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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:03 am
by Cuddlebunni
vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks.... :D

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:08 am
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:
vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks.... :D

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...

Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:11 am
by Cuddlebunni
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
Cuddlebunni wrote:
vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks.... :D

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...

Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?

haha... but of course!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:13 am
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
Cuddlebunni wrote: i agree. you guys all rock my socks.... :D

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...

Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?

haha... but of course!

::sends cuddlebunni plane ticket and a pack of Depends::

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:20 am
by Sungkoo

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:14 am
by Mirage
Jengels2002 wrote:Me and my CiW crew! And yes, the dog is yawning.
Hee, I hope we're not boring your dogs! :D
NillaWafers wrote: Looks like the Kushiels rose to me. :D
YAY!!! :lol:

Are you a fan? I'm a huge fan, I've re-read the books atleast a dozen times. [/extreme nerdiness]

Jengles, Nilla, Lord Grey, Cuddlebunni, Sungkoo(I love your name! :D), you guys are bringing on the hawt! Good stuff. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:34 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Aww, I love you too! :D

Are you getting the same tattoo because you

a) like the design
b) or are a Kushiel fan?

Or are you talking about the fairies?
Huge Kushiel fan. :) Joscelin is my lover when I go to sleep at night.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:36 am
by Mirage
Ok, Senna, if I didn't love you tons before, I DO NOW!! Yay!!

And hee about Joscelin. Since you claimed him first, I'm gonna have to go for Hyacinthe....not that I mind, of course. :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:59 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Ok, Senna, if I didn't love you tons before, I DO NOW!! Yay!!

And hee about Joscelin. Since you claimed him first, I'm gonna have to go for Hyacinthe....not that I mind, of course. :wink:
You can have Hya. He never really interested me. At all. Through re-readings I skipped through most of his parts. >.>

And read the Phedre and Joscelin cave scene many... many... many....... many times.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:09 am
by Mirage
Oooh, if we're listing our favourite...-ahem- scenes.....

LOVED any of the Melisande scenes. Honestly, she has to be my favourite villain ever...although there were definately many parts of the books that I found myself getting angry at Phedre for her connection to her. I suppose it's I cant understand it because I'm not God touched. Whatever. :lol:

Another poignant moment for me was when she was with the Duc de Morhban and he crushed her fingers against the rose stem....*le sigh!*

And, of course, the awesome scene(s) with Nicola....

Damn, I love these books. You have read Scion, right?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:20 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Oooh, if we're listing our favourite...-ahem- scenes.....

LOVED any of the Melisande scenes. Honestly, she has to be my favourite villain ever...although there were definately many parts of the books that I found myself getting angry at Phedre for her connection to her. I suppose it's I cant understand it because I'm not God touched. Whatever. :lol:

Another poignant moment for me was when she was with the Duc de Morhban and he crushed her fingers against the rose stem....*le sigh!*

And, of course, the awesome scene(s) with Nicola....

Damn, I love these books. You have read Scion, right?
I love Melisande, too, and I can understand Phedre's connection all too well.

Alas, no, I have not read Scion. :( I am too poor for books, and I had to choose between Scion and "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" from the Outlander series-- I chose Snow and Ashes because I had already ripped through the first 4-5 books so I figured I might as well, ha ha.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:14 am
by Mirage
Ha! I got Scion the day it came out....and loved it, of course. :lol: Imriel is full of the typical teenage angst but he's got a reason for it, you know? And he goes into Caerdicca Unitas which is neat, because Carey really hadn't explored it at all yet....

*sigh* Would chat more but my mom decided we should go out shopping and she's gonna be here in an hour 1/2 to get me and I'm still in my pjs! D'oh! :oops:

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:17 pm
by cuseguy85
There are some nice pictures goin up in this forum

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:30 pm
by Mirage
Agreed. We have some hot dorks and nerds posting here! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:13 am
by jrea54
awww sungkoo i love the copeland song on yr myspace.
also- the sparks picture? you must've had sparks tongue hardcore.