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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:38 pm
by megs229
I just wanted to add a good hearty, GO TEAM GO!!!! I soo wish I could help, but I am so completely lost when it comes to stuff like this that I think it would be more beneficial if I didn't. So instead, I'm just gonna say, I am here if I can be of assistance in any way, but mostly I am a big cheering section for all of you that are trying hard to decode this thing. I look up to you! Keep up the good work!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:39 pm
by sparkybennett
I am really bad at this
but I was thinking if it was encrypted and then anagramed that the last word may be Maddy!
with the double vv's = dd
but I can't firgure anything out from there
just throwing that out there for all to see...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:43 pm
by GreenLaceBeauty
That's a good thought on the last one being Maddy... I'm still thinking with the "hurry" thing though. This is the work I've done... it's really sort of confusing, but maybe you can make sense of it.
J=u, L=m
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfim Nxbmq - Mu Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Vvzcu!
J=u, L=p
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfip Nxbpq - Pu Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Vvzcu!
J=u, L=s
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfis Nxbsq - Su Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Vvzcu!
J=u, L=t
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfit Nxbtq - Tu Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Vvzcu!
J=u, L=g (Only works if you are intending Guam)
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfig Nxbgq - Gu Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Vvzcu!
V=r, J=y, L=m
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfim Nxbmq - My Tbmx Ac Qwdef - 8404? Rrzcy!
V=r, J=y, Z=h, C=u, L=m
Sowehws Hipn - Aghfim Nxbmq - My Tbmx Au Qwdef - 8404? Rrhuy!
If L=m, either N, X, B, or Q must be a vowel.
I'm also thinking along the lines of drop location, and therefore, if it's an address, one of the two letter words could be a postal code abbreviation for a state...
here is my list of 2-letter words that I'm looking at.
Ny (new york)
Ut (Utah)
Gu (Guam)
Ky (Kentucky)
Wy (Wyoming)
Hi (Hawaii)
Oh (Ohio)
I'm not technically supposed to be posting (it's a house rule), but I thought that this could be beneficial so I'm stepping in...
i'm going to disappear unless I make a really major advancement or solve the puzzle.
Good luck guys...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:48 pm
by giddeanx
if they are truly anagramed and the substituted then you should be able to just decrypt a section using a cryptogram solver with no repeating letters to get your answer. Without having to go through any second step.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:50 pm
by Jester
I don't think it matters, but I put that in my cryptogram and thats what I got. Lol. I thought the species ivan part was funny.
[13:36] * ThaBeave thinks a Russian man named Ivan is in the test tubes
[13:36] <marlasinger> a russian man
[13:36] <marlasinger> omg
[13:36] <marlasinger> a "rushin'" man with no arms and one foot!
[13:36] <satansgurl> omg true!
[13:36] <marlasinger> lol
[13:36] <satansgurl> lol
[13:36] <satansgurl> behind a jeep
[13:37] <marlasinger> no the jeep is the rushin' part
[13:37] <marlasinger> lol
[13:38] <ThaBeave> HE'S IN A HURRY!
[13:40] <ThaBeave> So basically what I have is that we need to cover a Russian man in ketchup...anyone disagree with that option?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:53 pm
by PhiaMonster
I was thinking that the last part Vvzcj! could also be Yahoo! so i'm trying different decrypting using that as my key.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:16 pm
by GreenLaceBeauty
On the topic of it being Yahoo! (perhaps referring to the yahoo account set up for maddy?) if you substitute V=o, j=y, z=h, c=a, it will make the last word Oohay!. Then you remember the arrow pointing <-- I'm thinking it could make it !Yahoo --> and then the rest, in reverse rather than being anagramed later.... perhaps it's just reversed. Just a thought.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:21 pm
by marlasinger
yeah, i've thought a lot about it being reversed - !yahoo or !hurry or something, but the ! is really throwing me off.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:25 pm
by bethy
I gave this one to my husband, who is an expert puzzle solver. He's also a computer th egood sense, I suppose. He's a computer crimes investigator, and he solves stuff really fast.

'd at me when I told him it was for LG. He doesn't get my obesssion. But he said he'd look at it later today. He did say tha tit's probably easier than I think it is and that we're trying too hard.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:27 pm
by Kasdeja
the !oohay and the <--...that's interesting. I'll just muck it up if I try to do anythign with it, though.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:28 pm
by GreenLaceBeauty
I'm thinking if you ignore the
placement of the punctuation within the - sections (as in fedwQ aA xmbT yL - qlbxN lifhgA -) then it might be able to be moved around.
Also, I found that 8404 is some sort of Japanese stock (based in Tokyo). I also immediately thought of 404: Error. Page not Found.
However, if there is a letter-substitution sort of thing.... the numbers would probably substitute, too, so there went that idea.
It could also be part of an address, as already mentioned.
...I'm so lost. I should also stop posting before I get caught. Grrr.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:44 pm
by impulse
I tried only the first word, assuming it's encrypted and then anagrammed word by word:
Sowehws. I ran it through all the simple cyphers we can find on the web and ran the results through an anagram solver (several actually), and guess what?
It doesn't go anywhere. I suck at this stuff!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:52 pm
by Aja
For reference, I've been working on finding a key for a possible vigenere chipher. Here are the keys I've tried (some are just ridiculous):
maddy, maddison, maddisonatkins, maddyatkins, adam, whiskey
finneys, fresh, fish, frenchfried, freshfish, finneysfish, fresher, freshest (basically any combo of these)
wine, winery, bottle, bottlewine
jeep, car, noarm, unarm, unarmed
drseuss, seuss, theodor, geisel, theodorgeisel, ohsaycanyousay
isthisthingon, checkone, onetwothree, microphone, music, interview
hymnofone, hoo, truefreewill, tfw, mrzipp, zipp
jonas, bree, daniel, lonelygirl
nacogdoches, texas, nacogdochestexas, dontmesswithtexas
vials, water, salt, saltwater, ocean, gulfofmexico, freshwater
h20, nacl, h2onacl, honacl, naclho, saline
pigeon, carrier, carrierpigeon
father, onlychild, jonas
I know I've tried more than these, but this is all I can remember right now. I'll update as I try more.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:55 pm
by impulse
Yeah I tried also the vegenere cypher using SALT and then WATER (or the other way around) and then the anagram thingy and.... nothing.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:03 pm
by giddeanx
Well i shifted the first letter by 8 places then the second letter by 4 places, the third letter by 0 places, the fourth letter 4 places. And I got nothing. . . maybe if I go the other way?