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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:24 pm
by autumneternal
Well, I'm glad to see that Daniel is hesitant about this sudden development and is acting as the voice of reason.
Sami wrote:if Jonas knew the symbol was there, why didn't he say "Guys, I have some artwork with a symbol who looks a bit like the watcher symbol"
Maybe he was never told about the package that Tachyon left. AFAIK, only Daniel and Bree have acknowledged that they knew about it, and, at the time that Daniel found the package, he was sorta angry with both Bree and Jonas, (Jonas, moreso). In that case, it would stand to reason that he might not share his findings.
Also, as for why he didn't say something long before this about "hey, I remember seeing a symbol that looks a bit like the watcher's symbol somewhere before," maybe it just never crossed his mind, (did Jonas even
know what the watcher's symbol looked like at all?).
GawainsChallenge wrote:Yeah, Jonas' parents were affiliated with the Order. He knows it but doesn't want to let on. He's going to have to soon though.
While I agree that Jonas' parents were probably affiliated with the Order, how are we to know for certain that Jonas had any knowledge of it?
longlostposter wrote:Because Jonas said that was there from a long time ago. That was indicate that Jonas's parents were in the Order; so were Bree's "adoptive" parents. Is there a connection there? I think it's a good possibility.
I'm sure there are quite a number of members that make up the Order. Even if Jonas' parents were involved with the Order, what are the odds that his biological parents were also Bree's? It's a possibility, yes, but I don't thinks that it's as big of a possibility as people are making it out to be.
longlostposter wrote:Now, is Tachyon the sister of both Bree and Jonas? Is Jonas the Brother, that Tachyon has been communicating with? This would explain why Tachyon felt comfortable staying the weekend with them at Jonas's house.
Tachyon's older sister was the one to do the ceremony. If Jonas was Brother, than who was flying the helicopter in Human Ransom, and who was Bree referring to when she said "if she says we can trust him, we can trust him."? It just doesn't fit.
Again, I don't understand why everyone in this series has to be related to everyone else somehow.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:25 pm
I was thinking of what it would mean if Bree and Jonas were siblings and I think I might be confused.(If they were blood relatives) Then the Order (supposedly from the theories)would of had to send the adoptive parents to get Bree and leave Jonas with the parents. And then from there I don't know what could go down.
I thought the parents who adopted Bree could have already had Jonas but that didn't make sense to me. I also just don't know what could happen after Bree is taken for whatever reason and Jonas is left to live a normal or Order life?
I'm confused of trying to make sense of this
BTW:I don't like the whole siblings thing. I don't think that's what it is.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:28 pm
by cynicar
kellylen wrote:I want to see jonas tied up
come on creators!!!
and I nearly died at the posh spice thing.
db makes a LOT of valid points though.
although he didnt even think of the fact that its NOT the watcher symbol
Bree isn't mistaking the symbol she found for the watcher symbol. The symbol is included in the Order-related drop that Tachyon left in the car, so the presence of it in the cabin indicates that Jonas/Jonas' family has something to do with the Order.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:34 pm
by islandlove
Maybe Jonas really didnt have any idea what it meant and it was his parents that were evil
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:37 pm
by Lurker
autumneternal wrote:Maybe he was never told about the package that Tachyon left. AFAIK, only Daniel and Bree have acknowledged that they knew about it, and, at the time that Daniel found the package, he was sorta angry with both Bree and Jonas, (Jonas, moreso). In that case, it would stand to reason that he might not share his findings.
Jonas could have just watched the videos to find out. And if -- for whatever reason -- Jonas still didn't know about the package, after he and Daniel had their brodown session, there would have really been no reason for Daniel to keep "hiding" it (poorly).
autumneternal wrote:Also, as for why he didn't say something long before this about "hey, I remember seeing a symbol that looks a bit like the watcher's symbol somewhere before," maybe it just never crossed his mind, (did Jonas even know what the watcher's symbol looked like at all?).
Yes. He's seen Gemma's videos and OpAphid's, so he knows the symbol.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:56 pm
by longlostposter
Languorous Lass wrote:I didn't see anything in the last vid, and don't see anything in the transcript of this vid (I can't see it yet -- it hasn't been posted on YouTube), that indicates that Jonas and Bree are brother and sister. (And sorry to contradict you, LLP, but I don't think that Jonas's behavior in the Snow Angels vid alone is enough to base an entire theory on.)
Because I haven't seen the vid yet, I can't scrutinize Daniel's behavior, so I'll ask all of you: is there anything in the way he acts that would indicate that an alternate personality has been triggered and is trying to yank Bree's chain? Or that we should doubt Daniel for any other reason?
This is my previous post as to why I think Bree and Daniel being siblings, and Jonas knowing about it, makes a lot of sense.
longlostposter wrote:The brother/sister theory would also explain why Jonas was so "convenient". If he knew Bree was his sister, he would want to help her.
Actually, it explains a lot of things. If the Order knows that Jonas knows something they don't want Bree to know (about her parents, or the Order, or whatever), they may take a hands-off approach with Jonas. That would explain why Lucy didn't catch Jonas; why the Watcher didn't bash his brains in, in "Watch This!".
In fact, the more I think about it, the more things seem to fit right in line with Jonas knowing that he is Bree's brother, but trying to hide it from her; for her safety, or whatever reason. Maybe him not spilling the beans is whats keeping both of them safe.
EDIT: Typo
Is it evidence per se? No, of course not, but we are throwing around theories here, not presenting evidence.
The only reason people are thinking that Daniel may have planted it is because of his possible programming by the Order. However, his manner doesn't seem to suggest that.
From this vid, according to Daniel, Jonas stated that the symbol had been in the cabin as long as he could remember. This would indicate that his parents were a part of the Order. However, now that I think about it, it could indicate that he is part of an organization fight the Order; that he was researching it, or whatever, and for some reason doesn't want to tell Bree what he knows (possibly to protect her).
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:02 pm
by longlostposter
Languorous Lass wrote:I didn't see anything in the last vid, and don't see anything in the transcript of this vid (I can't see it yet -- it hasn't been posted on YouTube), that indicates that Jonas and Bree are brother and sister. (And sorry to contradict you, LLP, but I don't think that Jonas's behavior in the Snow Angels vid alone is enough to base an entire theory on.)
Because I haven't seen the vid yet, I can't scrutinize Daniel's behavior, so I'll ask all of you: is there anything in the way he acts that would indicate that an alternate personality has been triggered and is trying to yank Bree's chain? Or that we should doubt Daniel for any other reason?
Oh, I forgot to address this. In this vid, Daniel says that Bree had Jonas tied up, and that Jonas told her the symbol had been in the cabin as long as he could remember. This would indicate that his parents were in the Order, is what we are thinking; but as I said, it could also indicate that he is part of a group working against the Order, or that his parents were.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:04 pm
by silvermoon
On the brother/sister about the possibility that there was another set of parents, and Jonas and Bree were both taken away to be raised by foster Order parents?
This might also explain why Jonas doesn't know anything about his parents being in the Order. Maybe he found his original birth certificate, went searching for his parents and found Bree online instead. So he's been trying to help her, but still has no idea that his parents were not his real parents or that they were part of the Order.
I've been backing the brother/sister angle since Jonas came on the scene. I'd love to see this one turn out to be true!
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:10 pm
by Sami
I like that theory
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:13 pm
by Kate
I wonder how crazy Bree will react to this....
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:18 pm
by freakish
what are the odds that jonas was just a random guy in california who saw brees videos and decided to help them, and by coincidence is also involved in the order?
also in the "bored at home" video he plays on some instrument that has a symbol on it. it kind of looks like one of the greekish symbols that are everywhere
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:20 pm
by ladron121
My two cents:
If Jonas was Bree's brother, and knew it, and wanted to help her, why wouldn't he say something? Give her information about the Order? Why put up a big "act" pretending to not know anything about the Order?
The Order is worldwide, so just because Jonas' parents may have been a part of it doesn't mean they are related. By that reasoning, Gemma was Bree's sister and Lucy was her aunt. Just because it explains a few things doesn't make it true
Actually, it explains a lot of things. If the Order knows that Jonas knows something they don't want Bree to know (about her parents, or the Order, or whatever), they may take a hands-off approach with Jonas. That would explain why Lucy didn't catch Jonas; why the Watcher didn't bash his brains in, in "Watch This!".
Your theory is counter-intuitive. If Jonas knew something that the Order didn't want Bree to know, they would have taken Jonas out of the picture a while ago, not left him alone to spend countless hours alone with Bree unsupervised. The only reason to leave him alone is that he is everything that Bree fears he is, a plant from the Order like Gemma was.
That's what I'm thinking anyway.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:21 pm
by ladron121
Also, all this brother/sister separated stuff just reeks of STAR WARS, and you all know it

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:38 pm
by Sami
ladron121 wrote:Also, all this brother/sister separated stuff just reeks of STAR WARS, and you all know it


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:42 pm
by longlostposter
ladron121 wrote:My
Your theory is counter-intuitive. If Jonas knew something that the Order didn't want Bree to know, they would have taken Jonas out of the picture a while ago, not left him alone to spend countless hours alone with Bree unsupervised. The only reason to leave him alone is that he is everything that Bree fears he is, a plant from the Order like Gemma was.
That's what I'm thinking anyway.
Not really. If Jonas has information hidden somewhere, and they don't know where it is, or there is someone to back him up (the Nanny or Tachyon comes to mind), then that could explain it.
The thing that has always bothered me, is that Tachyon felt comfortable staying the weekend with them. If Tachyon knew who Jonas was, and what he was doing, it would explain why she didn't feel the need to hide her identity from him.
Oh, and yes, it does reek of Star Wars.
Maybe the Creators aren't who they claim they are at all. Maybe George Lucas is trying an experiment with this.