0149-"Flesh Wound" [3/09/07]

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Post by Chelseyrl »

kjones wrote:I can't believe how insensitive and how selfish Bree has become. I mean she would risk Jonas' life just to save herself.
I just think that she is still in the mentality of trying to be Tachy Jr. and doesn't mean to sound like a heartless bitch...
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Post by GawainsChallenge »

"I can fix it!"

"The Vet"

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Post by TheFatLady »

I'm getting a bit sick of these videos that throw in random tension that gives us action but has nothing to do with the main plot.

Here's hoping that Bree's feeling that she's making a lot of bad decisions lately is the point here, and that this means the writers are taking her to a "do I or don't I" crisis that DOES relate to the Order. Can we please stay on topic, Creatazors?
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Post by Onewen »

joygasm wrote:I am sorry... I have unscrewed MANY doorknobs in my day (I have a toddler) and you'd have to be a complete dumbass to stab yourself through your hand.

As far as picking the lock with a screwdriver... that's pretty stupid as well...
Ok, so it's not a plausible scenerio...but it's what they gave us. Would they lie?? :shock:

Why am I so suspicious of everything now? This dumb show!! LOL
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Post by kjones »

ok I agree it's not life threatening but, it's still serious enough that she might put someone else's welfare above her own.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

kjones wrote:ok I agree it's not life threatening but, it's still serious enough that she might put someone else's welfare above her own.
Teenagers are selfish...
(haha, yes... I am a teenager... but it's so true... we are.)

EDIT: (don't attack the broad generalization. it's just from my experiences. if you're a teenager and you don't think your selfish... okay then. cool for you.)
Last edited by Chelseyrl on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

joygasm wrote:
ShardinsKitten wrote:
joygasm wrote: But... how would that happen? I am sure his hand was not in front of the screwdriver while he was unscrewing it... I usually hold the handle of the door and the handle of the screwdriver while unscrewing doorknobs... I just don't see how that is possible. This video was a little out there if you ask me. Couldn't they have made him chopping onions or something and he caught his finger?? That would be more realistic...

I can see this in my head so I'll try to explain it lol.... Maybe he had his hand on the door knob, but with his palm mostly open, and just his fingers on top of the door knob. Like he was undoing the first screw.

Or he was still trying to actually pick it, and if you go back to the last video from bree he has like one finger on top and his thumb on the front, leaving his palm open.
I am sorry... I have unscrewed MANY doorknobs in my day (I have a toddler) and you'd have to be a complete dumbass to stab yourself through your hand.

As far as picking the lock with a screwdriver... that's pretty stupid as well...
True... but I also know some people that are very accident prone, and I've seen a lot of stuff happen that I would've thought to be impossible... so it's one of those 1 in a million things I guess lol.

Post by Lurker »

kellylen wrote:oh my god jonas what did you doooooo

1) how did the screwdriver get through his hand.

and 2) can vets really treat people like that? lol
1) Maybe he was trying to wedge it between the door and the door jamb and then pry it away (or cause the little sliding mechanism to slide inward and release). If he was applying a lot of pressure the screwdriver could have slipped.

2) Legally? I'm not an expert on these kinds of laws, but as I best I understand it, it probably depends on the situation. Good samaritan laws would probably protect vets in providing major assistance in a situation that could be fatal. In this kind of situation, I'm thinking a vet would probably not be allowed to do more than wrap the wound and try getting him to a hospital.

Smelltheflowers wrote:What did Daniel mean when he said "Sorry man, I didn't mean to?"

Hmm, strange...
Maybe he tried taking a look and caused some pain (or yelled in his ear while fighting with Bree; as is more likely).

joygasm wrote:I have a serious question to ask... Most doors inside of houses have the screws on the outside of the door... Why was he trying to pick the lock with the screw driver... why not just unscrew the damn thing???
Looking at the "Sorry Jonas" video I can't tell if there's screws on the outside or not, but I think we're supposed to assume there aren't (especially if Jonas' aunt takes that extra precaution to protect her office anyway).
ShardinsKitten wrote:2. It's not really legal I don't think... but a vet would know how 1. animals are basically treated the same way people are and 2. I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) they have to go threw medical school (like for people) first, or they used to I think. (I'd have to double check but I remember it being mentioned to me before by someone) so legal no, but well he would know what he is doing.
Yeah, he or she'd know what they were doing. Early veterinary training is similar to medical school training on people from what I hear.
HisGirl wrote:hate to sound like a prude, but i wish we'd get a warning about the obscenities... so i could at least turn my computer volume down...

or should we just assume that all the vids will be foul from now on???
There is a 13+ label there. I'd assume the possibility for cursing is always there, and in a video where somebody's bleeding a lot, I'd expect it. If there were no cursing here it would be weird then.
heyiknowsyou wrote:I just noticed this since i don't frequent Revver, but on revver, it looks like there are 13+ labels on most of the recent videos, including this one. I think all of the ones with swears have that label.
Pretty much every video since 113 has gotten the label, I think.
ShardinsKitten wrote:I can see this in my head so I'll try to explain it lol.... Maybe he had his hand on the door knob, but with his palm mostly open, and just his fingers on top of the door knob. Like he was undoing the first screw.

Or he was still trying to actually pick it, and if you go back to the last video from bree he has like one finger on top and his thumb on the front, leaving his palm open.
If the wound were in his right hand I think it'd be easier to explain (at least with how I'm picturing it). I see him trying to wedge the screwdriver between the door and the jamb with his left hand while he has his right hand on the doorknob (pushing for when he gets the sliding mechanism to release).
Last edited by Lurker on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

kjones wrote:ok I agree it's not life threatening but, it's still serious enough that she might put someone else's welfare above her own.
if it got infected, a serious infection, that didn't get taken care of it could become life threatening. Though at the current state it wasn't... but how many people have clean screw drivers?? So it could have headed there.
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Post by TheFatLady »

kjones wrote:ok I agree it's not life threatening but, it's still serious enough that she might put someone else's welfare above her own.
And furthermore, it's a long way from the Bree who kept having to talked OUT of doing things that we all thought were insanely risky. I don't quite get the change in her character; on the one hand, she's being more careful, which indicates a wiser self, and on the other hand, she's just as stupid/unwise as ever, what with tying Jonas up and basically flappiing around wondering what to do next.

So is she getting smarter, or not?
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Post by joygasm »

ShardinsKitten wrote:
True... but I also know some people that are very accident prone, and I've seen a lot of stuff happen that I would've thought to be impossible... so it's one of those 1 in a million things I guess lol.
Jonas is not a complete dummy though. Out of the three, I think Bree is more likely to do something this ridiculous.
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Post by Lurker »

TheFatLady wrote:I'm getting a bit sick of these videos that throw in random tension that gives us action but has nothing to do with the main plot.

Here's hoping that Bree's feeling that she's making a lot of bad decisions lately is the point here, and that this means the writers are taking her to a "do I or don't I" crisis that DOES relate to the Order. Can we please stay on topic, Creatazors?
I'm thinking that is the point. They're just applying characterization right now (and God knows Bree needed some more; she's got to get back to a stage where we like her).

Even Jonas needed a little more since DB remains the most well-rounded, relatable, and believable of the three. And I think Jonas did get a little more here with his statement that he was okay with being dropped off to go to the hospital by himself if Bree was so concerned about the Order finding them.
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Post by imogene2004 »

joygasm wrote:
imogene2004 wrote:
:lol: Yeah, been there too, but it wasn't fun that time...they were in a lot of trouble. :roll:
My comment about it being fun was pure sarcasm! It's actually pretty scary.
Yeah I got the sarcasm the second time I read it, I read through the comments too fast sometimes. I should really reread before I post sometimes :oops: .
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Post by Cuddlebunni »

poor Jonas. :(

And this video totally reminded me of resevoir dogs (which was mentioned in previous vid) When Jonas is practically begging to go to the hospital, and they wont take him.. Just like the guy in the movie who was shot and begging to be taking to the hospital after the bank robbery thing.

A vet? Geez must be a sketchy vet for them to agree to doing it.. They must have offered a big amount of money or something....

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Post by michiev »

TheFatLady wrote:I'm getting a bit sick of these videos that throw in random tension that gives us action but has nothing to do with the main plot.

Here's hoping that Bree's feeling that she's making a lot of bad decisions lately is the point here, and that this means the writers are taking her to a "do I or don't I" crisis that DOES relate to the Order. Can we please stay on topic, Creatazors?
Everyone episode has something to do with the main plot-line, Theres things that alot of people overlook..
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