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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:25 pm
by TheeBerean
kellylen wrote:she has the same cheeks, lips, and chin
If its a double, someone went to great lengths ot get the same hair style as well.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:26 pm
by selizabeth
For the record, I think Maddison's nose is cuter. :) [/quote]

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:34 pm
by mistabroadway
Gonzo308 wrote:
Fake Maddy's cheeks are puffier too.
Well the "fake Maddy" is seen chewing before this shot is taken. Hence the puffiness.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:00 pm
by onsweetavenue
I think we can say it's either maddy or someone designed specifically to look like maddy. Right down the the haircut.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:03 pm
by kellylen
i say maddy.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:05 pm
by Esteed
I'm hoping. But my optimism is draining out of me by the second, at this point.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:10 pm
by Avajoy
Esteed wrote:I'm hoping. But my optimism is draining out of me by the second, at this point.
Not me, we can't give up! Maddy can't be dead. There has to be something more - something missing.

I still say Adam is significant.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:16 pm
by Lurker
Haether wrote:the nose isn't quite right--Maddison's seems a little more turned up at the end--but I can't believe he'd be able to get such an identical girl to appear in his clips. It *has* to be Maddison, logically
If the girl has a different nose and is thinner, logically it must not be Maddison.

It's not the same shooter, either, and once again he's got the wrong kind of gun (a semi-automatic instead of a revolver).

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:19 pm
by Avajoy
Lurker, you're right to a point. I'm inclined to believe that if this guy is indeed real and not a poser, that he's out to protect Maddy, not hurt her. But I could be wrong. He did quote P in APHID - he could be for the bad guys.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:40 pm
by Haether
Avajoy wrote:Lurker, you're right to a point. I'm inclined to believe that if this guy is indeed real and not a poser, that he's out to protect Maddy, not hurt her. But I could be wrong. He did quote P in APHID - he could be for the bad guys.
he could be using the P in a different in protecting Maddison. And this video uses H, too--hindering OpAphid's ability to find Maddy?

We don't have any answers in this...hopefully tomorrow will bring more. These things always seem to pop up overnight.
f the girl has a different nose and is thinner, logically it must not be Maddison.
The nose is slightly different, but close enough to be camera angle, lighting, or her facial expression. I don't think she looks thinner.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:47 pm
by TheeBerean
But then why the two videos?? The first video looked like Zorin was getting ready to kill somebody... in a very cheesey way... in the second video released... its as if he suddenly wants to help??


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:52 pm
by Lurker
Haether wrote:
f the girl has a different nose and is thinner, logically it must not be Maddison.
The nose is slightly different, but close enough to be camera angle, lighting, or her facial expression. I don't think she looks thinner.
I'd say these noses are drastically different. Different in the sense that nothing short of DNA or surgery caused it. I don't think camera angles are going to get these kinds of differences:

TheeBerean wrote:But then why the two videos?? The first video looked like Zorin was getting ready to kill somebody... in a very cheesey way... in the second video released... its as if he suddenly wants to help??
Looked more like they were trying to suggest he was the killer, I'd say. That doesn't work, though, for obvious reasons.

And if he was trying to protect her, he sucks at it. I don't think he's official (official for this ARG, I mean).

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:54 pm
by Haether
or maybe he was posturing? The gun was self defense?

or, you know, this is a completely unrelated video series meant to totally confuse us.
with an excellent casting service that can supply doubles of 19 year old girls from other series =P

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:04 pm
by Lurker
Haether wrote:or, you know, this is a completely unrelated video series meant to totally confuse us.
with an excellent casting service that can supply doubles of 19 year old girls from other series =P
That would be my guess, but, yeah, it's interesting that they had someone as similar as she is to Maddison. Certainly a different girl upon close inspection, but surprisingly similar nonetheless.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:10 pm
by TheeBerean
Lurker wrote:
Haether wrote:or, you know, this is a completely unrelated video series meant to totally confuse us.
with an excellent casting service that can supply doubles of 19 year old girls from other series =P
That would be my guess, but, yeah, it's interesting that they had someone as similar as she is to Maddison. Certainly a different girl upon close inspection, but surprisingly similar nonetheless.
If Zorin's a fake... he's a good one.