0161 - "Subjects Apprehended" 3/26/07

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Post by Shaneener »

Lurker wrote:
consideration wrote:
Ravensnow27 wrote: Then I'll jump too :smt088
We'll all jump.
Maybe they just got together recently and watched "Titanic."

What? It could have happened.
Maybe the Creators told them to do that so all of us LonelyStalkers will get scared and beg for a new video!


Sorry, what's that I hear?

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

longlostposter wrote:OK, Kisselle, I have studied Daniel's physique extensively, and, yes, that reflection does look to be exactly the way he fills out his jeans. I will admit, that the structure and contours of the body in the reflection do indicate that this is, indeed, Daniel's rather remarkable lower region.

My basis for saying it wasn't him were the screenshots, and the slo-mo just confirmed what I already knew...Daniel was apprehended. However, it is possible he was apprehended and triggered (Wow, the thought of a mind-controlled Daniel at my disposal just came to my mind, and it is intoxicating, to say the least).

Kisselle, I was just in denial. It does appear to be Daniel's booty.
What, lower region? I'm seeing it wrong then. I see an upper region.. kinda.

PS: I agree with giddeanx completely. The reflection doesn't look like a reflection of a person.

I'm still all for the theory that there were three separate abductors and that all three kids were kidnapped at the same time. NOT by Daniel, obviously.

Also, I don't think they would play an april fools joke in March. That makes no sense. lol. The whole point is to play the joke that day, and later admit it was an april fools joke.

Sorry, but I think this is serious business. :)
Last edited by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. on Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

house wrote:All of their myspaces say, "You jump. I jump."?
That is adorable.
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Post by longlostposter »

house wrote:All of their myspaces say, "You jump. I jump."?
Maybe they all quit. :shock:
So does the cameraman Kevin's say that. This is some scary stuff. They probably didn't do it already, but are thinking about it. I pray to God they're getting paid.
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Post by subterfuge »

longlostposter wrote:
house wrote:All of their myspaces say, "You jump. I jump."?
Maybe they all quit. :shock:
So does the cameraman Kevin's say that. This is some scary stuff. They probably didn't do it already, but are thinking about it. I pray to God they're getting paid.
Since we're checking MySpace quotes, the ex PM's says



Of course, I don't know how long that's been there. Just found it interesting.


EDIT: Oh, and then I checked Mesh's, and Jess posted

uhM you jump i jump REMEMBER!

Anyway. That may have just been an exercise in futility. :roll:
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Post by Onewen »

subterfuge wrote: Since we're checking MySpace quotes, the ex PM's says



Of course, I don't know how long that's been there. Just found it interesting.
Ya, I saw that a couple of weeks ago...it's been there for awhile. Still...scared me to death! :shock:
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Post by longlostposter »

Ok, apparently Lurker was right about them watching Titanic together (Lurker, I'm wondering if you are just a fan the way you claim to be; this looks very suspicious on your part).

I sent Jessica a myspace message and asked her about the "You jump, I jump" quotes on the pages. I told her there was speculation on the boards about them maybe quitting. Here is her response (In bold):

AWWWW nonononooo haha its a little inside joke between everyone on the LG team! we all watched Titanic on a trip and were just joking around about the different 'classic lines' soi think Amanda said we ALL have to put 'you jump I jump' on our pages... alhtough I have noticed miles and mesh havent done it yet! grr hehe dont be worried!!! Thanks for being a great fan !!!!


I guess we can put this issue to rest now.
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Post by EmoGlasses »

Bree killed Jonas & Daniel and raped them :)
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Post by longlostposter »

EmoGlasses wrote:Bree killed Jonas & Daniel and raped them :)
In what order?
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Post by EmoGlasses »

longlostposter wrote:
EmoGlasses wrote:Bree killed Jonas & Daniel and raped them :)
In what order?
kidnap,kill,rape :?
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Post by Luminous »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
house wrote:All of their myspaces say, "You jump. I jump."?
That is adorable.
Team building skydiving exercise, lol.
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Post by kittenishtrance »

I posted this in another thread, but it has relevance here too.

Morgan wrote:I guess it has relevance in this forum, it could be a character in the order. :shock:

to quote it in the videos forum: http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewt ... &start=240
seek_inspiration wrote:Well, from watching, I assumed it was this guy who was chasing them:


The guy is running, Daniel makes a noise like he's run into the guy or something and then it looks like Daniel shoves him away.
Hi, first time posting here.

So look at Daniel's arm. Could it be the matching arm to the one we see driving away in the "Suspects Apprehended" video? Does anyone see any resemblance in both arms? Sure, all arms are pretty much the same, but does the hand and size of the wrist/forearm look similar in size? I kind of think it does, but I don't know for sure.
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Post by SirWallyWally »

Does anyone realize how long 44 pages of posts is? :lol:

I think the only solid, definitive fact we can pull away from this video is - everyone has their own opinion as to what happened. :P

Personally, I tend to agree with the idea of all three being captured at the same time, and then the Order/kidnappers edited the video together and cut out unneeded video.

As far as the cameras and the fuzziness - could they possibly be like a hidden camera type of thing, hidden in a button on their lapels? That would account for the fuzzy edges. The only thing that throws this hypothesis out the window is when the Driver puts the camera on the center console.

Whoever posted the "blinding light" screen cap - were you looking at what seems to be two people standing on the right side of the windshield? One feminine body shape and one masculine - Bree and either DB or Jonas (I don't remember the color of the shirt in that particular screen cap).

Daniel's 'intense stare' in the checkout line, matched up with the theory that he was captured near the bathroom quickly lead me to one solid (though funny) solution - Daniel really had to go, had to get a key for the bathroom, and the person in front of him in line was taking an extraordinarily long time.

The next step or video? No clue. Jonas is a boxer, so could he make a daring solo escape when he comes to, and recruit Tachyon and Brother for a rescue mission? Given the 'private video' status, we know that Tachyon can not see this video, but the lapse between the "Vegas, Baby" video and today (6 days), Tachyon would at least be on high alert considering the way the "Vegas, Baby" video ended. If so, what happens then? Eventually the trio (plus two) will have to confront the Order and bring this to an end, as running for ever will not work.
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Post by longlostposter »

SirWallyWally wrote: Eventually the trio (plus two) will have to confront the Order and bring this to an end, as running for ever will not work.
Or Bree could be forced to do the ceremony.
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Post by impulse »

I need a fix. 4 days without a vid after one of the most dramatic in the series. Now what? Do they want us to wait here and die? Hey Creators, you evil Creatozors, we need a fix and fast! :evil:
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