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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:39 pm
by omegawoman
I like the theory someone posted here about Bree's free will. Maybe she was just being tested to see if she could make logical decisions for herself.
Could her ceremony just be the simple task of telling her parents she doesn't want to participate.
But wait- that really doesn't explain the strange injections does it?
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:56 pm
by thejyav
kgurl84 wrote:I agree that it seems totally weird that her parents are okay with it.....
but one odd thing, is the picture of her family (i'm assuming....) is back up...
so who knows, maybe they really are okay with it but the most important thing is that daniel can come back over!!!!!
I'm sooooooo hoping they go back to old times and do at least one more "proving science wroooong" episode

yea either the creators are going for the most anticlimatic ending ever or this is all to easy
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:57 pm
by absolution
omegawoman wrote:I like the theory someone posted here about Bree's free will. Maybe she was just being tested to see if she could make logical decisions for herself.
Could her ceremony just be the simple task of telling her parents she doesn't want to participate.
But wait- that really doesn't explain the strange injections does it?
Maybe they were just.... vitamins? Can you even get vitamin injections?
Ooh OOOH or maybe they were a mild dose of a brainwashing drug and Bree has managed to will-power her way through it.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:57 pm
by thejyav
Flautapantera wrote:Goodness gracious! What's up with this avalanche of videos?
I think they realized they needed to keep the videos coming at us fast and often to keep us into it
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:59 pm
by thejyav
rachelalexis wrote:YAY! So glad that they're gonna be able to do some cute ones again. Though it better not lose some of the dark stuff. I just forgot how much I liked their interactions until the "I missed you" things int he last video.
I think they really are reacting to our comments. Alot of people have been complaining about missing the cutsie videos and when bree tried to add a little of that to the where is daniel video we were all like....uhm this doesnt work when she is all concerned about his safety. so they write a break in the tension in to give people what they want. good job by them.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:01 pm
by Sfonzarelli
omegawoman wrote:I like the theory someone posted here about Bree's free will. Maybe she was just being tested to see if she could make logical decisions for herself.
Could her ceremony just be the simple task of telling her parents she doesn't want to participate.
But wait- that really doesn't explain the strange injections does it?
Personally, I've been thinking the same thing. That would explain the irreconcilable theological difference between real life Thelema and these guys.
I'll expand upon the hunch I have. In the Illuminati Papers, Robert Anton Wilson talks about how Crowley would pretend he was satanic to test his disciples - I think this sort of thing is going on here. I also think they're doing sort of the forbidden fruit thing. Going back to the crazy moonchild theory that was popular for a while, and that I think may have originated from me, what if the order WANTS Daniel and Bree to hook up. Then, when they're lying in bed, smoking proverbial cigarettes, these guys in robes will pop out from behind the bushes and be like "
Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:04 pm
by Ziola
Holy Theory, Batman!! *pow*
Personally, I think that they are just trying to get us to relax a little so they can throw us for a loop.
'Course, I haven't figured out what the loop could be, but that's just my thought.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:05 pm
by thejyav
random lurker wrote:Like many, I think Daniel's being set up. I found it hard to believe that Bree could be deprogrammed so quickly, but I'm willing to take that as part of the plot. But her parents, willing to go against the cult leaders they've been following for years, just because their teenager asked them to? No way. This is all BAD news for Daniel.
I like the new gal - she's sort of a Bree 2.0. Uber-pretty, cute, silly, skinny. It would be annoying, except that she has such a fun accent.
That Daniel is a doll. Here's hoping that, whatever other drama is to come, he and Bree get to live happily ever after at the end of hte story.
I have to admitt I was thinking that there is no way things are going to go this easy. I was thinking A. HEr parents are lying to her or B. the order...or whatever you want to call them were not going to be pleased with her parents. But I wasn't thinking that Dan was getting set up by her parents. This seems to be the overwhelming thought from you guys though so I guess we will wait and see. The good news is that if things keep going as they have atleast we shouldnt have to wait long
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:11 pm
by thejyav
random lurker wrote:With Gemma's appearance, the timing is now right for Bree or Daniel to get kidnapped by the cult. Story-wise, it's easier to unfold the plot when the non-kidnapped American can consult with Gemma overseas (who conveniently is too far away to lend any physical assistance). It's cool having three characters, but I think there's a chance that Bree disappears on us for a while and DAniel has to trust Gemma (whose motives are still a bit "iffy" at the point) for help. (After all, Gemma can cover off pretty well on the "cute quotient" until Bree gets rescued from the clutches of the evil cult!)
This one is pretty intresting. I think from a marketing standpoint taking Bree out of the videos is really risky. After all, the tv shows news broadcasts and so on have not been talking about danielbeast, its all been lonelygirl lonelygirl lonelygirl. Take her off the show for awhile and people may tune out. Still the story oppertunites are intresting.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:18 pm
by SuperRad
Aww, the pictures back up. She loves daddy again. I think that the box is always there, though. It seems to me that the picture is leaned against the box and kind of wedged against the candle so that it doesnt slip. BOX, I KNOW YOU'RE THERE, WHAT IS IN YOU?!
I'm thinking Bree won't be feeling so relieved for long. I doubt that she really has as much say in it as she believes. Her parents don't seem the type to immediately roll over and let her have her way, especially since it's going against the religion and all.
Also, I see Owens bum. tee hee.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:20 pm
by NillaWafers
Glad to see Daniel and Bree back together. I hope for her sake that her parents are on her side. Otherwise we're looking at a seriously emotioanlly damaged Bree in the future.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:01 am
by Jenna
I think either one of 2 things will happen;
a) Daniel's going to get there tomorrow, and something will happen, maybe to try and freak him out and get him away. Remember how they said Cassie freaked out? Maybe they'll try and get Daniel to freak out in the same way?
b) The deacons will turn round and say a flat-out no, she can't back out now, and her parents will of course go along with it.
Methinks this is the calm before the storm.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:05 am
by Sfonzarelli
I think it's more likely that they're going to shanghai him when he goes to the house. Either elliminate him, or keep him captured and use him for the REAL ceremony.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:06 am
by SuperRad
I think we'll get at least one cute old fashioned Bree and Daniel video before anything else bad happens. The Creators people have been wanting it.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:35 am
by TheFatLady
Fear not, everyone; all will be well. I've advised Daniel, in the DB Chat forum, to be have a backup friend waiting outside if he does, in fact, go to Bree's house.
I feel quite sure the dear boy will listen to me.
We can all rest easier now.