kgurl84 wrote:The video should be on the main page but I'll see if I can find the revver link....
Its not showing up for me or at least it wasn't before. I'll check again. [I'm probably replying really late && i havent refreshed the page so]
Got it now. Thnx. lol.
Last edited by watching_watchers on Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
Well, that video was complete shit. This series is three or four videos away from being complete shit, too. So, "Sloppy Drunk" was about Bree being nonsensical and goofy and randomly talking about a camping trip with her parents. Oh, and she mentions Jules. In the thread, everybody either talked about Jules or complained. I posted about both...A LOT! However, no one cared about any actual content of the video to discuss it!
How long did we wait for this video? And this is what we get? Once again, nonsensical and goofy Bree randomly talking about Jonas and Daniel and their hypnosis experiment. What? Oh, and she mentions Jules again! (No, she mentions another girl named "Julie". ) And guess what the first five pages of this thread is about? Complaints and Jules! So, how valid is any of the actual content of these recent videos?
I love how she says that she is on the "dark side of the moon" otherwise known as the bunker! I completely disagree! Were we not excited when we first saw them arrive to this place? Did we not expect them to learn SOMETHING by being there? ANYTHING?
The end was a classic! It was as if the creators were simply brushing aside our concern for more facts and a more cohesive story line. Bree simply shrugging at the idea that we will ever know anything was IT for me. Through this video, the creators are telling us not to expect any real answers. I suppose the next video will be another goofy Bree with another random and pointless story before mentioning Jules. Perhaps it will be about another drunk Daniel or simply Jonas being himself. The key thing is this: The series is in a perpetual state of shittiness and, since the creators neither check this forum enough nor care to give us facts or some serious progression to the plot, nothing can change. Just a few more videos like these and I am done.
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
im happy because this the first time i have ever been on when a video is posted...aand i just watched it
Proud Member of the Taylor's and Sarah's Fan Club!
So remember,whales,sheep, walruses, giraffes, dolphins it's for fun-sarah
My Bebo:
Bree hasn't had the best videos lately. =/ They kind of bore me. I don't want Jules to be the new girl. PLEASE don't let her be. I'll DIE. =[
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
oh god... what is going on here, and I dont mean that in a questioning way...
I mean WTF is going on in your brains...
i see this as time to try to push Jules on a not adopting public (except shes got some subscribers on youtube)... its not working, this is the 6th blog video in a row, with not much substance, not much anything, this story has practically gone in circles the whole time, and now it just seems a dead stop... WHAT is going on here? and please nobody break this down and tell me about every single screw up since the beginning of this year, i already know... OUCH... my head is hurting, i need to end this rant, i halfway want to cry and halfway just want an assassin to kill BDJ and end this whole series out of my frustration...
there needs to be a smiley with a scanners like head explosion...
Yeah I've been checking on and off for the last four days and was hoping for something more...i dunno... still love her but it was the SAME as the last video pretty much *sigh*
RoseCrowley:I wish my tooth would fall out so i could trade it with the tooth fairy!
TTT:Granted, but the fairy takes your credit card instead of leaving money and gets like fifty lap dances w/ it.
Hippie wrote:WTF is going on in your brains...
this is the 6th blog video in a row, with not much substance, not much anything, this story has practically gone in circles the whole time, and now it just seems a dead stop...
I hope I haven't lost the meaning in your post, Hippie, by trying to reference two specific things. I apologize if I did.
In the last 6 videos I've found quite a bit to chew over, but this one I agree with Hippie's colorful phrasing. The dogged way you creators continue with Jules even under the "nearly unanimous disapproval of your featured demographic" (that from Ronin) makes my head spin.
The boys, hypnotizing... god, nevermind. Just... nevermind.
I think I'll have to start making sure there are no hard surfaces around on which I could potentially hurt myself by smacking my head into it whenever a new video comes out. O_O
Yes, I'm being overly dramatic, piss off, lol. I'm allowed my share of dramatics... but URRRRGH, Bree! URGH!! That's caveman for "wtf!!"
Pleeeease,pleasepleasepleaseplease.... Creators... for the love of God... no Jules.
Why can't Bree at least aknowledge the slew of new girls out there or something just to make us feel better? If only for a little while?
And if you're going to kill Jules off, for the love of God, do it soon, because I can't take this any more.
Too many videos of Bree, "Ooooh, I think this is the new girl, Jules, I'll keep looking..." but it's always Jules, Jules, Jules, and that's about it content-wise, with no real new info.
Please. For the love of God. Apparently, Yousef is on vacation so we can't expect any Danielbeast, but isn't there anything you can throw us?
And please. Get rid of Jules.
I don't know if she's someone's cousin and you're afraid to break her heart by cutting her loose, or maybe you already contracted the girl or SOMETHING, but there's going to be a mutiny around here if this girl becomes a regular, involved character. At least... one teeny, tiny little mutiny of pretty much just me, hehe.
Anyway. O_O My dramatics are complete. About half of what I said up there is rational, lol.
Just please. No Jules, and throw us some more info.
O_O The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. O_O
Bree mentions that Jules talks about special exercises in her last video, but I didn't hear that at all. She talked about going to see the human body exhibits and how her sister annoys her.
Her acting is complete shit, and the dialogue is bad too. If she's the new girl, shouldn't she be likeable so that we actually WANT BD&J to save her? At this point, I think most people would cheer if this character was sacrificed for whatever evil intentions the Order has.
Just for the reference of “dark side of the moon”…People often refer to “the dark side of the moon”, but there is no such thing. The sun shines on all sides of it in turn. However, there is a “far side of the moon” which is never seen from the earth. Over the eons, the gravitational forces of the earth have slowed down the moon’s rotation about its axis until the rotational period exactly matches the revolution period about the earth.
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:I don't know if she's someone's cousin and you're afraid to break her heart by cutting her loose, or maybe you already contracted the girl or SOMETHING, but there's going to be a mutiny around here if this girl becomes a regular, involved character. At least... one teeny, tiny little mutiny of pretty much just me, hehe.
Maybe not so small a mutiny! Could it be that with all the stuff going on in their lives right now that the creators haven't been keeping up with the forums?
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
more like "the madcap laughs" than dark side of the moon.
hypnotize bree. there's a lot to be learned in there.
i thought she seemed stir crazy. manic
anyway, next video, they pass out flyers and have a block party and jules shows up.