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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:41 am
by sack36
What I see happening here and in the video is escalation. What's funny is that we (by that I mean the forum) started it.

When Bree was stolen back from the Order, we started looking up ways to deprogram people. We had some good ideas and we had some bad ideas, just like always. Unfortunately, Jonas chose to try one of our good ideas--treat her as you always have and let her heal on her own time. Remember that advice, forumites?

We had forgotten and he remembered that before she was kidnapped they were in the process of falling in love. He talked to her about inconsequential things, took her for long walks, gave her piggy back rides. It was what he'd been doing before. Bree responded. If you take a look at the video again, you'll see it was Bree who kissed Jonas first.

Up to then it was all small things. Poor decisions on everyone's part. Jonas shouldn't have pushed Daniel away; Sarah shouldn't have made a play for Daniel just then; Daniel shouldn't have allowed Jonas to take over nor should he have allowed Sarah to distract him. See? All small things. All tiny misjudgments.

But each misjudgments lead to a slightly escalated retaliation that led to a larger retaliation with us forumites banging away at the trio, flinging mud at their defenders, making accusations.

And now I would like to take the line away from my usual sig and propose this to everyone. Hush. Let it go. Make peace. We're all friends here on the forum. We've been reacting harshly and we've been escalating the problems. Look around you. I love Lurker and Esteed and eucebo and all the rest of you. I enjoy talking to you and I don't want to fight any more. Can't we go back to being friends? Jonas? Taylor? Daniel? Sarah? Lurker? LesterG? Juli? eucebo? Esteed? and all the rest of you?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:11 am
by longlostposter
IDK that we ever weren't friends, but yes, this is fine with me.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:19 am
by Lurker
CRYISME wrote:I agree I'm on Jonas side also. What he did was wrong? Yes and he acted very stupid, but he said he was sorry. As his friends they should understannd why he did what he did and acept his apology and move on to finding Bree.
Actually ... he never apologized at all. He's been not only thankless but also unapologetic for his behavior.
longlostposter wrote:IDK that we ever weren't friends, but yes, this is fine with me.
I share the confusion over when we stopped being friends and became foes, but, yeah, fine here too.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:01 am
by LesterG
Sam fan wrote:
LesterG wrote:
if jonas turns into some sort of monster with obsessed feelings after this? it's cause of everyone feeding his denial... you all know that in his current state...
That's your fear, right? So you swing to the opposite extreme to counter-balance the apologists it sounds like mate. That's one way to do it, right so.
His email got posted less than a week after he got his heart broke to pieces, (assuming that isn't an act for the Order). Not manys got such an iron heart that they'd be back to macho form in a few days and at least he isn't getting soused in whiskey (that we know of).
believe what you want to believe is helping... I guess

his email being posted doesn't matter... He WANTED it to be seen... otherwise he wouldn't have CC'ld and BCC'ld Sarah and DB... HELLO? hi... even if he made a mistake...



keep burning your bridges, Jonas.. pretty soon there will be no more bridges to burn and you'll end up finding other uses for that axe...

Aerrow wrote:I completely agree with Lurker and I can't believe how you people are sticking up for Jonas like that.. Jonas is my favorite out of all of them but I'm not blind, I mean, the e-mail that he sent out was completely immature, when you do something like that knowing that it is going to hit a spot with the people that you are sending it to.. That just makes it immature, I mean he didn't even have the nuts to confront Sarah about it, instead sent her an e-mail, what a puss.. And you can defend him all you want but he had no reason to freak in the woods and yell at them, telling Daniel to go play with her blister or whatever he wanted to do, I mean, wtf.. I mean even if they were searching for their friend, they could have stopped for like a second, Bree doesn't even know where the hell she is, she isn't going anywhere fast.. But moving on more to the e-mail, he attacked someone that has tried to do nothing but help, that was extremely immature, it's like telling your mom even though she has worked all her life to support you that she does a horrible job at it and she is the worst mom in the world, when all she wanted was the best for you.. So whatever, I'm out..
=D> =D> =D>

AMEN! I think I'm done too... sick and tired of babysitting... might as well let the other worshippers stay blind and figure he can do no wrong...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:02 am
by LesterG
sack36 wrote:And now I would like to take the line away from my usual sig and propose this to everyone. Hush. Let it go. Make peace. We're all friends here on the forum. We've been reacting harshly and we've been escalating the problems. Look around you. I love Lurker and Esteed and eucebo and all the rest of you. I enjoy talking to you and I don't want to fight any more. Can't we go back to being friends? Jonas? Taylor? Daniel? Sarah? Lurker? LesterG? Juli? eucebo? Esteed? and all the rest of you?
nicely said... and being said after what I just posted... :lol:

...truce then...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:07 pm
by chershaytoute

This thread seems to have wandered away from talking to Jonas and toward talking to each other.

I'd also like to remind folks that forum rules ask that we be friendly to each other...and attack issues and not each other (though I do notice that things seem to have died down...and thank everyone involved who helped make that happen! <huge smile>)

And now (please) back to your regular in-character discussion...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:26 pm
by eucebo
I won't go back to the subject. I have my opinion, so as everyone else does, and each one of us has the right to think what they want.

I just wanted to say that I never stoped being friends with anybody... well, maybe Taylor and Sarah, but that's something I have to deal with.


Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:44 pm
by longlostposter
I refuse, however, to make up with Bree. I draw the line at that.

Sorry, Jonas.