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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:20 pm
by solrac_krad
Hahahaha, maybe daniel should stick with Jonas, he is the one XD
I guess most of this is DanielĀ“s fault
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:21 pm
by Luv2Skydive
betz28 wrote:itsreallyreal wrote:Sorry, I JUST saw your post count Betsy...

awwww...i have been watching forever but started posting back in october. man...there are soooooo many forum members that have a way bigger post count than me, whew

Yeah, but your posts are much more meaningful, so it's not the quantity, it's the quality. (no offense to post whores!)

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:24 pm
by silvermoon
Ashley wrote:Bree, you're a little bitch.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:26 pm
by itsreallyreal
betz28 wrote:
awwww...i have been watching forever but started posting back in october. man...there are soooooo many forum members that have a way bigger post count than me, whew

Ha ha ha...
I didn't mean anytrhing bad by it dear...
On my "other forum" I have 3469 posts since May of this year and if you count OT posts I am at 5936 ... L M F A I
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:28 pm
by lookinginonyou
Ok, I just watched the video, and I don't see Bree as being a bitch.. I totally connected with Bree and I still like her. I know Daniel's wanting her and what's best for her, but I still like Bree. So, where does Ms. American Idol Runner-Up fit in?
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:30 pm
by betz28
itsreallyreal wrote:betz28 wrote:
awwww...i have been watching forever but started posting back in october. man...there are soooooo many forum members that have a way bigger post count than me, whew

Ha ha ha...
I didn't mean anytrhing bad by it dear...
On my "other forum" I have 3469 posts since May of this year and if you count OT posts I am at 5936 ... L M F A I
Wow! thats alot of posting

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:30 pm
by Missa ChoCho
I see where this series is going
Next Video is Beast eating ho-hos and reading some Spideman in some random state.
Gosh I hope that doesnt happen. But this is definitly a good reason for Daniel to leave Bree.
I do really like that whole she is pushing him away so he doesnt get to close cuz of her dad theory.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:33 pm
by Maccaboy17
this is certainly not Bree's finest hour
but, clearly alot of what she said proves she is not in a stable state of mind and the incident with daniel proves this, he behavior is irractic and irrational, her moods recently has swung from anger to depression to resentment to feeling persocuted and alone and now we have her nightmares that she mentions in this video prove that the girl is really losing it she is blaming herself for her fathers death and last of all she has turned against the one person she should always rely on
lets not all attack bree and call her names, lets just hope she'll get well soon
she can rely on Daniel though
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:35 pm
by EliCash
The real question is: will Bree regret this when Daniel hooks up with Katherine McPhee?
Lets not all attack bree and call her names
I disagree (about the attack part). I think this is the perfect time to attack her. She already knew the kid loves her. This was mean.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:42 pm
by Chartreuse
You guys are too hard on Bree!
I'm sorry, but if it's true that Daniel was lying, then she has full right to be mad. I mean, he and Jonas both made a few insinuations that Daniel got in her pants. I mean, can you imagine letting go for just a minute, kissing the boy you l'care about but don't want to hurt, and then having him get on his youtube account with 389039029 subscribers and being like "hey! Bree and I went all the way! *jab, jab*". Seriously, not cool.
I really see Bree as pushing Daniel away for his own safety. She's right... everyone she confides in seems to end up pretty bad. Cassie, Gemma, her Dad... heck, even Owen got a boo-boo after being Bree's confidante.
On the other hand, kudos to Daniel for finding a creative way to get Bree out of her funk.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:45 pm
by onetruegnome
trainer101 wrote:Wow, Daniel got smoked. Can I say "told you so"? Nah, I wouldn't do that...

On another note, Bree is losing her "likeability" but that goes along with the loss of innocence and growing up, I suppose. It will be interesting to see how people react to the "new Bree".
I didn't like her much after "Cheer Me Up" either. She begged Daniel to come to Jonas because Daniel has a 'gift', the "cheering up Bree gift".
Or Maybe Bree was Cassie when she and Daniel "hooked up".
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:47 pm
by onetruegnome
EliCash wrote:The real question is: will Bree regret this when Daniel hooks up with Katherine McPhee?
Who the heck is Katherine McPhee?
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:49 pm
by Pretty_Disaster
i can just see it happening that jonas and bree are together and just cant seem to tell daniel
maybe a reason he was sad in the kicked out video
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:51 pm
by JerseyJohnny
onetruegnome wrote:EliCash wrote:The real question is: will Bree regret this when Daniel hooks up with Katherine McPhee?
Who the heck is Katherine McPhee?
She is an ugly old woman who is a witch. She is a nanny, a la "Mary Poppins" but with a more witchcraft angle. It's a movie, and I don't understand how she fits in with LG15 except maybe that the order is sending a witch from their Convent to watch after these kids because they are currently without adult supervision??? I don't know...
Anyway, check out the Nanny Katherine McPhee website:
She's SO ugly and has only ONE TOOTH left!!! UGH!!! GROSS!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:51 pm
by nakita
I wanna know more about those nightmares...