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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:42 pm
by noseybree
Ok here's what he's given me....
this link that JCA posted
have you noticed the surname of the author?...a lot of the information in there is innacurate.
Bree mentions a couple of Egyptian names in the video - Geb - the earth god she talks about is usually represented as lying prone on the ground with his erect phallus pointing directly upward. Nut, sky goddess, is usually depicted as arching over him with her arms at one end and her toes at the other - making the arch of the horizon.
Could this be a direct hint to sex magick? Instead of Bree being one of the four pillar women, it's more likely she'd take the role of Nut - and it's wierd that she didn't mention Nut as Geb and Nut are always together.
She also talks about "Dee cuns" or, as they should be pronounced, "Deh Cans", she says the most important one is what sounds like "suptet". Hubby thinks she means Satet, also spelled Supdet (Eyptians didn't have vowels and some of their constanant meanings sound the same so it's easy to mispronounce). It's not actually one of the 36 Decans of the Denderan Zodiac although it has strong links with one of them. Either the creators are using inaccurate source material or it's a deliberate mistake.
On the 12th - from East Lansing (we brits don't know where that is) the moon is just below gemini before dawn. She mentions gemini - but not as twins - but as a man and woman holding hands - again a possible clue.
That's all he could give me - he's tired! But it might be a few pointers....hope that helps.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:50 pm
by rachelalexis
noseybree wrote:On the 12th - from East Lansing (we brits don't know where that is) the moon is just below gemini before dawn. She mentions gemini - but not as twins - but as a man and woman holding hands - again a possible clue..
East Lansing is in Michigan. Probably that information came from Michigan State University somehow. (Yay for my alma mater!)
East Lansing is 3 hours ahead of Cali time, if that makes any difference.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:04 pm
by noseybree
can the two of you who quoted my original post remove the personal job information? He was really annoyed that i posted it as it's not allowed.
Nora here -- I'll take care of it, thanks for letting us know.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:05 pm
by Nora Volkova
Sopdet is the "most important" because it corresponds with the star Sirius. When Sirius first appeared in the sky each year, the Egyptians noticed that this corresponded with the arrival of flood waters down the Nile, heralding the fertile season of the Nile River Valley. As with most agricultural societies, field prep and planting was the *the* busiest and most important time of the year for them, and they made it the turn of the new year.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:32 pm
by dianeviola
i haven't read all the posts yet but did anyone notice the picture she references in this video is the same one on her wall?
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:35 pm
by nakita
Has the LG15 phenomenon reached Egypt yet? Isn't anyone worried that, should something we deem 'inappropiate' happen, the Egyptian culture will be offended?(I'm not Egyptian, I'm just worried).
On a different note, did Bree seem unusually hyper to anybody? We're all worried about her iron levels, how about her blood sugar levels? I mean, she pulled her sweater over her head and rolled around on her bed, for Pete's sake! (and her face got really shiny all of the sudden, but that's probably not relevant, i just wanted to share that i thought that was odd

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:51 pm
by Broken Kid
nakita wrote:Has the LG15 phenomenon reached Egypt yet? Isn't anyone worried that, should something we deem 'inappropiate' happen, the Egyptian culture will be offended?(I'm not Egyptian, I'm just worried).
On a different note, did Bree seem unusually hyper to anybody? We're all worried about her iron levels, how about her blood sugar levels? I mean, she pulled her sweater over her head and rolled around on her bed, for Pete's sake! (and her face got really shiny all of the sudden, but that's probably not relevant, i just wanted to share that i thought that was odd

Owen has that effect on all the pretty girls!

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:33 pm
by sweetie55
Broken Kid wrote:
Owen has that effect on all the pretty girls!

Hehe I think Owen does!

Anywho, has anyone listened to the lyrics of the song she plays in the video yet? I find that the music usually gives away the overall tone of the video. Seems like her bubbliness in this one is kind of a front, or fake cover on how she's doing? Daniel does watch these and she is probably trying to show him that her religion is harmless and he is in the wrong for saying that she's in a cult? Hehe I dunno.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:23 pm
by minsky
alystra wrote:The Hopper picture, "Second Story sunlight" speaks of longing - the girl sunbather is looking away from the older woman, looking wistfully at the world outside of her house, longing to get out into it.
Bree's top could mean that she is getting colder from being anemic from blood loss, but since her hair is also pulled back severelyit seems to mean that the purpose of that shirt is to keep her body covered up, for modesty, the way women in a number of religions wear high sleeves and high necks. could be both reasons, I s'pose.
Interesting thing I noticed in the vid that could relate to the way she is dressed. When she is Dancing around the room the song words say " everythings ok, I'm just trying to act my age" So maybe it is that she is trying to dress more modestly as stated above, ie be more mature etc.
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:39 pm
by kinj
Hi all,
In this video she mentioned days of the week. I still havent found a specific ceremony for Oct. 12th, I wonder if it matters that it's on a Thursday?
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:54 pm
by minsky
In light of the recent information supplied on this video and the reseach so far, does anyone else get the impression that Bree is going to be impregnated by some sort of high priest or whatever?
My mind keeps going back to the vid Daniel posted "Who is this" Where Lucy is showing Bree the positions to stand and face. Then Lucy takes of here Jacket. To me it sort of indicates that at that point Bree needs to take of her robe or whatever at that point.
Then there is the fact that her parents can't attend. Also how tell her she broke her Purity Bond etc.
If so Daniel, mate you need to do something and fast.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:14 am
by DontHaveAClue
I still think you are way too much on the dark side. In a PG show, a 15-year old teen will not get impregnated by an evil priest in a satanist mass.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:07 am
by minsky
DontHaveAClue wrote:I still think you are way too much on the dark side. In a PG show, a 15-year old teen will not get impregnated by an evil priest in a satanist mass.

She is 16. I don't actually mean that it will happen more along the lines of this is what they intend to happen, but it won't because someone or something will stop it.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:36 am
by Nora Volkova
We haven't seen any solid indication that Bree is the actual *focus* of the upcoming ceremony; she may well be serving in a symbolic or ritual helper role, while Lucy fulfills the dominant female role.
Even literary structure doesn't demand that this upcoming ceremony feature Bree in the dominant role.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:55 am
by JacksAndDouches
Nora Volkova wrote:We haven't seen any solid indication that Bree is the actual *focus* of the upcoming ceremony; she may well be serving in a symbolic or ritual helper role, while Lucy fulfills the dominant female role.
Even literary structure doesn't demand that this upcoming ceremony feature Bree in the dominant role.
lucy is a helper that is the only reason she is there...