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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:27 am
by Mvidrine
all is well
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:29 am
by spaciegirlreturn
That's a possibility....I'm sayin, it's something about her blood. It's got to be. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe it has something to do with specific dates that are unique to her birth date maybe.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:43 am
by thejyav
Its super late so i'll wait to really get into this till the morning I just wanted to say congrats to the creators as this is the best video yet and I think a sign that they are going to come through for us. I guess they are getting away from the realism format though. I doubt dan had time to edit video and put in music while driving.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:45 am
by curriguy
wait...WHY are they not calling the police?
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:46 am
by ericski
i agree spaciegirl, something unique that we probably should have figured out already. a worthy vessel?
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:50 am
by onetruegnome
rachelalexis wrote:A few thoughts:
I don't know how it is out there, but here you have to be 21 a lot of places to get a hotel room. I distinctly remember having to make my parents book me rooms when I was going a couple hours away for concerts when I was 18-20, because I was too young to do it in my name. Isn't Daniel 18? Or are the hotels out there different?
Could they have come to Canada?
You can rent rooms at like 16 here, trust me I worked at a chain motel.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:57 am
by onetruegnome
khjq wrote:hmm...I am begining to think that the "deacons" don't want Bree to do the "ceremony" for any religious purpose, but instead has something to do with her having the right DNA. See I think the "deacons" are really scientists and the "ceremony" is really an experiment, and the scientists have just been using this whole religion thing as a front.
ha...I know this is a wack idea...but it'd be such a twist if this was really the case.
I thought something like that too. Because if Bree's dad is a doctor as it has been so strongly hinted, I don't think he would join a Thelemic cult. What rational professional would want to become a Thelema. Aleister Crowley's writings are incoherent blathering and a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:21 am
by heybitch
I dont think anyone else has asked.
And I scanned through 6 pages to see.
So.. I couldnt hear what the radio was saying.
Can anybody tell me?
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:31 am
by trunbuns
You were all right, major props to you all they were going on the run!
Although I didnt dislike the Gemma vid as much as all of you (where are they going with that? it does seem rather 'tagged on') I agree that this is a welcome return to the suspense we've all grown so addicted to! Great video and i'm sure it has to go down as the longest lonelygirl15 video yet (well worth the wait). I have to agree with some on here though that Bree did seem a bit to calm considering the situation, but perhaps she wouldn't of wanted to post a video of herself distraught?
Anyways all in all a good vid, what weve been waiting for! I just hope they can keep up the pace now and dont let it drop like they did after daniels breaking and entering exploits.
p.s I wasn't expecting bree's dad to be wearing such a lame hat!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:48 am
by quikstrike98
rachelalexis wrote:A few thoughts:
I don't know how it is out there, but here you have to be 21 a lot of places to get a hotel room. I distinctly remember having to make my parents book me rooms when I was going a couple hours away for concerts when I was 18-20, because I was too young to do it in my name. Isn't Daniel 18? Or are the hotels out there different?
It's amusing that Bree wouldn't be showering, but would still be applying her makeup. And I'll come out as a distinct hater of a facial-haired Danielbeast. Granted, he may not have had time to shave, but I hope that's fixed quick fast and in a hurry!
Seriously, Daniel. You guys can sit inside fast food restaurants and eat, or you can throw the bags away when you're done. That is gross.
Yay for action! Yay for something substantial happening!
What smart parents for leaving a note in P Monkey for her. Who knows what the heck is going on, but it's super exciting!
Was that Lucy or not? I'm assuming since she was blonde.
I'm waiting for some serious clue-age so we can figure things out.
Why would the parents not pick up the phone if they were there? Either they were taken earlier, then taken back to do something inside (maybe feigned that they forgot something important so they could put the note in P Monkey?) or they have been home and ignoring her calls. Would this be because people were there that they didn't want to talk to Bree in front of?
I doubt they couldn't have picked up the phone for a quick "stop calling, we'll call you when we can" if they were home. But that's entirely assuming.
It's been 18 years since I was 18....but back then it wasn't a big deal at all for me to get a hotel/motel room in some of the nicest places in Washington, DC when I wanted to take my girlfriend out for a night away from the dorms. Paid in cash, even (I didn't have a credit card in college).
This whole thing with Bree's parents walking meekly out to the car with the deacons is seriously peeing me off. Good grief Dad, fight! Heck, why haven't they called the cops? Ain't nobody leading me off to the slaughter without bruises, broken bones, bite marks, and my spit in his eye.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:37 am
by angie78gg
I think this may have been one of the best yet. Also, I have a couple concern's. Who in their right mind would watch their parents be hauled off and run straight into the house? I being the paranoid freak I am, would figure someone was still there waiting on me. The the other thing is, I am seriously hoping that Daniel is the good guy. I saw someone post about following them. What if there was no need, what if Daniel is still part of the scheme and knows where they were going. O.k. maybe not, but we still are not a 100% sure of that, or atleast I am not. So, anyways. hopefully they stay hidden long enough to figure what they nned to do.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:05 am
by TheChessboardWoman
For the curious, I took some screen caps :

Lucy & Bree's folks


Deacon Baldy McCreepy

Bree's dad lookin' pretty bummed out in the back of the car.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:15 am
by TheFatLady
Besides the logic errors people have pointed out--that B & D go immediately into the house without thinking someone might be waiting, etc.--it's bugging me that they're actually driving around pretty much all the time. For one thing, with the price of gas now, that can't be cheaper than paying for lodging, and for another, wouldn't sitting in an obscure park or something be just as safe? If they're just staying in the same city, that is, and merely avoiding their houses.
It doesn't really look like they're driving *away* so much as driving *around*, and that seems like kind of a ridiculous thing to me.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:06 am
by silvermoon
Ahhhh, good stuff! Worth the wait!
As far as Daniel's facial hair...he has some great photos on myspace where he has the facial hair. I've personally commented several times to him that he looks great with it, so I'm just going to go ahead and take full credit for the facial hair part of the video, lol!
My thought on why her parents didn't answer the phone while Lucy and the Deacon were there: they were expecting Bree to be concerned and rush home so they could catch her. After waiting all day and seeing that the plan wouldn't work, they threatened her parents to come along quietly, or they would hurt Bree when they eventually found her (thus their compliance to get into the car and her father's look of shame when he was in the back seat).
One question I have: If the shots Bree has been getting were actual "feel good" drugs to keep her happy/compliant, wouldn't she be starting to go into withdrawl about now? After a few days of not getting her injections, she should be bugging out a little, shouldn't she? Have they ever actually said that she was getting the shots once a day as opposed to several times a day? If she's only getting them once a day, what the heck kind of drug would be powerful enough to last that long? I'm thinking we are barking up the wrong tree with the whole "feel good" drug theory.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:35 am
by cassieisabeyotch
I just want to say that waking up to this vid was the highlight of my week. GREAT vid!!!
Wonder where they're driving to? Bree's real lucky that Daniel has her back.
B: "I'm bored"
D: "I'm driving.."
Loved it...