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Code to be broken?
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:59 am
by SharpI
Okay folks, listen up. Look at this exchange from the "Proving Longitude Wrong" vlog posts:
#34 Me Says:
October 28th, 2006 at 9:24 pm
#43 Me Says:
October 28th, 2006 at 9:31 pm
Pay Attention Folks…..
#46 QuickClick Says:
October 28th, 2006 at 9:32 pm
Okay, I get that Daniel is reading Time magazine and I see the clocks (7:10, 7:12) but what does it mean?
#48 Me Says:
October 28th, 2006 at 9:33 pm
Thats for Me to know and you to find out…
Good Luck
Now, you should know that "Me" is under suspicion in the vlogs for posting rah-rah LG15 material - that is, under suspicion of being a Creator or a Creator henchman.
So what does TIME TIME TIME mean? I thought first that it's a phone number - 710-712-TIME - but that turns out to be dead (and unlikely to be a solution, since the 710 area code is the U.S. Government).
I did notice that 710-712 contains the recurrence of the ceremony date ("10-12") but unsure what that gets us... except that Daniel pointing to England in the video may indicate support for "10-12-06" meaning December 10, 2006 (that's how the English would write that date).
I really want to think there's a solution here, where if you solve the puzzle and call the number/find the webpage/locate the geocache/whatever and give them your longitude, you get a LonelyGirl15 t-shirt. Any ideas?
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:23 am
by abcdefg
hey guys.... i've been lurking here for months and i finally have something (possibly) interesting to add.
okay, i don't know if it's really signficant to the plot or not, but about the clocks:
the book she's reading actually tells of one man's quest to make a "clock" which will accurately measure time, and therefore longitude.
The scientific establishment of Europe--from Galileo to Sir Issac Newton--had mapped the heavens in both hemispheres in its certain pursuit of a celestial answer. In stark contrast, one man, John Harrison, dared to imagine a mechanical solution--a clock that would keep percise time at sea, something no clock had ever been able to do on land. Longitude is a dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and Harrison's forty-year obsession with building his perfect timekeeper, known today as the chronometer. Full of heroism and chicanery, it is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clockmaking, and opens a new window on our world.
here's another interesting review of the book as well (which also mentions the knowing where you are and where you're going bit):
so in a way Harrison was really proving science wrong with the invention of his clock (his winning clock is also currently on display at the royal observatory in greenwich).
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:24 am
by house
Has anyone checked this week's issue of TIME to see what's on pages 7, and 10-12? Just curious... the table of contents, on the web, looks like alot of religious stuff.
These numbers remind me of the cookie baking/rating vlog. But, we're dealing with the same numbers: 10 and 12. The 7 is the oddity. But, I suppose you'd have to pick some hour (even if it was just random) when you're using clocks. My husband proposed that, if you fall back an hour (as we're supposed to do tonight), the time would actually be 6:10 and 6:12. So, that could tie in the year 06'. Leaving 12-10-06 as the pertinant date. Furthermore, if you use the gestational calender: a child conceived on 12-10-06, the due date would be America's Labor Day. (Don't ask how I know that...just random facts, again)
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:35 am
by Morgan
Sfonzarelli wrote:I really hope the creators haven't decided to listen to the people who whined about how they just want her videos to be nothing but Bree fondling her stuffed animals and gviing reading reccomendations to indie music so they can argue over which stuffed animal they like more and whether or not Bree and Daniel make an adorable couple and have actually 86'd the religious subplot.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:41 am
by abcdefg
also, has anyone else figured out a way to check if 7:10 and 7:12 (where exactly did we get 7:12 from though?? i missed that...) are latitude and longitude coordinates?
looking at
mapquest, 7 degrees, 10 minutes, 0 seconds latitude / 7 degrees, 12 minutes, 0 seconds longitude is smack in the middle of Nigeria.
not quite sure how that's relevant though, so maybe i'm way off here...
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:42 am
by minsky
Hmm Daniel points to England, Clock set to 7:10 Time in London at the moment 7:34 am (how long ago was this vid posted). In the other video Daniel was packing. Could we be looking at a road trip to London to see Gemma?
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:42 am
by house
This site is interesting. I googled "Time 7:10 Thelema" and this was the first hit. It's a calendar/schedule regarding a November Gnostic Mass, in 1990. The time 7:10 represents an astrological chart of some sort:
12/8 ZID (8) 7:10 to 9:10 PM
This poem/song is also related:
People put too much value on reason
There's more to life than bread alone
The sun must pass through every season
A pinch of salt can season a soul
There's a time to arise
There's a way to go on
There's an end to the night every dawn
every dawn
People take too much time out from living
They're hiding away from their nightmares and dreams
The moon revolves through infinite phases
Imagination finds a face in the wheel
People fear too much fear in each other
They learn to hate from Dad and Mom The stars will shine maybe forever
Burnt out at last, their light still travels on
If you read further down on this page, you'll see this:
One of the Masses at Thelema Lodge was disrupted. A member, who had been instructed to keep away pending resolution of a problem, emerged from behind the veil strangely garbed. He received the cake of light and departed in the same manner. This somewhat soured the experience for many of those attending.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:57 am
by deagol
This is getting really interesting, even eerie... to me at least.
Yes, a way to measure
longitude is to keep good
Wikipedia wrote:The tragic wrecking of the British fleet led by Sir Cloudesley Shovell led to the British Longitude Act, which created the Longitude Prize for anyone who could devise a practical method of determining longitude at sea. This was eventually achieved by John Harrison with his chronometer;
Ahh, I knew that
book cover seemed familiar. Harrison spent 40 years perfecting his clock design before he had one that earned him the prize. But even then, the Board had become so skeptic about anyone winning the 70 year-old prize that it attributed Harrison's success to just luck, and didn't pay him! He waited 2 more years and only the King's intervention got him the money. He died only 3 years later. A very good read.
Here's the eerie part...
A couple of days ago I was researching Gemma, and read about this
Gemma Frisius guy. Didn't look like anything interesting until now...
Wikipedia wrote:[Gemma Frisius] was the first to describe how an accurate clock could be used to determine longitude.
Hmm... Gemma just needs a good clock. Harrisson provides one (only 220 years later!).
But that's not all. This time I read the whole article until the very end. The last thing mentioned is a name that gave me goosebumps: turns out
John Dee was Gemma's student!
Is this too much 6-degree stuff? Can't be coincidence.
What is Daniel pointing at?
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:58 am
by pcbbc
I'm not sure he is pointing at England. The UK is the purple thing to the left and above where he is pointing.
To me it seems he is pointing more towards central France or Switzerland. Switzerland would seem more appropriate, given the clock references.
latitude 7 deg 10 min, 7 deg 12 min run through Switzerland - but, as the video is about longitude, that doesn't seem right.
But I've concluded what he is actually pointing at is Bree.... in France

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:51 am
by deagol
Ok, LA is usually 8 hours earlier than London.
But not right now... if I post this within 10 minutes.
See, daylight savings ended in London at 2 AM local time today, almost 8 hours ago, but it's still in effect in Los Angeles until 2 AM local time (PDT), still a few minutes away.
So, for the last 8 hours, the time difference has been 7 hours... Maybe they just spent 10-12 minutes thinking about it, thus 7:10.
[edit to fix calculations]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:56 am
by quikstrike98
I can't grok the significance of 7:10, but as posted earlier, the invention of an accurate timepiece was (ahem) instrumental in determining longitude during navigation at sea.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:05 am
by deagol
Similarly, New Zeland time is usually 13 hours later than London time.
But not for the last 29 days, it's been only 12 hours difference (convenient as you just swap the AM for PM either way). Since October 1st, 2 am local NZ time NZ started daylight savings, and today at 2 am London ended daylight savings, making it 13 hours more once again. An hour and 10 minutes later, London standard time was 2:10 am when it was 7:10 pm PDT in LA, the time in Bree's clock.
Ok now I just need to untwist my brain.
[edit to fix calculations]
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:09 am
by essie
Back to the story being more upbeat and happy. Yet does anyone think her story she told about longitude seems to be a clue?
2 girls survivors.. ( Bree and Gemma )
man with emerald ring that gets murdered for it ( Daniel? )
I really would hate it with Daniel got killed of the series.
Just my two cents.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:16 am
by lonelygirl
essie wrote:Back to the story being more upbeat and happy. Yet does anyone think her story she told about longitude seems to be a clue?
2 girls survivors.. ( Bree and Gemma )
man with emerald ring that gets murdered for it ( Daniel? )
I really would hate it with Daniel got killed of the series.
Just my two cents.
holy cow, that does seem possible. that might explain the last thing she said about daniel.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:30 am
by TheFatLady
deagol wrote:Ahh, I knew that
book cover seemed familiar.
So do you actually have this book? Can you check it to see if the numbers 710 can be applied significantly to it? (e.g. something interesting in tenth sentence of page 7, or whatever.)
Dying to know, and if it weren't 4 a.m. here, I'd go buy the book myself!