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Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:55 pm
by jill2009
I don't understand how Bree could be pregnant. Whose kid would it be? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to become pregnant at the ritual (which still seems extremely unlikely to me) than for her to already be pregnant? If she were, what function would that serve in the ritual? If she is only six weeks pregnant or so, the ceremony couldn't have anything to do with the baby being born or really that much important. It's not like the devil's seed or whatever can be implanted in her post-pregnancy. So I don't understand the "Bree's pregnant" theory at all.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:56 pm
by mousegirl
jill2009 wrote:I don't understand how Bree could be pregnant. Whose kid would it be? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to become pregnant at the ritual (which still seems extremely unlikely to me) than for her to already be pregnant? If she were, what function would that serve in the ritual? If she is only six weeks pregnant or so, the ceremony couldn't have anything to do with the baby being born or really that much important. It's not like the devil's seed or whatever can be implanted in her post-pregnancy. So I don't understand the "Bree's pregnant" theory at all.
neither do I

Re: cameras and stuff

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:24 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
calphilips wrote:ok, here's the scoop.

That's not a camera, it's just a light. Very common around here. Go to any shopping center with palm trees and they have them strapped to them.

As far as abortion, etc.
The complex has 4 "doctor" related offices.

1. Internal Medicine

2. A "Health Center" that utilizes acupuncture and other alternative therapies.

3. Medspa

4. Pediatrics / Neonatology
Well, just because that's what's really there (I assume you've been there) doesn't mean that's what is there in the story. I mean, if they're shooting there, couldn't it just be a "set" essentially? Plus, like I said the offices I was talking about often don't have any there could be one in there. And, I live somewhere were there are palm trees everywhere too and there are lights that look like that...but there are alsocameras that look like that too.

As for the pregnancy thing. I don't really know if she is pregnant now. But if she's not, I think she will be soon. The whole moonchild thing takes 12 days though.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:28 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
jill2009 wrote:I don't understand how Bree could be pregnant. Whose kid would it be? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to become pregnant at the ritual (which still seems extremely unlikely to me) than for her to already be pregnant? If she were, what function would that serve in the ritual? If she is only six weeks pregnant or so, the ceremony couldn't have anything to do with the baby being born or really that much important. It's not like the devil's seed or whatever can be implanted in her post-pregnancy. So I don't understand the "Bree's pregnant" theory at all.
read the moonchild theory. I posted it under plot discussions. I would link it for you, but a mean witch once scolded me for posting it more than once.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:02 am
by robtomorrow
SuX0rZ wrote:Okay, the yeild sign.

In my theology classes and classics class the shape of the 'chalice' is of fertility and woman hood... that shape is the inverted triangle.

So, yes, we could be looking at a clinic or an OnG private practice... however, i know little practices that would have security cameras... maybe in america but not aus. My dad is a gyno and ill have to ask him if he knows of any relevance to blood dopin and the vaginal area.

Does anyone know of any Heiros Gamos ceremonies in Thelema or other religions we have associated with Bree?
Heiros Gamos being a ceremony focused around the fornication of man and women... Eyes Wide Shut anyone?
There is a book titled Enochian World of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex Magick

I haven't read it but the subject sounds relevant.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:22 am
by robtomorrow
If we are talking about a ritual ceremony, involving adults sex and an underage girl then it's pedophilia, I hope it doesn't turn out to be anything like that. Of course if there isn't anything sinistre about the ceremony then there is nothing for Daniel to save her from and he is just being a jerk.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:21 am
by Hmmmm
Except that although the age of consent in Cali is 18, elsewhere it's as low as 14 (with parental consent for marriage, which Bree would obviously have if it was Hieros Gamos). In several states Bree is of consenting age, even without p.c. I'm not saying it's palatable, but I wouldn't call it pedophilia. ... tchart.htm

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:44 am
by Mirage
I've posted this before, but I'll post it again. It could be a Sacred Marriage or a Alchemical Wedding.

And to defend the whole impregnating Bree at the ceremony thing, it would be a perfet age for the elders of her...temple or whatever, to be able to retain control of her child after he/she was born. They would be able to make the arguement that she is unprepared, has her whole life ahead of her, yada yada yada.

I think we need to stop being so squeamish and look at this as a very real possibility. Remember, ages ago girls 14-16 were considered the best age for marriage and birth and that by their mid twenties if they hadn't done either their chances to do so were thought to get a whole helluva lot smaller.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:17 am
by Mortal Wombat
It all still seems too vanilla for the pregancy or human sacrifice aspects to be where this is going, I reckon.

That said, I'd love for the creators to shock us and make the story turn a bit more adult, or a bit more threatening.

After all, there is new ground being explored with this series, and they aren't beholden to any TV execs or advertisers, so there are no rules.

They can do what they like, and from my perspective, the need for something radical or intense is growing with every new vid. Maybe it's because we're leaving the honeymoon period after the revelation that it's all fake, but while they've been trying to ramp the story up in recent episodes, I find myself caring less and less.

A good way to throw us a bone would be to have a few of the older clues pay off in some way. It seems like we're still very much in the dark about a great many things from earlier episodes, as far as any official confirmation through the story goes.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:45 am
by twjaniak
It has also been suggested that the Creators intended on keeping LG15 rated "PG" I'm note sure how that would play out if they plan on a human sacrifice.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:07 am
by Mirage
We're seeming to be revving up to the ceremony....and I think that it would be an extreme let down to have it just be a bunch of non-descript folks in robes chanting, singing, lighting candles, then getting together for a pot luck. There has to be a dangerous element that puts one of our intrepid heroes in mortal peril of some sort, or else (to me) the story has suffered a premature...uhm...yeah you can finish the rest there.

I'm not suggesting something as extreme as human sacrifice, I just think after all these ominous hints The Creators have dropped in the various videos, they're leading to something a big more crazy then just a "bible study".

(Edit: You made the blog, awesome!)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:23 am
by TheFatLady
(Edit: You made the blog, awesome!)

Which blog, which blog? I'm losing track of all the threads/links I check first thing every morning! I'm a grown college professor and I'm letting a suspenseful vlog take over my brain!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:45 pm
by Mirage

twjaniak made a blog of responses to Bree's vids, IC. They're in his link. :)

And yeah, I pretty much have no flipping idea what's going on anymore. I understand your pain. :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:43 pm
by TheFatLady
Whew, thanks. I'm back on track.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:21 pm
by taiya
I'm a long time lurker and I've just been reading about Johann Weyer. There is a lot of talk about the difference between a poisoners and witches.

I noticed that in Daniels drive, he also focuses sharply at one point on a specific plant. Does anyone know what the plant is?