOdihpAp yafgniwollo ,yargnidae ,yadgniwar yaeyojn yaI .yaLlo ,yartneserpe )yagsseu yaI( yaXyr yadn ...yaLnorda ,yaMytni--yabeul yais yacrolo yafetirova yaMy .yaTsaxe yain yalevi yadn yaodl yaysrae yaeneethgi yaIm'

ya<3 !yaOypp yayuo yalevo yaI .yafnu yaof yatno a yahgniva yaam yadn yaAGR yaOs'dihpAp yalylevo yateh yato yamdevo yaI yaTneh .yaLefi yaSdnoce yato yawtne yait yawneh yaitseretn yaall yaltso yaI yabtu ,yafna yaWgnihcta yais yaCeissa yabgi a yawsa yaI .yasecni yaerev yawgnihcta yabnee yaIev' yadn ,yaJmoc.qitsyo yaon yait yaatuob yasyrot a yardae yaI yawneh yafhtfi yateh yaSrebmetpe yaon yaL51lrigyleno yatuob yaldenrae yaftsri yaI

ya:].yarmoo yactah yaICR yateh yain yame yafdni yaasyawl yaatsoml yacna yaYuo !yayuo yaof "yamtso" yalevo yaI yadn ,yafnu yaas yateciw yatsih yamseka yahere yacytinummo yateh ,yaHyltseno


*sees a pattern and I refuse to decode it*

*wants a hint to satisfy his CiW corrupted mind tho*

damn you shifty :smt023
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Post by Sad Panda »

shifty wrote::yaFgnilla yaby yardetseuqe yaAs

!yaJnahtano yais yanema yamy ,yaHolle

.yaleki yalkoo yaI yawtah yakgniwon yain yaidetseretn yaer yayou yaif yagyrella yars'eugo yateh yain yame yaof yaperutci a yaptso yaddi yaI yabtu ,yaMecapsy yafro yaehguon yacloo yanto yaIm' .ya:x yavsemagoedi yapgniyal yaadn ,yaOdihpAp yafgniwollo ,yargnidae ,yadgniwar yaeyojn yaI .yaLlo ,yartneserpe )yagsseu yaI( yaXyr yadn ...yaLnorda ,yaMytni--yabeul yais yacrolo yafetirova yaMy .yaTsaxe yain yalevi yadn yaodl yaysrae yaeneethgi yaIm'

ya<3 !yaOypp yayuo yalevo yaI .yafnu yaof yatno a yahgniva yaam yadn yaAGR yaOs'dihpAp yalylevo yateh yato yamdevo yaI yaTneh .yaLefi yaSdnoce yato yawtne yait yawneh yaitseretn yaall yaltso yaI yabtu ,yafna yaWgnihcta yais yaCeissa yabgi a yawsa yaI .yasecni yaerev yawgnihcta yabnee yaIev' yadn ,yaJmoc.qitsyo yaon yait yaatuob yasyrot a yardae yaI yawneh yafhtfi yateh yaSrebmetpe yaon yaL51lrigyleno yatuob yaldenrae yaftsri yaI

ya:].yarmoo yactah yaICR yateh yain yame yafdni yaasyawl yaatsoml yacna yaYuo !yayuo yaof "yamtso" yalevo yaI yadn ,yafnu yaas yateciw yatsih yamseka yahere yacytinummo yateh ,yaHyltseno

You're such a dork.
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Post by FallingIntoSin »

FallingIntoSin wrote:Okay! My turn :)

Let's see...I'm 27, almost 28 and this is totally my first ARG. I didn't even know they exsisted! I stumbled on after reading it on the "Frozen" list and and instantly became addicted to the idea and the characters. I kept seeing the OpAphid videos but never really watched them because I didn't understand or have any clue about an ARG. I stumbled into the chat and after lots of lurking got sucked in by all the great people :).

I went to college for journalism but ended up going back to become an addiction and crisis counselor...I'm hoping to start my MSW (masters of social work) this summer. I enjoy helping people.

I like all kinds of music, really, all kinds. My favorite is Tori Amos and Ben Folds. I see Tori everytime she comes to Chicago. I also love the "city life" and all the beautiful culture and art my city provides. Most days though I spend free my time doing yoga, running, shopping, and laughing with friends.

Oh. And I'm totally addicted to this site now. Thanks guys *Grin*. I was rereading this today....and I realized...I got my age wrong. LMAO. I'm 26 going on 27. I'm a nut! I didn't even catch it until today. :P
I fall down, a lot.
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Post by AutoPilate »

Captious wrote:ex
Hello there.... Image
Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP?!
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Post by Beautiful Nightmare »

Well, y'all have sucked me in, so I figured I'd introduce myself, before I start showing up in chat and on random threads.

My real name is Sasha, so you all can feel free to assume I'm an Order plant, named after Tach's dog. ;)

I'm 30 years old, and do all my best LG15-ing here at work. Y'know, when I'm supposed to be working.

I'll try to help out with the puzzles if I can, but I don't promise much. My brother's much better at that sort of thing than I am, but I don't expect him here anytime soon.

I am very interested in plot development, though, and I'm liking the way OpAphid ties into the LG15 story seamlessly.

Oh, and my favorite color is black. :wink:
Missing Oppy....Missing Bree.....

:( Ah, for the good old days. :(
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Post by diastres »

So, as a warning, I haven't been sleeping. This may or not be coherent.

I'll also note that I'm only posting because I had a deal with FallingIntoSin.

Anyway, I'm 19. From New Hampshire In Arizona for college. Freshman for the second time (credits didn't transfer with me). No major declared yet. Studying Japanese. Current bands/artists I'm listening to a lot (in no particular order): Emilie Autumn, HUMANWINE, Streetlight Manifesto, The Format, Project Pitchfork, Liana Stillman, The Dresden Dolls. Don't feel like writing in complete sentences.


I'm really bad at self introductions, so I enlisted the help of #operationaphid.

[22:26] shifty_J: How tall are you?

5'0". Don't ask me what that is in centimeters. I don't know.

[22:26] shifty_J: Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed. Every three years I try to teach myself to be left handed and then I forget what I was doing.

[22:26] DTayl: When was the last time you cried?

The other day. There are no windows in my kitchen, so it gets really smoky sometimes when I'm browning things. I also have to unplug my fire alarm and it's become a habit.

[22:26] shifty_J: What color shirt did you wear today?

Right now black. Earlier when I was out? Red. My wardrobe consists of four colors (with a few exceptions that aren't worn often): White, grey, black and red. I have no color coordination skills, so not having many to choose from is a good thing.

[22:27] DTayl: Who was the 4th President of the United States?

F*ck if I know. Sad, huh?

EDIT (Because Max came in and wanted to ask questions too!):

[22:49] MaxZyrix: how tall are you in centimeters? lol j/k

Jerk. ... meters.htm says 152.4 cm.

[22:51] MaxZyrix: so, dia, what's your favorite song for happy moments?
[22:52] diastres: Define "happy moments."
[22:53] MaxZyrix: to make it wide, everytime you're not sad and just feel like smiling for no reason

At the moment? The Format's "Dog Problems." It makes me want to dance. Well, parts of it. The one before was "Dark Blue" by Jack's Mannequin. It might still work.

[22:56] MaxZyrix: what's on your Ctrl + V right now and why?

Hahaha. The last question you asked, because...well, I was editting this post.

[23:02] shifty_J: Dia - WHats your favorite drink?

Lemonade. I make it myself. With, you know, lemons. (And sugar and water.)

[23:02] ladron121: you gonna post a pic dia?

Ha. No.

[23:03] shifty_J: What shoe do you put on first?

Uhhh. Whichever I find first?

[23:03] MaxZyrix: Dia - If you where a tree, what kind of ice cream do you like?

Ice cream makes me sick. :(

[23:03] shifty_J: Do you like kittens or puppies more?

Kittens. I was never allowed to have a puppy, so it's hard to like them better. I have two in New Hampshire (and my mother has two more). I miss them. :(

On that note, I do have pet cacti in Arizona. It's bad for me though, because I have this desire to poke a cactus whenever I see it. Mix this with living in Arizona? Yeah, my hands hate me.

[23:08] shifty_J: Dias - If you could be any letter of the alphabet, which would you be?

From the XX alphabet? k.
Xy? F.
Overall? Q.
Hiragana? The character for "yu." It looks like a fish.

EDIT (Because tiltingwindward wanted to ask a question, I opened it up again.)

[23:47] tiltingwindward: What's your favorite character in Kanji?

Well... I only really know the 75 we've learned this semester, since it's my first semester. Of them... I'd have to say "mai" (every) is my favorite. It's fun to write.

Here it is, though it's shaky. I did it with my tablet and I'm running on very little sleep:


[23:49] morningbelle: what did you do for your last birthday?

I believe I just stayed home. My birthday is two days after valentine's day, which makes it suck.

[23:49] MaxZyrix: like Dia - Complete this sentence,

[Complete this sentence,] Max, because you have no choice, as you've been convicted for several offenses, including but not limited to: being hawt, sparkling too brightly, using pickup lines about pokemon and asking me my height in centimeters.

[23:50] acidfingers: Yes or No: I have eaten sugar or cocain

I hate you.

[23:50] acidfingers: Yes or No: I have said "hello" to someone or killed 10 people

See the answer to the previous question.

(No really, I <3 you, but I'm not a moron.)

[23:53] helix52: diastres- I'd like to know if you like seafood or not.. or rather, what is your favorite dish?

I like some seafood. It depends on the day. Mostly, however, I end up eating shrimp because I actually know how to cook it.

"Cooking" means throwing random stuff in my wok. Garlic cloves and ginger root are a must.

[23:54] acidfingers: Dia, are you tired? because you've been running through my mind all day

I'm sorry, darling. That is so horrible I can't even think of a witty response.

It's just that bad.

[23:55] acidfingers: Dia, if you had to choose between being the top scientist in the field, or having mad cow disease, which one would you go for?

Mad cow disease. Science isn't my thing.

[00:23] FallingIntoSin: Dia: how much do you love me :)

You are my tangerine, my pussycat, my trampoline.

This had better be enough for you, Falling.
Last edited by diastres on Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by shifty »

diastres wrote:So, as a warning, I haven't been sleeping. This may or not be coherent.

I'll also note that I'm only posting because I had a deal with FallingIntoSin.

Anyway, I'm 19. From New Hampshire In Arizona for college. Freshman for the second time (credits didn't transfer with me). No major declared yet. Studying Japanese. Current bands/artists I'm listening to a lot (in no particular order): Emilie Autumn, HUMANWINE, Streetlight Manifesto, The Format, Project Pitchfork, Liana Stillman, The Dresden Dolls. Don't feel like writing in complete sentences.


I'm really bad at self introductions, so I enlisted the help of #operationaphid.

[22:26] shifty_J: How tall are you?

5'0". Don't ask me what that is in centimeters. I don't know.

[22:26] shifty_J: Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed. Every three years I try to teach myself to be left handed and then I forget what I was doing.

[22:26] DTayl: When was the last time you cried?

The other day. There are no windows in my kitchen, so it gets really smoky sometimes when I'm browning things. I also have to unplug my fire alarm and it's become a habit.

[22:26] shifty_J: What color shirt did you wear today?

Right now black. Earlier when I was out? Red. My wardrobe consists of four colors (with a few exceptions that aren't worn often): White, grey, black and red. I have no color coordination skills, so not having many to choose from is a good thing.

[22:27] DTayl: Who was the 4th President of the United States?

F*ck if I know. Sad, huh?

EDIT (Because Max came in and wanted to ask questions too!):

[22:49] MaxZyrix: how tall are you in centimeters? lol j/k

Jerk. ... meters.htm says 152.4 cm.

[22:51] MaxZyrix: so, dia, what's your favorite song for happy moments?
[22:52] diastres: Define "happy moments."
[22:53] MaxZyrix: to make it wide, everytime you're not sad and just feel like smiling for no reason

At the moment? The Format's "Dog Problems." It makes me want to dance. Well, parts of it. The one before was "Dark Blue" by Jack's Mannequin. It might still work.

[22:56] MaxZyrix: what's on your Ctrl + V right now and why?

Hahaha. The last question you asked, because...well, I was editting this post.

[23:02] shifty_J: Dia - WHats your favorite drink?

Lemonade. I make it myself. With, you know, lemons. (And sugar and water.)

[23:02] ladron121: you gonna post a pic dia?

Ha. No.

[23:03] shifty_J: What shoe do you put on first?

Uhhh. Whichever I find first?

[23:03] MaxZyrix: Dia - If you where a tree, what kind of ice cream do you like?

Ice cream makes me sick. :(

[23:03] shifty_J: Do you like kittens or puppies more?

Kittens. I was never allowed to have a puppy, so it's hard to like them better. I have two in New Hampshire (and my mother has two more). I miss them. :(

On that note, I do have pet cacti in Arizona. It's bad for me though, because I have this desire to poke a cactus whenever I see it. Mix this with living in Arizona? Yeah, my hands hate me.

[23:08] shifty_J: Dias - If you could be any letter of the alphabet, which would you be?

From the XX alphabet? k.
Xy? F.
Overall? Q.
Hiragana? The character for "yu." It looks like a fish.

This had better be enough for you, Falling.
We improve with time. Like a fine wine, really.

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Post by MaxZyrix »

I <3 diastres even further now.

Thanx for your efforts on satisfying our hiperactive and inquisitive imaginations. This is a good way to get to know each other.

I'm so sad you can't eat ice creams, but I'm glad you're also a cat person. For you, I post this:

'There's a hole in my soul
you can see it in my face
it's a real big place.'
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Post by Ziola »

For the record, cats scare me. They are way to smart and I think they are trying to take over the world, on human at a time. :smt119
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!
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Post by GatorMeegs »

I love the Op/LG15 Community...officially!

My name is Meegan, I am 28 and I live outside of Ft. Lauderdale with my sweet husband and two pups. (Hello to the other South Floridians...Sad Panda!)

I had my heart broken when the Cassie community broke up (after she dumped us in SL). I wasn't ready for a new relationship, so I have just recently gotten into OpAphid...still trying to catch on.

Oh, and my favorite colors...Orange & Blue! (of course, I'm a Florida Gator!)
Question: Who would you rather cuddle with...Daniel or P. Monkey?
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

I'm not a player, but a long-time lurker. I followed CiW (even the saga of Frank!) and WatchingOpAphid (the SN was something like that) made me aware of a very capable fan creating an arg; but i dunno when this was in relation to the first drop. I KNOW I was here either before or at the beginning of us discovering Tach. Life's been so crazy hectic...

That being said, here I go!

Name: Deborah
Age: 20
Occupation: Full-time Student/Part-time deskworker/Aunt! :-D squee!
Locale: West TN

If I can get my act together and start that series of vids I need to do (my family is a story people should hear :)) I will SO give a shoutout! ;)

o, also, i have an art page at .

that's it. :) ...for now ;)[/url]
A watching_watchers-certified POST WHORE!
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