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Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:13 pm
by kismetologist
mindinflight wrote:sparrow wrote:Also, does anyone else here believe in harmless flirting? Overall, I thought that's what was going on. Just a joking sort of flirting that he's not really aimed at getting the girls.
Yeah, that's the vibe I got from that whole exchange, as well. But hey, I've still got my fingers crossed for Bree/Jonas... that's just me.

I thought the flirting was just jonas bringing some humor to the situation. Then Taylor saying "does that work on all the girls, or just me?" seemed to throw him for a loop. Did you notice the awkward eye shift as he said "wow i don't know my own powers..." and got up?
Sarah is growing on me in a huge way. I think the character might be too over the top here or there, but i love her snapishness. The interaction between she and Daniel is great.
Trait negative? Well...looks like she's not the girl and they may have wasted a whole lot of time messing around with the whole kidnapping business. Does anyone else wonder how jonas feels now that it's becoming apparent that not only was he in this situation--which he disagreed with, and felt to be taking time away from what he wanted to be focusing on (his parents)--but that it was all for nothing? and now bree's gone?
and we don't hear much from daniel anymore as far as how he feels about all this. he's just there for the ride, it seems. used to be, daniel had something to say about all this. what's going on in the mind of the danielbeast?
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:20 pm
by je_sais_cequisetrame
I don't know about the shooting locations, it's sort of strange. The letter from Julia's sister confirms what I thought wasn't true, that she actually does live in Texas. So did they take everyone there to film scenes with her, or did she skip school and go to California to film the scenes there? And if they went to Texas to film with her, did they seriously go all the way back to California to film the scene at the hospital?
Not that it matters. But I bothers me, lol.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:30 pm
by Lurker
I liked this video a lot. Nice plot progression, nice interaction with the characters, clever and funny reference to Miles, great humor (especially from Sarah and Daniel), and appropriate use of Daniel's B&E abilities.
Inigo wrote:Yeah I think the chemistry between Daniel and Sarah is getting better, much to Lurker's delight.
I loved his line — and the calm tone of voice that went with it — when he said "Calm down, tiger."
Renegade wrote:Sarah...batteries...noise....
...can somebody please shut up the naughty voice in my head?
saralynn wrote:There's no way he likes either of them, and neither does Daniel -- aside from Bree, he's fallen for an older woman. Can't go from Alex to a rugrat.
I'm not sure I follow this reasoning. Sarah and Bree are probably the same age — or very close to it.
saraylynn wrote:I don't know if Taylor likes anyone, but I think Sarah likes DB more than Jonas ...
I agree.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:35 pm
by amybagofdonuts
OHHHH This is getting good again. FINALLY.
Hahaha Dr. Beckett...not like that's a reference or anything...
Oh, and I loved the 'It involves D batteries, and makes a lot of noise' 'Uhhhhh boombox?' bit. Hahaha
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:39 pm
by Hippie
allow me to say f**k YEAH (i will cut down on vulgar things)
BUT, "TRAIT NEGATIVE" that alone is what I have been looking for, JULES IS FINALLY NOT THE 1!!! TYVM!!
Sarah needs to take caffiene or whatever she did in her 1st 2 videos, it seems like the creators are trying to take her to emo, tho the viewers mostly like her as was...
ps - real hacking info, even basic would be a nice touch...
"D batteries" A high quality walkie talkie? lol
well, this vid is a bit better than the past month or more...
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:42 pm
by Misty
kellylen wrote:
hahaha I love sarah she really has grown on me she reminds me of myself. "it involves D batteries and makes lots of noise."
Yeah, Sarah is an awsome addition! It's about time that a series shows a teen girl who admits to masturbating.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:44 pm
by Inigo
I've always known that Jules was only bait to reel Bree in.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:45 pm
by amybagofdonuts
PS- I don't think it was a reference to a vibrator because:
Most take AA batteries
(From Wikipedia)"The sale of vibrators and similar "novelty items" is forbidden in several states in the southern USA. In the state of Texas, the sale of devices for sexual stimulation such as vibrators and dildos is technically illegal, but many stores will sell such items provided that the customer sign a statement that the device will be used only for educational purposes"
Just saying. And, if that's what it really was a reference to, I guess they didn't do much research. I doubt if the policy is as stated above, that one would be sold to a teen.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:46 pm
by saralynn
I guess I just think Daniel is over younger girls, after his experiences with a finnicky Bree. Jonas has already admitted to liking Bree, so I doubt he's serious about either of the girls.
Just my opinion though.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:48 pm
by amybagofdonuts
saralynn wrote:I guess I just think Daniel is over younger girls, after his experiences with a finnicky Bree. Jonas has already admitted to liking Bree, so I doubt he's serious about either of the girls.
Just my opinion though.
I would really like to see Bree and Jonas get together. I know a lot of people hate the idea, but I think it would be interesting.
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:48 pm
by milowent
amybagofdonuts wrote:PS- I don't think it was a reference to a vibrator because:
Most take AA batteries
Maybe D-Batteries was a subtle reference to Daniel Beast?
this cracked me up, too. But what does the "Z" stand for?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:50 pm
by amybagofdonuts
milowent wrote:
Maybe D-Batteries was a subtle reference to Daniel Beast?
HAHAHAHAHA Excellent point!
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:52 pm
by kellylen
yeah i thought the dbatteries might be a reference to db
and i think on the next MM i'm going to ask miles his middle name

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:54 pm
by Crooked Angel
"It involves D batteries and makes a lot of noise" <<<<<< Favorite part!!!!

funny girl!!!
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:59 pm
by Misty
amybagofdonuts wrote:PS- I don't think it was a reference to a vibrator because:
Most take AA batteries
(From Wikipedia)"The sale of vibrators and similar "novelty items" is forbidden in several states in the southern USA. In the state of Texas, the sale of devices for sexual stimulation such as vibrators and dildos is technically illegal, but many stores will sell such items provided that the customer sign a statement that the device will be used only for educational purposes"
Just saying. And, if that's what it really was a reference to, I guess they didn't do much research. I doubt if the policy is as stated above, that one would be sold to a teen.
Are you serious???
My girlfriends cousin lives in Texas and she has a vibrator. And there are tons of different kinds of vibrators, some of them use D batteries.