a day in the life of.....YOU ~ What did you do today?

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Post by betz28 »

Languorous Lass wrote:So far today:

I woke up when my GF got up to feed the cats.

Went back to sleep.

Woke up at 10 am.

Went downstairs to find my GF watching "Best in Show" on the Style Network. Watched it with her (although there were commercials every 30 seconds) while eating leftover pizza.

When movie was over, took a short nap.

Got up, put away the leftover leftover pizza, came upstairs, and got on the computer.

Exciting day, eh?

i love your day!!! thats my kinda day ;)
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

I woke up at 7:00..went back to bed, woke up at 8:00..went back to bed, 8:30..bed, cat in my face woke me up at 9:07, smoked, got dressed, drove to work, turned in my tickets and time sheet, sat around for 2 hours laughing my ass off at my boss who wore her chocolate stained pajamas to work and listened to her kid embarass my other boss telling stories about him sharting and his crusty underwear, loaded car, drove to delray, then boynton, then palm beach gardens, deposited my check, bought some tonic water, came home, poured a drink..now I'm here. :smt069
Me and my key...same as it ever was.
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Post by Gidget »

I wait tables all evening long and usually sit in front of my computer on the Forums all night long and sleep during the late morning to afternoon. Its a crazy mixed up schedule, I feel like a vampire. A vampire with no friends here :( (in town I mean, you forum people are cool)

I'm a college student, but I'm stuck home with my family for the summer working my ass off to get through the next year and having no fun at all. I need to internship next semester so I have to save now.

So if you ever want to chat in the middle of the night (U.S. time) I'll be here!
I'm back from vacation!
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Post by Wrathie »

Didn't do much today, just basically relaxed whilst listening to music, browsing the net, thinking to myself how my stay at my boyfriend's house has gone quick and how i am not looking forward to going home :shock: :lol: :lol:
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Post by betz28 »

made deliveries...finished up pretty early...online now!
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Post by nowherepixie »

Woke up at 7am. Got two buses across the other side of the city to work. Filed things. Updated records, booked things in people's dairies, made phone calls, had lunch at 3 at my desk coz I don't knwo anyone yet to each lunch with them and I'm too shy to just tag along.. .:?
Updated care plans in the afternoon, left work at 5.30pm. Got 2 buses home, found my boyfriend had friends over, had a ginger nut and hid in the bedrrom on the laptop until they all went out to the pub. Chatted to my AlexBeast online. Then here.

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Post by krmurr87 »

today was bad...woke up around 8am, showered, let the dogs out, ate breakfast, went to a funeral :cry: went to the brunch after the funeral, came home, exahusted from crying went back to bed till about 2, woke up sick to my stomache, played with dogs and watched tv, went to dinner with my mom, went to an uneventful bon fire where i was the fifth wheel, checked perezhilton, facebook, youtube and LG15 and now off to bed for work tomorrow early ....hopefully tomorrow will be better :?
making a kelly sandwich with killthesmiley and kellylen

Id feel much better I'm sure if I had a helicopter
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Post by betz28 »

krmurr87 wrote:today was bad...woke up around 8am, showered, let the dogs out, ate breakfast, went to a funeral :cry: went to the brunch after the funeral, came home, exahusted from crying went back to bed till about 2, woke up sick to my stomache, played with dogs and watched tv, went to dinner with my mom, went to an uneventful bon fire where i was the fifth wheel, checked perezhilton, facebook, youtube and LG15 and now off to bed for work tomorrow early ....hopefully tomorrow will be better :?
im sorry for your bad day and your loss
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Post by krmurr87 »

thank you betz!

today was much better!

I went to a pig roast...yes a pig roast it was incredibly disturbing and i got drunk ... did i mention i was with my grandparents..nope well i was
So my after drinking a bunch of beers with my uncle we went to Canada for the evening to my grandfathers favorite sushi resturant..he's kind of a big deal in Japan so they all know him and went crazy ...pictures were taken autographs were signed LOTS of raw fish was eater and more beer was drunk ....the end :)
making a kelly sandwich with killthesmiley and kellylen

Id feel much better I'm sure if I had a helicopter
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Post by betz28 »

sounds like you had a great time kelly!!

deliveries...thats my life right now ;)
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Post by exanimatebylove »

Didn't go to sleep last night because I couldn't fall asleep. So I went to Wal Mart and cleaned out my car. Came home, showered. Got ready for work.

Left for work at 6:10 am. Ughhh. Worked til 9. (I do before and afterschool care at an elementary school) I had to deal with some bad kids today, teasing, hitting, rascist little brat, write ups....it was horrid.

Stopped at the gas station on the way home for a new pack of smokies. Drove home. Watched the 2 most reccent LG vids. Came on the board cuz I haven't been on here in forever. Now I'm gonna go take a 3 hour nap before I gotta go back to work...ahhh someone say TGIF baby.
*mwah* Angie! ;)

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Post by betz28 »

exanimatebylove wrote:Didn't go to sleep last night because I couldn't fall asleep. So I went to Wal Mart and cleaned out my car. Came home, showered. Got ready for work.

Left for work at 6:10 am. Ughhh. Worked til 9. (I do before and afterschool care at an elementary school) I had to deal with some bad kids today, teasing, hitting, rascist little brat, write ups....it was horrid.

Stopped at the gas station on the way home for a new pack of smokies. Drove home. Watched the 2 most reccent LG vids. Came on the board cuz I haven't been on here in forever. Now I'm gonna go take a 3 hour nap before I gotta go back to work...ahhh someone say TGIF baby.
TGIF!!! thank goodness ;)
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Post by VeiwerZane »

Got up unusualy early at 7 i think it was becuase of the time differance and ebing anxious to know what was going on at the seminar. Video hadnt gone up by 9 so i tried to find a running discusion all morning.

Saw gidget streak through daniel ma belle for the second morning in a row.

finaly found out about seminar video 2 hours after it went up on Youtube. That was about 10 or 11

Slaved in the puzzle discusion threads ever since lol.

My parents went away on their aniversairy holiday around 3.

kept on reading forums all night

Thats basicaly been my day. Its 3am and i aint tiered whats wrong with me today?/night?
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
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Post by Marbella »

Slept late and went to brunch with my dad and two new friends. Came back and played Diablo II for two hours. Cleaned my bathroom. Played on this web-site most of the day, off and on. Made some jewelry. Watched the Democratic debate. Took a very relaxing minty bubble bath. Drank 2 cups of coffee. It's almost midnight and I am hyper!
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Post by krmurr87 »

i played a double header of softball for my friends team...first time i've played in two years...it wasn't a pretty sight
making a kelly sandwich with killthesmiley and kellylen

Id feel much better I'm sure if I had a helicopter
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