Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:57 am
About Daniel reading the bible...we have never heard anything about Daniel's religion...maybe he's Christian? Or...maybe he's just really, really bored. Good old Gideon's.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Wow, great theory! I know the forum has been full of posts about P Monkey being wired...maybe this is Bree telling us that she hasn't found anything.Ok..I think I was right, Gemma was telling her to check for bugs..and by saying "no cockroaches" she was saying it is all clear.
don't motels cost more then some money a night...... but i guess they could have left her a lot....Noelle wrote:Bree didn't specify how much money her parents left her, did she?
If I remember correctly, "some money" was said.
I know this was probably already answered, but where does Gemma tell Bree to check for cockroaches? I looked at the transcripts of Gemma's last three videos, and didn't find any mention of cockroaches. However...I do tend to not notice things a lot of the time, so this might just be me being an idiot...NikkiBowerReport wrote:Wow, great theory! I know the forum has been full of posts about P Monkey being wired...maybe this is Bree telling us that she hasn't found anything.Ok..I think I was right, Gemma was telling her to check for bugs..and by saying "no cockroaches" she was saying it is all clear.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's a cast metal handle and the drawer is closed. You know what I'm talking of those kind that has like little flourish things on either side of the actual handle part? Anyway...still nothing.Broken Kid wrote:Yes, I think you're right... makes sense she'd check there.iamcool wrote:isnt in an opened drawer?
There's clearly something in there, but I can't tell what it is. It sorta looks like a glass ashtray... probably nothing.
exactly... because i'm sure if someone wanted to tthey could pick apart my v blogs and come up with some strange theories..... maybe i should start posting clues.... to ... something hahaha i have no big mystery in my lifeKasdeja wrote:Sometimes I think there are no clues...and the creatatrons come to the forum to laugh at us picking the videos apart.
I agree, i think its just the only thing to read in the room.HyeMew wrote:I notice that the LGpedia page for this episode has basically gone and declared Daniel a Christian for being seen reading a Bible in this episode.
I say: HOLD ON!
Daniel spends this entire episode reading a Bible. While some fans believe this to mean he is Christian, it should be noted that Bibles are usually the only thing to read in motel rooms. The Creators were keeping him true to his roots by having him read something the entire video, and the only thing to read there would be a Bible! It makes perfect sense to me to have him reading a Bible in a motel room. This does not make him religious nor Christian. Also what if he was reading the Jewish portion? You cannot just assume he's Christian because he was reading the one and only book in the entire room out of boredom, nor can you assume this will have any importance later. I see it as a one time play with the reading-on-the-bed schtick.
ive always had this theory that the creators jsut film whatever they want to without tihnking and rely on us to find the "hidden clues" they unknoingly put in by sheer coincidincecreativebarbie wrote: and we are totaly over analyzing what happened.....
but i like picking it apart better....
I think they are showing those things for a reason.creativebarbie wrote:do you guys ever feel that they just thought of some funny things that are in motels and wanted to make a cute vid..... and we are totaly over analyzing what happened.....