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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:25 am
by ladron121
Fact checking can be fun, and for the most part necissary. The only things we do know are this:
Watchers are drones, low level Order members who do what they are told, which is to WATCH;
Your view of their good/evil status is totally based off your personal view;
Gemma, now known to be a member of the Order, called them watchers. OpAphid calls them babysitters to be jovial;
Tachyon has killed at least one;
I think Ziola handled everything else quite nicely

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:47 am
by nobackspacebutton
Kasdeja wrote:Yes...and I want to save you from the pod people.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:47 am
by Ziola
Why thank you, dear...
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:49 am
by nobackspacebutton

Thanks to Ziola for posting a list again. Even though it was a rebuttle...these are the things we NEED to go get ALL facts straight. Instead of speculation, lists of things that are facts.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:50 am
by Kasdeja
Maybe we can get it added to the sticky.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:59 am
by Jamidru
Do Ziola and other Op supporters/ anti tachy actually have valid logical reasons.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:10 pm
by Kasdeja
I think I shouldn't have eaten that orange at lunch...
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:15 pm
by Jamidru
Kasdeja wrote:I think I shouldn't have eaten that orange at lunch...
I agree

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:34 pm
by cosmicdancer
Can I just say if we look at everything from the 'theres no proof" point of view then we would have no straight facts about anything? Do the Creators want us to disprove everything they have shown us or are they actually showing us certain things with the intention of showing us straight facts?
I mean its one thing to try to disprove things coming from either side, but if we're going to get technical here the Creators DID sound the gunshots and have Jonas witness Brees fathers body being loaded into the car for a reason.
Which I think gives us more proof that he's been killed than proof that he hasn't.
Is there a certain point where we should believe what the Creators are trying to show us, or should we continue to question everything we see? Because if so, we're not going to have any proof of anything.
Do they need to present Brees Dads bloody body to us for us to believe that he's been killed?
I mean I completely respect the whole question everything motto but when we are given more facts (from the Creators) about one theory than another perhaps we should just assume they're true until the point where we have more reason to believe otherwise, rather than just saying "there's no proof that he IS dead."
Ya know what I mean, jelly bean?
Oi vey that made my eyes cross for some reason. Not enough sleep.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:05 pm
by Ziola
heh, that totally made me giggle...
My nickname when I was younger was Jelly Bean

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:09 pm
by Lurker
Ziola wrote:2.) Gemma was never ordered to kill Brother. Warpylol was the one who may have acted as a rogue agent. Gemma's purpose was to get close to him.
Gemma's the one who led War Pylol to the place. It's safe to say she acted as commanded if OpAphid gave her such an important mission as to try tricking Bree a few months later.
Ziola wrote:3.) There is no proof that Bree's father is, in fact dead.
I'm just going to agree with cosmicdancer here. When we've been led to believe something by all available evidence, let's believe it until we don't have reason to. Otherwise we can be saying "There's no proof Bree's really a girl" or "There's no proof Daniel really wants in her pants," etc.
Ziola wrote:4.) You feel they are posing a threatening aura because you feel that they are evil. I feel that they are simply watching her to keep her safe. Its a matter of perspective.
I think it's fair to say they're imposing a threatening aura what with the whole standing around ominously thing. Making not even a hand gesture to suggest they mean no harm doesn't help either, nor does trying to hurt her friend, who -- as far as he knew and as far as we know -- had plenty of reason to try hurting the Watcher.
If they were trying to keep Bree safe, they're doing an awful job by terrorizing her and causing her to run away. Not showing themselves to her (which they know is going to make her leave) would be the smart thing.
Ziola wrote:7.) If a crazy lady hell bent on a personal vendetta was trying to kill as many of your friends as possible in her mission of revenge, wouldn't you want to know where she was at all times?
"Crazy lady"?
Ziola wrote:10.) They are watching Bree to make sure that she is safe and that she doesn't become more of a pawn in Tachyon's sick game of revenge.
How would it be a sick game if she has reason for revenge? And I don't really see how Tachyon's been using Bree as a pawn. All that Tachyon's done where Bree is concerned is save her and her friends
The other five things you said I don't have any reason to address because they were either fair or correct.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:02 pm
by Ziola
I draw my conclusion about this being a personal vendetta VS one for Bree's safety based on emails I've exchanged with Tachyon. She grew up jealous of her sister and her sisters place in the Order. She always felt as though she wasn't good enough or special and that she was treated that way.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:12 pm
by longlostposter
ladron121 wrote:Fact checking can be fun, and for the most part necissary. The only things we do know are this:
Watchers are drones, low level Order members who do what they are told, which is to WATCH;
Your view of their good/evil status is totally based off your personal view;
Gemma, now known to be a member of the Order, called them watchers. OpAphid calls them babysitters to be jovial;
Tachyon has killed at least one;
I think Ziola handled everything else quite nicely

I would think that going to such lengths to make someone do what they obviously don't want to do, and kidnapping Daniel would make the Order evil. Also, either Bree's dad was killed, or it was a staged ruse meant to scare the crap out of Bree. The Order are not nice people.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:37 pm
by PinkoLady
True-- either killing her "Dad" or pretending too-- how sweet of the Order.
Sounds a lot more sick than anything Tachyon is doing to Bree-- whether her reasons are selfish or not.
Though if Tachyon's vendetta really is just a personal one, what interest would the rest of her organization have in bringing down the Order?
Most of what I've seen of Tachyon's emails are purposeful farce, or sarcasm anyway.

I would take whatever she's revealed of her intentions with a grain of salt.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:31 am
by nobackspacebutton
cosmicdancer wrote:Can I just say if we look at everything from the 'theres no proof" point of view then we would have no straight facts about anything? Do the Creators want us to disprove everything they have shown us or are they actually showing us certain things with the intention of showing us straight facts?
I mean its one thing to try to disprove things coming from either side, but if we're going to get technical here the Creators DID sound the gunshots and have Jonas witness Brees fathers body being loaded into the car for a reason.
Which I think gives us more proof that he's been killed than proof that he hasn't.
Is there a certain point where we should believe what the Creators are trying to show us, or should we continue to question everything we see? Because if so, we're not going to have any proof of anything.
Do they need to present Brees Dads bloody body to us for us to believe that he's been killed?
I mean I completely respect the whole question everything motto but when we are given more facts (from the Creators) about one theory than another perhaps we should just assume they're true until the point where we have more reason to believe otherwise, rather than just saying "there's no proof that he IS dead."
Ya know what I mean, jelly bean?
Oi vey that made my eyes cross for some reason. Not enough sleep.

Good explaination of how we can over speculate and how sometimes we don't take everything as we see it. Lately I've been starting to think that even though the Creators said they were going to have more hidden clues in the videos, everything we see is AS IT SEEMS. There were gunshots---why speculate that the gunshots weren't intended for the only one who was 'supposedly' killed?