Last edited by shifty on Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We improve with time. Like a fine wine, really.
Canon - A body of works that are considered to be "genuine" or "official" within a certain fictional universe. Cannon - A mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles.
Perhaps you guys are already aware of this. In the book of Enoch, "Grigori" were fallen angels cast out of Heaven. They are known as "those who watch", or "those who are awake". They were resposible for watching over the human race, but they fell in love with humans. They gave them secret knowledge, and procreated with human women, producing a race of beings called "Nephilin". The Nephilin were washed from the Earth as a consequence of the great flood that God prepared Noah for, in the book of Genesis. I don't know if this is useful, it just happens to be a story I am familiar with.
jessiann wrote:Perhaps you guys are already aware of this. In the book of Enoch, "Grigori" were fallen angels cast out of Heaven. They are known as "those who watch", or "those who are awake". They were resposible for watching over the human race, but they fell in love with humans. They gave them secret knowledge, and procreated with human women, producing a race of beings called "Nephilin". The Nephilin were washed from the Earth as a consequence of the great flood that God prepared Noah for, in the book of Genesis. I don't know if this is useful, it just happens to be a story I am familiar with.
like that movie w/ Nick Cage and MEg Ryan!!!
sorry for being off topic, but I liked that movie!
Hey folks, we're working with two drop analysis threads here, which I think is causing some confusion. Can we move analysis over to the other Drop Analysis thread, and leave this thread for the basic information (contents of drop, screen caps, etc.)? I just think this will make things easier to follow. Thank you!
"A step in the right direction? It only turns out to be so if you're willing to step much further."
-Samuel R. Delany
Not sure if someone tried this already, but could each Nancy Drew book referenced here be given a number from the order of publication-->some sort of numerical code?
So far, we've gotten a bunch of clues in a similar style to this. Not a single one has held deeper meaning. If a clue is double bagged, I'm sure it will be very apparent.
Said the masocist to the sadist, "Hurt me!"
Said the sadist to the masocist, "No."