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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:15 am
by janejane26
breewithcrackers wrote:I just really hope that daniel and jonas don't throw this back in her face and act like she's just being jealous or something. I could totally see Daniel being all like "oh so what? now that i've moved on you're jealous?" I hope they take her warning for what it is.
I hope they take her warning too! I think Daniel is more likely to believe her than Jonas, for some reason (even though Daniel likes Alex). I don't see how either of the boys can explain away the photo though... I mean, how many blond women wear sunglasses inside?! It can't be chance.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:34 am
by abcdefg
for those asking why the screencap didn't get a forum shoutout...
aside from the obvious plot device of bree needing to spot that on her own, don't forget that it was never (to my knowledge) posted in the "bree chat" section. i know someone (lurker maybe?) posted in it "beast chat" but i don't think they can see each other's in character sections... so in the breeniverse she would have no idea that forum members were posting/discussing that pic of lucy already.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:36 am
by DoktorBob
As a guy... i hope Alex isn't part of the Order... after all.. it wasn't at her place.... but who's place did they go to?
Don't think Jonas is part of the Order. He would have turned them in long ago.
random thoughts:
Just like it was said before: is this to draw Bree out?
What if Tach comes to help/save the day but gets caught herself?
Was the argument bwtween Alex and the "kid is only 19" guy an argument to decide the fate of DB? Maybe she is a mole within the Order. She did have that, bossy-I'll-pull-your-shirt-throw-drink-on-your-face-for-acting-out-of-rank thing going on. (like my dashes?)
Still many questions!!! Driving me crazy on what happens to DB/Jonas before Bree comes back.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:54 am
by BTStars
I know what is going to happen!!
Bree is going to go back to the house and then tie Jonas's aunt up in a chair and leave her a plate of shaved almonds and an orange slurpie. Then, she will tell the boys that Alex is EVIL and she sent Alex away. After that, she will make Jonas and Daniel leave the house and she will have both boys wrapped around her fingers again!!!
Hee hee

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:57 am
by DoktorBob
From the Uncle Dan transcript -
David: (Raised voice) I don't even know why I'm invited here. (unintelligible) He's 19 years old for Christ sake!
some of the people at the party are just people... but seems as if Alex had him invited to the party for . . . what?
Order/Anti-Order interrogation for DB's slip about them running from the Order comment in the "Hot Seat" video?
Anyone have any ideas?
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:12 am
by mellie3204
AM wrote:I am coming around now and do not think Jonas is part of the order either any more. But I want the creators to come up with a better explanation than "I saw this girl posting videos on the internet and my heart just went out to them." Sorry, I am not buying.
Jonas randomly meeting them but having no knowledge of the Order and then it turns out his parents were big in the resistance and the Order had them killed. And this is all just a coincidence?
still think he's undercover for the good guys... I mean, he's an intelligent boy with resources, we all think he didn't try to investigate what happened to his parents before this?
And if he doesn't know more than he's letting on, then I'm kinda worried Bree's let the Lucy hat out of the bag... now Jonus has been told this Aunt of his might have had something to do with his parent's disappearance, and he's kinda a hot-head sometimes, I don't think he'd just run, I think he'd confrount her.
I reckon DB will be ashamed he was tricked and feel sorry for himself... I hope anyway. This would be much better than refusing to believe it and calling Bree jealous (of gawd how I would hate that!)
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:31 am
by aideen
Be safe?
Those words got me the most
Stop flirting with this woman.
Reading it makes it sound so different to the way Bree says it.
And the way Bree spoke throughout this video.
Sounded like she had been crying.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:40 am
by Blackburne
janejane26 wrote:I mean, how many blond women wear sunglasses inside?! It can't be chance.
LMAO!!! I had to come out of hiding just to laugh at that. I swear, every time I see Lucy I can't help but think that she really needs to pick a new fashion statement to make because these shades indoors are really giving her away.
As for the videos as of late can I just say... WTF WHY IS IT THAT EVERY HOT WOMAN INTRODUCED IN THE VIDEOS ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING EVIL? This breaks my heart, really.
I am happy to see that Bree is really growing up and becoming more likeable again. I missed that Bree a lot.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:02 am
by Mgz
bah ... I think to this point bree must do what tachyon says.
if tachyon tells her to be there with her, why must she leave? she has gone to her for learning how to act and now already forgets this!
bah...I will wait for the next video...
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:03 am
by Kate
aideen wrote:Be safe?
Those words got me the most
Stop flirting with this woman.
Reading it makes it sound so different to the way Bree says it.
And the way Bree spoke throughout this video.
Sounded like she had been crying.
Yeah. Her face looked she was crying and she doesn't really have the energy of the other movies.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:06 am
by joygasm
mellie3204 wrote:I don't think he'd just run, I think he'd confrount her.
I agree 100% Jonas has been pretty willing to take action so far. I can see them maybe "kidnapping" Alex. Remember when Bree had Jonas tied up and she spoke to the Order in her video saying "I have Jonas".
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:49 am
by AM
Now that Bree is acting decisive and brave and thinking for herself I so hope this doesn't backfire on her. We don't need a damsel in distress, we need Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2. I don't want Tachyon to have to come in and pick up the pieces. I want Bree and Daniel to use their skills to kick serious order butt (oh, and Jonas can help too if he promises not to cut himself again

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:50 am
by Hippie
interesting to say the least, Ok so I dont see any clues in the video. Too bad Bree is deciding to leave before becoming "bad-ass-trocized" Just call Jonas, Im sure he still has his cell phone on
As for daniel and the aunt... hit and run, dogg, hit and run... put a little light into the order for a moment.
hopefully more action comes when bree returns, because Im sure auntie would love to see Bree...
just another 2 cent from me...
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:51 am
by joygasm
AM wrote:(oh, and Jonas can help too if he promises not to cut himself again

*cough cough* you mean STAB
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:15 am
by Languorous Lass
Blackburne wrote:As for the videos as of late can I just say... WTF WHY IS IT THAT EVERY HOT WOMAN INTRODUCED IN THE VIDEOS ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING EVIL? This breaks my heart, really.
Huh? We've had two -- count 'em, two -- women introduced in the videos: RandomGirl (Katherine McPhee) and Alex.
Alex (as -- ahem -- I've been saying all along) is evil.
RandomGirl was just . . . well, random.
The Op videos, while they may have been retroactively made canon, are still not part of the main storyline, AFAIK.