Niki sees her reflection wink back at her
Niki looks all panic-stricken (reserve yourself to no more than twice per episode)
Nathan talks down to Peter
Simone adds utterly no value to a scene
Hiro uses a lot of comical gestures and sound effects to complement his English
Claire breaks a bone (or vital organ) in a way that makes you a bit squeamish
Matt gets really confused about his power
Ando makes a comment regarding giving up or going home
Anyone’s eyes get all glossed over
Claire’s dad takes off his glasses, wipes them (or his brow), then puts them back on
Mohinder makes a reference to something being impossible, stupid, crazy, etc
Someone’s head gets cut open
The Haitian guy shows up, and the episode fades to commercial within 5 seconds
Two Heroes’ paths cross coincidentally
Peter swipes his hair out of his face
Take TWO drinks when…
Hiro raises his arms to the sky in an expression of joy
Claire runs unnecessarily
D.L. doesn’t use his ability, but clearly could/should
A Hero uses their power in a way that makes you clap, cheer, or get otherwise giddy
Peter figures anything important out
Sylar shows how much of a badass he is
A “good” Hero turns out to be “bad” (and vice versa)
Chug it when…
They find the sword
The writers use Mohinder’s dad (Dr. Suresh) to explain a key plotline
A character is revealed to be a Hero and it was a genuine surprise (judgment call, but I trust ya)
A major character gets killed
NBC comes up with a key catchphrase to get new viewers involved
Any Hero dons a spandex uniform (and you must finish all the drinks around if that uniform sports a big X in the middle)
LOL! I found a Heroes drinking game online! AWESOME!
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
and wow, did anyone see milo on the cover of some magazine this week? check out i basically melted at the sight of it. SOOOOO HOT, rawr.
Leaven wrote:I think Milo is really cute, but his crooked mouth when talking bothers me.
Oh, I love that. It's smex-ay in my opinion. lol, But then again, anything he does is smexy in my opinion. He could kick a puppy and while being totally offended, I'd be wondering what my chances would be with him.
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
I wasn't making fun! I just think he is cuter in photos. I don't think it's a deformity. He talks out of one side of his mouth. Some people just do that.