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Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:23 pm
by Marilee
genesistrum wrote:This may be dumb

, but i think the whole thing is a scam. maybe in the folder there was a note asking for help, and this is how they're helping. they kidnapped her, and posted this video just to make it SEEM like a kidnapping. when actually they are about to gather some much needed information....
Just a thought...

wow, that didn't occur to me at all..... but would they make the production of all this? like why not just pick her up at her house without her parents knowing?
Still an interesting idea, especially since we never saw the inside of the folder.....

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:27 pm
by PinkRanger
genesistrum wrote:This may be dumb

, but i think the whole thing is a scam. maybe in the folder there was a note asking for help, and this is how they're helping. they kidnapped her, and posted this video just to make it SEEM like a kidnapping. when actually they are about to gather some much needed information....
Just a thought...

Oooo I like that idea. That would be a nice twist...just like when Bree made that fake video to make it seem as though she was really going to do the ceremony. I guess we'll have to wait and see..I just hope this move wasn't as stupid as I'm thinking it was!! Comon guys, what were you thinking!
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:28 pm
by trainer101
"It's Not Kidnapping"
Tell that to the judge.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:32 pm
by Chelseyrl
There were two occurrences of Bree faking the Ceremony. It wouldn't surprise me if this was staged.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:33 pm
by je_sais_cequisetrame
*salivates all over this video, lol*
I love Jonas' comic relief. Good lord. This may be my favourite video ever... just because they kidnap someone, lol. Oh my. This is very interesting now.
I like the idea about the folder.
And for all of you people who occasionally say -- WHY OH WHY DID THEY POST DURING CLASS/WORK/BREAKFAST/etc., screw off, hehe, because my mother's about ready to murder me for being on the comp at 12:30 am, lol. They always post videos at the same time -- my bed time, hehe. Ack. *hides from Ma*
I was MORE surprised, however, to see that it was up on youtube right away!! Yay! I have incentive to check youtube again, lol.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:36 pm
by genesistrum

Since it seems like some people are agreeing with me....

hmm, my only remaining question is where now? they cant stay with Sarah and Taylor, (like parents would be fine with 3 random children crashing in there house. . . so what now? back to the bunker?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:37 pm
by Chelseyrl
Hotels have been consistent but idk how good it would look bringing a tied up child through the lobby.
Jonas's house maybe?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:41 pm
by Lurker

Oh my God. Okay, of all the things that might have happened, this wasn't the one I was expecting.

Holy shit.
I can't believe that. Well played, TAAG. Well played, indeed.
What the three of them are doing is unbelievably stupid, but I think it might be the right thing ethically in many ways. It tells us one thing, at any rate: Bree's entirely serious about saving this girl, even if she has to resort to ... unconventional methods.
I liked this. Oh my God, that was fucking insane.
Anyone else think Daniel looked so out of place with his arms around that girl and his hand over her mouth? XD Oh man, that was something.
Good humor from Jonas, by the way.
My only complaint: It needed more Sarah! I think she would have made a
great kidnapper. Oh well. I'm interested in seeing her reaction to it at the least.
colorofsakura wrote:What the hell are they doing?! Kidnapping a little girl who has no idea who they are or what's going on. No one knows if she's even the new ceremony girl. Or maybe it's just a trap from the Order that Alex set in motion to get them all in one fell swoop.
They had them before in MexiHo, so they obviously wouldn't need to set up such an elaborate plan. If Jules is a trap of some kind, it's to get Bree to do the ceremony so she doesn't go to friggin' prison.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:41 pm
by genesistrum
if it is a set up, they wouldn't be walking throught the lobby with her tied up. BTW new idea. remember "me for daniel" perhaps the next video is going to be them trying to negotiate something with the Order?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:44 pm
by immortal1
I hope this is not a knee jerk reaction to all the people complaining about a lull.
I've heard Creators and cast say that BDJ will make mistakes as a result of reacting like any of us would. When Jonas was waving around a gun- I bought it because it was an overreaction to an extreme situation. The same with when Bree tied up Jonas. Nothing about this kidnapping is believable. If it was a week before the Ceremony and they were certain she was the girl I might buy it but that urgency hasn't been established.
How is this going to end well, Bree? I think this is a turning point in the series. The only possible way this could work out is if we find out there is information that we are not aware of that includes that they have confirmed that she is the new girl AND they needed to get her out of there right away.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:44 pm
by Chelseyrl
genesistrum wrote:if it is a set up, they wouldn't be walking throught the lobby with her tied up. BTW new idea. remember "me for daniel" perhaps the next video is going to be them trying to negotiate something with the Order?
I meant to clarify that if it WASN'T a set up, a hotel wouldn't be the best idea.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:47 pm
by Lurker
immortal1 wrote:I hope this is not a knee jerk reaction to all the people complaining about a lull.
I've heard Creators and cast say that BDJ will make mistakes as a result of reacting like any of us would. When Jonas was waving around a gun- I bought it because it was an overreaction to an extreme situation. The same with when Bree tied up Jonas. Nothing about this kidnapping is believable. If it was a week before the Ceremony and they were certain she was the girl I might buy it but that urgency hasn't been established.
How is this going to end well, Bree? I think this is a turning point in the series. The only possible way this could work out is if we find out there is information that we are not aware of that includes that they have confirmed that she is the new girl AND they needed to get her out of there right away.
I think that Jules saying in her blog that she was only on restrictions from the computer for one more week (on May 3) may have made them think that meant the ceremony would be soon. In which case, this isn't that hard to swallow, really.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:53 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Yeah so I'm gonna have to agree with Jonas on this one.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:54 pm
by DoktorBob
If it is a trap, NikkiB would be involved.
And if it is a trap, maybe the Order is setting them up by letting them get in trouble with the the police. "Stay safely with us or let the police handle you"
Only safe haven (unless the sisters help) is probably the bunker.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:54 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
There are still a couple of different ways that this can play out, but I'm not going to theorize on them.
I really liked this video, but only for the reason that it made TAAG look like they are actually capable of some action. Whether or not it is appropriate action remains to be seen.