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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:03 am
by Cuddlebunni
vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks....

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:08 am
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks....

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...
Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:11 am
by Cuddlebunni
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Cuddlebunni wrote:vertigo wrote:We are a hot bunch of nerds.
i agree. you guys all rock my socks....

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...
Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?
haha... but of course!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:13 am
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:lordgreystoke422 wrote:Cuddlebunni wrote:
i agree. you guys all rock my socks....

It ain't ya socks that are comin off hot stuff cuddle bunni...
Did ya hide your husbands shovel and the Home Depot card?
haha... but of course!
::sends cuddlebunni plane ticket and a pack of Depends::
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:20 am
by Sungkoo
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:14 am
by Mirage
Jengels2002 wrote:Me and my CiW crew! And yes, the dog is yawning.
Hee, I hope we're not boring your dogs!
NillaWafers wrote:
Looks like the Kushiels rose to me.

Are you a fan? I'm a huge fan, I've re-read the books atleast a dozen times. [/extreme nerdiness]
Jengles, Nilla, Lord Grey, Cuddlebunni, Sungkoo(I love your name!

), you guys are bringing on the hawt! Good stuff.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:34 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Aww, I love you too!
Are you getting the same tattoo because you
a) like the design
b) or are a Kushiel fan?
Or are you talking about the fairies?
Huge Kushiel fan.

Joscelin is my lover when I go to sleep at night.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:36 am
by Mirage
Ok, Senna, if I didn't love you tons before, I DO NOW!! Yay!!
And hee about Joscelin. Since you claimed him first, I'm gonna have to go for Hyacinthe....not that I mind, of course.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:59 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Ok, Senna, if I didn't love you tons before, I DO NOW!! Yay!!
And hee about Joscelin. Since you claimed him first, I'm gonna have to go for Hyacinthe....not that I mind, of course.

You can have Hya. He never really interested me. At all. Through re-readings I skipped through most of his parts. >.>
And read the Phedre and Joscelin cave scene many... many... many....... many times.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:09 am
by Mirage
Oooh, if we're listing our favourite...-ahem- scenes.....
LOVED any of the Melisande scenes. Honestly, she has to be my favourite villain ever...although there were definately many parts of the books that I found myself getting angry at Phedre for her connection to her. I suppose it's I cant understand it because I'm not God touched. Whatever.
Another poignant moment for me was when she was with the Duc de Morhban and he crushed her fingers against the rose stem....*le sigh!*
And, of course, the awesome scene(s) with Nicola....
Damn, I love these books. You have read Scion, right?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:20 am
by Senna
Mirage wrote:Oooh, if we're listing our favourite...-ahem- scenes.....
LOVED any of the Melisande scenes. Honestly, she has to be my favourite villain ever...although there were definately many parts of the books that I found myself getting angry at Phedre for her connection to her. I suppose it's I cant understand it because I'm not God touched. Whatever.
Another poignant moment for me was when she was with the Duc de Morhban and he crushed her fingers against the rose stem....*le sigh!*
And, of course, the awesome scene(s) with Nicola....
Damn, I love these books. You have read Scion, right?
I love Melisande, too, and I can understand Phedre's connection all too well.
Alas, no, I have not read Scion.

I am too poor for books, and I had to choose between Scion and "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" from the Outlander series-- I chose Snow and Ashes because I had already ripped through the first 4-5 books so I figured I might as well, ha ha.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:14 am
by Mirage
Ha! I got Scion the day it came out....and loved it, of course.

Imriel is full of the typical teenage angst but he's got a reason for it, you know? And he goes into Caerdicca Unitas which is neat, because Carey really hadn't explored it at all yet....
*sigh* Would chat more but my mom decided we should go out shopping and she's gonna be here in an hour 1/2 to get me and I'm still in my pjs! D'oh!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:17 pm
by cuseguy85
There are some nice pictures goin up in this forum
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:30 pm
by Mirage
Agreed. We have some hot dorks and nerds posting here!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:13 am
by jrea54
awww sungkoo i love the copeland song on yr myspace.
also- the sparks picture? you must've had sparks tongue hardcore.