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Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:10 pm
by lonelygirl
CriticalThinking wrote:Wait. I have a thought. Do the freaky cult people and/or Lucy know about the vlogs? Think about it. How else would they know Daniel was filming them? How else would they get Bree to lie to him? If that, then why would she have to lie to us? Am I making the least bit of sense?
edit: and could this mean a comeback for CiW??? (bree WAS telling lies!?!)
and another edit: a whole ten minutes and noone else has posted? I guess this vid wasn't as good as I thought it was.
they know everything

why would Bree tell us the truth huh? If she can't tell Daniel the truth, why would she tell us? Daniel is pretty much one of us--an outsider.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:22 pm
by TheFatLady
JacksAndDouches wrote:
question: Why does everyone capitalize the Creators. seems the only religion going on in here is you guys worshipping a couple film makers
Because anyone who can get me to put MY ENTIRE LIFE on hold for the sake of AN ADOLESCENT WHO ISN'T EVEN REAL deserves capital letters.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:25 pm
by TheFatLady
Sfonzarelli wrote:
Daniel's only friends are probably people he knows through World of Warcraft. That's why he's so stalkerishly obsessed with Bree. She's the only girl he's ever been in a room with for more than 5 minutes.
JerseyJohnny, aren't you going to interrupt here to defend the image of pimply-faced, bespectacled, pocket-protector-wearing gamers everywhere?
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:27 pm
by laurenesque
This video has restored my faith in the series.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:29 pm
by SuperRad
Holy cow, I wait all week for new videos, then I leave for the weekend and I miss two big ones! I just finished watching the new ones...I'd thought about it being a fake but I didnt actually think that would happen!
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:48 pm
by SharpI
lonelygirl wrote:CriticalThinking wrote:Wait. I have a thought. Do the freaky cult people and/or Lucy know about the vlogs? Think about it. How else would they know Daniel was filming them? How else would they get Bree to lie to him? If that, then why would she have to lie to us? Am I making the least bit of sense?
they know everything

why would Bree tell us the truth huh? If she can't tell Daniel the truth, why would she tell us? Daniel is pretty much one of us--an outsider.
Do the cult people really know everything? Have they been watching the vlogs right along? Did they tell Bree to put "10-12-06" in a vlog? Why on earth would they do this whole rigamarole rather than just telling Bree, 'tell them you're not in the ceremony anymore'. That way Daniel, and us, could never interfere.
Seems more likely to me that the ceremony was called off when an outsider was detected spying on it. Somebody took pictures of the spy and Lucy identified him as Daniel. That was when they decided to pretend the ceremony had happened, and told Bree to tell Daniel so. That way he would stop investigating, they thought.
I think we have to believe that the cult doesn't watch the vlogs, otherwise it's foolish for Bree and Daniel to communicate this way, and the verisimilitude of the saga (never that thick to begin with) gets too thin to support its own weight.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:57 pm
by Virginia
Ok, here's my two cents.
First, secret organizations and/or religions aren't always bad. For a couple examples, there is the Masons and BTWicca. Both have degree systems and very strict codes of secrecy, but neither is "bad" or a "cult."
What makes this differet, IMO, is that she is expected to take part in a secret ceremony without knowledge of why. This is a BIG warning sign. (Scientology anyone?)
Second, I see it as very likely that they know about YouTube and this whole drama, so why have they not lashed out due to Daniels videos? Generally speaking, a group with that sort of power has political power as well. It seems that if they aren't going to kidnap and/or kill Daniel, they would have had him arrested for B&E by now. And, now that Bree has told the world that she lied about the ceremony and is giving up some of the secrets they have ordered her to keep, repercussions should fall on her as well. I doubt they would have her part of this ceremony if she can't be trusted with such a small secret as the actual date of the ceremony.
I smell Bree being kicked out of the Order very soon, at the least.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:14 pm
by JerseyJohnny
Virginia wrote:
Ok, here's my two cents.
First, secret organizations and/or religions aren't always bad. For a couple examples, there is the Masons and BTWicca. Both have degree systems and very strict codes of secrecy, but neither is "bad" or a "cult."
Nobody is questioning Masons or Wicca. Without masons, we wouldn't have anyone to lay bricks for fireplaces and homes, and they are a valuable tradespeople like plumbers and carpenters. And as for Wicca, most of the finest patio furniture is made from wicca, and wicca furniture is very common in most homes in America. So obviously neither industry is a "cult". That's like saying the accounting industry is a "cult" just because they have degrees like the Bachelor's Degree or the CPA.
Virginia wrote:
What makes this differet, IMO, is that she is expected to take part in a secret ceremony without knowledge of why. This is a BIG warning sign. (Scientology anyone?)
I'm no expert in Scientology, I only took Scientology in high school. But I don't see what Scientology has to do with anything here. Scientology, or the study of Science, is also a common academic field in America and many people study it.
Virginia wrote:
Second, I see it as very likely that they know about YouTube and this whole drama, so why have they not lashed out due to Daniels videos? Generally speaking, a group with that sort of power has political power as well. It seems that if they aren't going to kidnap and/or kill Daniel, they would have had him arrested for B&E by now. And, now that Bree has told the world that she lied about the ceremony and is giving up some of the secrets they have ordered her to keep, repercussions should fall on her as well. I doubt they would have her part of this ceremony if she can't be trusted with such a small secret as the actual date of the ceremony.
Well, I'm afraid your theory loses credibility here. The people who run the most powerful corporations are part of the Worldwide Conspiracy which is made up of Bree's Cult and other Cults. And what happened when Bree started talking up too much on YouTube? That's right, the cult-owned company GOOGEL bought out YouTube and made them remove over 30,000 videos so far for "copyright infringement" (Translation: "our cult demanded that we remove them"). I think it's only a matter of time before Bree's videos are removed from YouTube.[/quote]
Virginia wrote:
I smell Bree being kicked out of the Order very soon, at the least.
Me too, I agree. She has violated their rules and they'll kick her out and probably kill her, if you ask me.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:20 pm
by gleamgliding
JerseyJohnny wrote:And as for Wicca, most of the finest patio furniture is made from wicca, and wicca furniture is very common in most homes in America.

Johnny, you are amazing. Lawl.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:20 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
So I finally got my speakers to work... and I missed a lotttt. I'm kind of completely lost, but I have to say that it's nice to see the old Bree coming back. I was getting bored of watching her be brainwashed.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:23 pm
by Holden
Michelle wrote:I don't know. I think everyone on this board makes the LG15 story out to be a lot darker than it really is. When the Cassie videos came out, the creators specifically said they were "darker" than what they were going for with LG15.
If you ask me, assuming the "cult" wants to kill Daniel, rape Bree, etc. is a LOT darker than anything in Cassie's videos.
You're exactly right but it's baffling, how can a story that includes cults not be dark? I mean Dr. Phil is trying to rescue a woman's daughter from a cult and even that is pretty dark.
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:48 pm
by salsagirl
i dont know if this has been said, but it's late and i don't feel like reading 6 pages of posts. ANYWAY--how do we know that she's telling the whole truth? I mean once someone lies like that, don't you have trouble beliving what's real and what's not? I know I do...
just my thoughts, anyway-continue on!
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:56 pm
by alejito burrito
It's kind of nice to know that ceremony was a fake ... I was originally imagining some elaborate arrangement, especially with everyone talking about the temple of denderah or whatever. So when it was just some lights in the woods I was like "oh, ghetto".
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:56 pm
by DavetheAvatar
Heh, we all made jokes about a second ceremony. Who knew we were going to be right?
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:04 am
by Michelle
Holden wrote:Michelle wrote:I don't know. I think everyone on this board makes the LG15 story out to be a lot darker than it really is. When the Cassie videos came out, the creators specifically said they were "darker" than what they were going for with LG15.
If you ask me, assuming the "cult" wants to kill Daniel, rape Bree, etc. is a LOT darker than anything in Cassie's videos.
You're exactly right but it's baffling, how can a story that includes cults not be dark? I mean Dr. Phil is trying to rescue a woman's daughter from a cult and even that is pretty dark.
Maybe it's not a cult.. maybe the whole point of the story is going to be about religious tolerance or something? I don't know.. maybe it is about a cult or witchcraft, but when people say Bree is going to get raped or murdered or have Crowley's baby I think that's way overboard.