Virginia wrote:
Ok, here's my two cents.
First, secret organizations and/or religions aren't always bad. For a couple examples, there is the Masons and BTWicca. Both have degree systems and very strict codes of secrecy, but neither is "bad" or a "cult."
Nobody is questioning Masons or Wicca. Without masons, we wouldn't have anyone to lay bricks for fireplaces and homes, and they are a valuable tradespeople like plumbers and carpenters. And as for Wicca, most of the finest patio furniture is made from wicca, and wicca furniture is very common in most homes in America. So obviously neither industry is a "cult". That's like saying the accounting industry is a "cult" just because they have degrees like the Bachelor's Degree or the CPA.
Virginia wrote:
What makes this differet, IMO, is that she is expected to take part in a secret ceremony without knowledge of why. This is a BIG warning sign. (Scientology anyone?)
I'm no expert in Scientology, I only took Scientology in high school. But I don't see what Scientology has to do with anything here. Scientology, or the study of Science, is also a common academic field in America and many people study it.
Virginia wrote:
Second, I see it as very likely that they know about YouTube and this whole drama, so why have they not lashed out due to Daniels videos? Generally speaking, a group with that sort of power has political power as well. It seems that if they aren't going to kidnap and/or kill Daniel, they would have had him arrested for B&E by now. And, now that Bree has told the world that she lied about the ceremony and is giving up some of the secrets they have ordered her to keep, repercussions should fall on her as well. I doubt they would have her part of this ceremony if she can't be trusted with such a small secret as the actual date of the ceremony.
Well, I'm afraid your theory loses credibility here. The people who run the most powerful corporations are part of the Worldwide Conspiracy which is made up of Bree's Cult and other Cults. And what happened when Bree started talking up too much on YouTube? That's right, the cult-owned company GOOGEL bought out YouTube and made them remove over 30,000 videos so far for "copyright infringement" (Translation: "our cult demanded that we remove them"). I think it's only a matter of time before Bree's videos are removed from YouTube.[/quote]
Virginia wrote:
I smell Bree being kicked out of the Order very soon, at the least.
Me too, I agree. She has violated their rules and they'll kick her out and probably kill her, if you ask me.