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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:21 am
by capgun
Well I guess Daniel got too angry with her, but from what I've read (i.e. two pages on wikipedia) about deprogramming, he was going along the right path. I mean, it's mostly about denouncing the cult on specific points?? The good cop/bad cop dynamic they have might be good too, though. I don't know.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:41 am
by pandababy

LOVING that hug at the end!
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:04 am
by janejane26
pandababy wrote:
LOVING that hug at the end!
Me too! And the look on Jonas' face was perfect... disbelief that Bree actually came up to him for a hug. Poor guy, he's probably got next to no sleep the past several days wondering how long it will take Bree to get back to normal (or if she ever will) and then she unexpectedly cuddles up to him. Awww.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:06 am
by joku2002
Until she started laughing I thought they should just give up for awhile. But it looks like jonas is doing great with bree. Bree seems to have a special place in her heart for jonas.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:10 am
by krmurr87
who else had an
aww moment at the end?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:19 am
by Wisi Girl
Well, at least we now know that the boys didn't post the last video, which means that Bree is much more capable than I had originally thought. If she can record, edit and post a video by herself, (I still don't know why the boys locked her up with a camera and a computer,) then why can't she think clearly enough to contact someone and be rescued? Also, Jonas mentioned how long they have been there.....Where is the Order? They should know where they are? Unless they did a careful job at covering up their tracks.....I wish Jonas would take the time to tell us more about this as well.....
Oh, and I forgot which fan said that they finally fell in love with Jonas but I have to add myself to this group! I always enjoyed him as a character but.....Yes, I love Jonas now.
Excuse me as I go and watch the video again to look for Daniel's painted nails!
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:24 am
by aideen
The ending confused me.
And Jonas looked so happy. Never thought I'd say this, but, stupid Daniel

He wrecked it. Go hang out with Sarah, get over Bree! You and Sarah may rule the world together
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:43 am
by angie_pants
krmurr87 wrote:who else had an
aww moment at the end?

majorly. i think my heart melted.
man, jonas had some sweet dance moves, hehe.
i'm glad to see a smile. we know she's not a completly lost cause. its just going to take time.
and jonas was very attractive with his messy hair and stuble

i definatly have a type, hehe.
i was very disappointed with beast, especially when he got frustrated with jonas when he made her laugh. even the smallest progress is still progress.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:57 am
by gigglingmonk
I don't know why Dan got angered when Jonas was making her laugh. Like, ok, making her laugh is showing her that they aren't there to hurt her, and it sort of establishes trust. I think they should just keep that up, along with the showing her the old videos and stuff. I mean, ok, they need to establish a bond with her, even if its small, or she will never believe them. Also, pronouncing the HoO as fake, isn't really true. I mean, it is real...its just bad..and a facade for the Order, but it still exists in the sense that everything on this planet exists, you know?
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:18 am
by Sarah of the Dead
I've just melted into a puddle of sap over this video. So, so, so adorably cute.
ETA: And on another not-plot-related-at-all-issue: Daniel needs a haircut.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:22 am
by lonelycrack15
methinks Mr.DB is jealous...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:52 am
by MintyBeast
Poor DB.
Just read the chat. A lot of people were telling Jonas to confront DB about his not being active with helping bree. If he goes this route it will either go over a bit smoothly, or pretty bad.
I wish we could get a vid from db on what is going on in his mind.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:53 am
by Dovey
I think the reason Jonas got through to her was because he put his voice in a different range when he was talking to her.
When he spoke for the bird, he used a high-pitched voice. She smiled.
When she laughed, he was -singing- and dancing.
When he tickled her he was saying "Bree", ascending a scale from low to high. Before her lost her attention.
The Hymn of One seems to put a heavy emphasis on music.
Perhaps they should try singing to her?
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:25 am
by alysaface
Aja wrote:alysaface wrote:Ok, i had to stop watching at the very beginning, because um..
these two stills are just about the cutest things ive ever seen.
Look what you goobers did to me, i'm a freakin fan girl aren't I?
save me.
I feel the same way. I keep watching this vid over and over because I can't get enough of Jonas.
I need help.
someone needs to form a 12 step program or something.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:26 am
by alysaface
Dovey wrote:I think the reason Jonas got through to her was because he put his voice in a different range when he was talking to her.
When he spoke for the bird, he used a high-pitched voice. She smiled.
When she laughed, he was -singing- and dancing.
When he tickled her he was saying "Bree", ascending a scale from low to high. Before her lost her attention.
The Hymn of One seems to put a heavy emphasis on music.
Perhaps they should try singing to her?
the hymn of one is a front for the order.. not an actual religion or group..