Tonights Chat with Jonas

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Post by milowent »

dixie - your project sounds great. is it possible to get it up and running as a test? if it gets popular, perhaps it can be canonized.
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Post by Taig »

Broken Kid wrote:there are some bigger changes in the works over the next couple of weeks, ...
That really cracks me up...No offense but really it made me laugh when I saw that...Do you guys have that slogan hanging on the wall? Maybe it's on all the LG15 screen savers
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Post by dixiemccoy »

milowent wrote:dixie - your project sounds great. is it possible to get it up and running as a test? if it gets popular, perhaps it can be canonized.
It's actually been running and functional for almost a week now.... Catch me in the unofficial IRC chat on FreeNode for access. (That goes to anyone.) There aren't many people in there unless we set something up though. My test system is actually running on my home Linux desktop right now and is subject to the random power outage, occasional shutdown to save energy, etc...

Just for kicks, I checked the stats... the test IRC server has actually been up and running since I installed it on June 7th... and services running since they were installed on the 14th. Not bad for something not fully tweaked, running on a desktop. I've had to do no maintenance beyond changing the settings. Once installed, IRC is fire and forget. After that it's all user and channel support for users and that can be farmed out to trusted operators much like this forum.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

QtheC wrote:A link to the chat log is available on LG15 Today blog posting by modelmotion: ... -2007.html

That's great of you guys and highly appreciated (I just wanted to say that first cuz it is), however some people would actually like to participate in it and not just have to read it, because the chat wasn't working.
I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places. -Tori Amos
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