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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:36 pm
by Shaneener
What I said during the video...
f**k off Jonas.
YAAAAAY Dr. Beast!
Dear God. Please don't tell me Dr. Isaac Gilman is going to start vlogging.
'Hey guys! Like, I'm Isaac, but you girls under fourteen can call me Dr. Looove. -winks-
I'm a doctor, so I'm good with my hands. If you get my drift. (;
Look at my friend, Mr. Condom. He does a funny dance.
-sped up scene of a codom package being thrown around Isaac's pink bedroom-
-Dr. Isaac sits on his computer chair, his knee under his chin-
Um, yeah, that's all. Bye!'
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:37 pm
by KatieInWonderland
I'm too tired to read through the whole forum, just skimmed. But I don't know if this is really relevant or has been mentioned...
But, did anyone else think they saw a helicopter? When the camera zooms in on the side mirror above the trees, it look likes a helicopter to me. But it's almost 1 am over here for me, so I could be just seeing things.
Yeah... I'm going to sleep now.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:39 pm
by bree_is_awesome
I googled Isaac Gilman and this what I found
Isaac Gilman, born in Russia, started peddling papers in the U.S. when he was 19. At 43 he bought an interest in a paper mill at Fitzdale, Vt. Five years later he was sole owner. The hamlet grew from four houses to a thriving, modern community of 1,100. In gratitude, it changed its name from Fitzdale to Gilman. Wages in the mills were high and there was never any labor trouble. Owner Gilman kept them running full time during depression, called his workers by their first names, took an interest in their personal affairs, footed many a doctor and hospital bill.
But Isaac Gilman was distressed because his model town had no churches. So he dug into his pocket, gave most of the money to build the Methodist Church ($28,000) and St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church ($15,000). St. Theresa's was soon self-sustaining, but Mr. Gilman gave several hundred dollars a year to the Methodists.
Last week, at 77, Isaac Gilman died. He was buried from Manhattan's Temple Emanu-El, of which he, a faithful Jew, was an active member. Said St. Theresa's Father William H. Cassidy: "He was a good man."
not sure if he dieing last week has anything to do with it
EDIT: my bad, that article was written in 1944
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:40 pm
by watermelonhead
Jonas you need to take a chill pill man!!!
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:40 pm
by psychobunnie
yepooda wrote:Samara wrote:Wonder how they're going to introduce the "mad scientist"??
Well we already know WHEN it will happen...
I just wonder why it will take them a full week to find him.

Maybe Taylor will find him and he'll be on the east coast in hiding, and that will be why we won't actually see him until Monday!

seriously, it would be so awesome if once.. just once, they'd side swipe us and take us totally by suprised. srsly, believe it or not, i miss glenn. o.0
but honestly, next vid.. i at least want some kissing action.. car chase action... daniel and jonas fighting action... ANYTHING.. I. WANT. ACTION. i want drama.. i want something instead of seeing them get dead end after dead end.. i mean, cliff hangers only keep the audiences watching for so long.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:42 pm
by Aerrow
Yea like next vid he should snap on Sarah again and DB should swing on Jonas.. That would be so badass.. I mean Jonas would completely mees up DB but it would be cool..
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:43 pm
by Wisi Girl
First of all, I don't understand how we can wait almost a week just to meet the "mad scientist" that we are currently chasing down. I cannot even tolerate another week of chasing Bree videos! Now, we are going to get a string of chasing the "mad scientist" videos and he will help them and we will get the string of chasing Bree videos? This is too much....I can't find the words right now.
Secondly, I don't see how Sarah is being helpful at all! How is she contributing? She is the annoying kid who jumps around at your legs and will not shut-up when you need to think. That is how I see her right now.
Finally, I am not going to do any research. I agree with matsie. They need to first thoroughly check all of the resources THEY have before they come to US for help. We can only do so much. Daniel has been so secretive with the information in the box, including the letter. Hell, we don't know if we have seen everything in the notebook! And why didn't they have Bree look at any of it when she was there? The pictures are a complete mystery to them and us! Bree should have known about the box....I am sure a lot of what they need answers to can be found with the items they already have at their disposal! It is a little frustrating that they are just asking us and not willing to think for more than two seconds and realize they can help themselves, too.
Oh, and this two-month deal with the scientist sounds like we are not going to see the ceremony any time soon....We may never get to it!!!
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:44 pm
by Inigo
A Doctor wouldnt wear scrubs to a meeting in a building he doesn't work in. He would wear a suit. No wonder he got caught. Either sloppy move from TAAG or the Writers.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:45 pm
by longlostposter
Jonas always sends DB in to do the dirty work. What a puss.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:46 pm
by Aerrow
Wisi Girl wrote:First of all, I don't understand how we can wait almost a week just to meet the "mad scientist" that we are currently chasing down. I cannot even tolerate another week of chasing Bree videos! Now, we are going to get a string of chasing the "mad scientist" videos and he will help them and we will get the string of chasing Bree videos? This is too much....I can't find the words right now.
Secondly, I don't see how Sarah is being helpful at all! How is she contributing? She is the annoying kid who jumps around at your legs and will not shut-up when you need to think. That is how I see her right now.
Finally, I am not going to do any research. I agree with matsie. They need to first thoroughly check all of the resources THEY have before they come to US for help. We can only do so much. Daniel has been so secretive with the information in the box, including the letter. Hell, we don't know if we have seen everything in the notebook! And why didn't they have Bree look at any of it when she was there? The pictures are a complete mystery to them and us! Bree should have known about the box....I am sure a lot of what they need answers to can be found with the items they already have at their disposal! It is a little frustrating that they are just asking us and not willing to think for more than two seconds and realize they can help themselves, too.
Oh, and this two-month deal with the scientist sounds like we are not going to see the ceremony any time soon....We may never get to it!!!
They tried showing her the stuff from the box and she had no reaction to it like she didn't care or wtv..
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:46 pm
by yepooda
But, did anyone else think they saw a helicopter? When the camera zooms in on the side mirror above the trees, it look likes a helicopter to me. But it's almost 1 am over here for me, so I could be just seeing things. Embarassed
I think it's just the top of a tall palm tree

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:48 pm
by Lauren
I searched for Isaac Gilman and only came up with a Time article from 1944. Didn't help when I searched for that name along with "Wyman," so I'm not sure if I'm spelling it correctly... hmm. I also tried searching it along with words like "genetics" and "geneticist," but still nothing.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:49 pm
by Aerrow
yepooda wrote:But, did anyone else think they saw a helicopter? When the camera zooms in on the side mirror above the trees, it look likes a helicopter to me. But it's almost 1 am over here for me, so I could be just seeing things. Embarassed
I think it's just the top of a tall palm tree

Yea I seen that to but I didn't really think it was anything because I mean.. Seeing a helicopter in the rear view mirror way of in the distance while you are driving down the road??? It really doesn't seem like anything.. Unless the order is watching them or something, which still isn't any big deal because for now they aren't interfering with anything..
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:50 pm
by Wisi Girl
pyschobunnie, you call this video a cliffhanger? What? My interest level right now, on a scale from one to ten, is at a -3. I am still watching because I hope this series will come around soon. Anyways, I just don't see anything remotely intriguing about this video and to call it a cliffhanger is totally out of proportion! Only MY opinion, you know?
By the way, (this is really off-topic,) I spotted a tourist, (I live on the Hawaiian island of Oahu,) and she was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Save Bree" I flipped out! Has anyone else had this experience!? Was that a freak chance or is this series getting that popular?
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:55 pm
by Wisi Girl
Aerrow, I didn't know that! Where did you learn this? Well, I think if Bree is not willing to provide insight then we certainly can try! If they are turning to us for help then shouldn't we be presented with all of the same resources they have before we move on to other possible sources? Bree would be the best person to look at the letter, the pictures and the notebook, true. If she is not cooperating, as you said Aerrow, then we can give it a try! Don't you agree?
Edited to include:
Sorry about the double-post, folks! This site is so slow right now and I figured a lot of you would be posting. I didn't realize my second post would follow my other one!