We rarely get this much information!!
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Seneca Doane said...
Hi Frank. I don't mean to be rude, and I know how hard this is for you. But PLEASE DO NOT try to resist Cassie's demands. If you do we will all miss out on crucial clues. If we are to help her in time, to "train" as it were, we need every bit of information we can get. I'm sorry to say but I think you NEED to follow her commands. Here's an idea, though: why not let one of us spend some time with you over the next couple weeks. You seem to have a pretty good rapport with Cu_Roi. Could he (and maybe nilla and nos too) stay at the motel with you over the next few days? That way they can follow you and be there as a support when the voice starts speaking to you. They can help you do whatever it is Cassie needs you to do. On the other hand, if they are there with you and Cassie tells you to do something that could get you hurt, they could intervene. How does that sound? I know you have chatted with the three of them and that they are all in the same geographical area as you are. If they get in touch with you, would you be willing to tell them where you are staying?
This is, of course, just an idea. If you don't choose to do it that way, I hope you will at least exchange cell phone numbers with one of those three people. That way you can call them as soon as Cassie starts communicating with you and they can meet you wherever she tells you to go. Does that make sense to you?
Best of luck, Frank. I would offer to be the one helping you out, right by your side, if I wasn't 2500 miles away. I'm here for moral support anyway, though... just reach out.
8:05 PM
I'm going to assume that Cassie made the videos VIA Frank. He realises now that he has the tools and knowledge to do it, and that she simply used that from him, I think.twjaniak wrote:Well Frank admits the voice is Cassie, and that he made the videos.
There's a thread for the second chat with Frank on the "Interactions" section!arammat wrote:It sounds like a lot of important stuff happened in the chat today. Could someone post a transcript of the chat, or at least summarize the important things that were said during the course of the chat. I'd really appreciate it!
You know, based on this revelation, I'm at the point where I believe that any mention of LG15/links are just the hook. Without the next clue it is hard to say, but it sounds like a Frank/Cassie choice is obvious. The real question is what do we have to do with it or how can we influence it? And does the direction we go really impact the LG15 story? I kinda doubt it at this point.vertigo wrote:To me the question is..... are we helping Bree by helping Frank or Cassie?