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Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:58 pm
by HenrySugar
Who or what is Warpylol?
I thought I was on top of things here, but apparently not...
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:03 pm
by stuart2004
HenrySugar wrote:Who or what is Warpylol?
I thought I was on top of things here, but apparently not... ... 29&start=0
read over this and look at the vid.....................warpylol is a member of IPOD OPERA
look at the pics in that thread too there are some really funny ones on there(if I do say so myself)
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:08 pm
by HenrySugar
Oh, thank you stuart. Now I have some new reading material

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:39 pm
by tiltingwindward
I do not think the sound we heard was a gunshot. As killthesmiley said, in a parking garage everything appears much louder than it really is, and it sounded to me like someone slamming a car door close to the camera's microphone. Gunshots are loud. Really loud(please don't try to convince me they were using a silencer). I suspect that what we were hearing was actually Jonas or Daniel slamming the door as they leapt out of the vehicle.
With regards to Daddy Bree's apparently simple capture, I can only say this: TRAP. Since we first decoded the phone message from him to Bree, I have suspected that all was not right. Now, it looks to me like Bree's father was deputized by the Order to lure Bree into their clutches. Why else would he arrange to meet her in a fairly safe place, but where they could be easily watched (I mean, even Jonas could do it), and then take her to a deserted upper level of a parking garage? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that they weren't going to hit the sales at the mall. I would guess that the reason Lucy and a balding portly guy were able to overcome him is because it was only for show--the real target was Bree. The reason they didn't get Bree was because Daniel and Jonas displayed some rare good sense and quick thinking and got her away too quickly.
Now, the question is: why were Daniel and Jonas permitted to foil the plot? After all, I cannot believe that nobody was watching them, or that their presence wasn't noted in the parking garage. So why wasn't anybody detailed to hinder them?
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:41 pm
by sparrow
Slamming doors? Sling shots? Nerf darts? Cap gun because the Order is poor?
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:55 pm
by Nodus
Let's step outside the game for a second and look at it realistically. It couldn't have been an actual gun, because, well, that would be vaguely illegal as well as completely idiotic. So they do the next best thing. They fire something they can explain away to any passerbys or police men ("Oh, we're filming for a movie, so we have this toy gun from the dollar store" or some such nonsense) then they amplify the sound when processing the video. So no, it won't sound like an actual gunshot. But it was meant to be one.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:58 pm
by Killthesmiley
Nodus wrote:Let's step outside the game for a second and look at it realistically. It couldn't have been an actual gun, because, well, that would be vaguely illegal as well as completely idiotic. So they do the next best thing. They fire something they can explain away to any passerbys or police men ("Oh, we're filming for a movie, so we have this toy gun from the dollar store" or some such nonsense) then they amplify the sound when processing the video. So no, it won't sound like an actual gunshot. But it was meant to be one.
thats why i disagreed with you tilt. they would have to find the next besthing.
it wouldn't make any sense if it was jonas car dor slamming shut and bree just randomly starts to scream "nooo daddy!!!" and trying to run away from daniel
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:59 pm
by tiltingwindward
Nodus wrote:Let's step outside the game for a second and look at it realistically. It couldn't have been an actual gun, because, well, that would be vaguely illegal as well as completely idiotic. So they do the next best thing. They fire something they can explain away to any passerbys or police men ("Oh, we're filming for a movie, so we have this toy gun from the dollar store" or some such nonsense) then they amplify the sound when processing the video. So no, it won't sound like an actual gunshot. But it was meant to be one.
I'm pretty sure that special effects editing software exists. So no, I do not find this explanation convincing.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:00 pm
by Killthesmiley
tiltingwindward wrote:Nodus wrote:Let's step outside the game for a second and look at it realistically. It couldn't have been an actual gun, because, well, that would be vaguely illegal as well as completely idiotic. So they do the next best thing. They fire something they can explain away to any passerbys or police men ("Oh, we're filming for a movie, so we have this toy gun from the dollar store" or some such nonsense) then they amplify the sound when processing the video. So no, it won't sound like an actual gunshot. But it was meant to be one.
I'm pretty sure that special effects editing software exists. So no, I do not find this explanation convincing.
even so it wouldn't sound 100% real tlt
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:02 pm
by imagin
If they had the area closed to film this... and it looks like they did, to me... since that's a really empty parking garage, in broad daylight... and I think someone said it was at a mall... and it's intended to be on New Year's eve, a Sunday during what is winter break for just about everyone... so it should not be empty...
then they could have gotten permission to fire a gun using blanks for the filming. The few times I've been around someone using a gun with blanks, it didn't sound any different then using actual bullets. (And yeah, if you have a bat in the house... my dad is NOT the person to call.)
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:22 pm
by Sad Panda
Hi kids ... sorry, but I was housecleaning the thread and the board ate it and swallowed it into the abyss of the Rubbish Bin (which I can't access until TWJ wakes up

I'll get it fixed ASAP, but in the meantime if you want to reference something you should look in the Rubbish Bin under "Thread Fat (OpAphid)" Or something like that (I get cutesy with my names

My bad!

But maybe this'll teach you to stop thread-jacking, you naughty naughty chitlins.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:24 pm
by Killthesmiley
lol thanks panda
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:35 pm
by stuart2004
Agreed Imagin............
ok so here is what I posted on the Gemma thread...................
OK I have been off for Christmas so slap me if I am completely jackin here...............
I believe that the SUV convo was settled so I will let that go
BUT I do want to way in on the gunshot...................................
First off it is not a rifle so it realistically shouldnt be brother killing Gemma...................the sound is wrong for it to be a rifle.......
(just for reference........ I am in the ARMY and we are taught how to differentiate the sounds of rifles vs. hand guns so that we know something about the ranges we should worry about and about the enemies we face)
and really it kinda sounds like pistol firing (which would fit with Mr. Bree being killed by the goons there at the garage)...............'
but the pistol does sound wrong like it was edited into the doesn't seem to be fired with blanks ..........even blanks in the garage would echo so badly we should be able to hear anything else except an over modulated shot.............the shot is WAY to clear
OK thats just my opinion
ohh ohhh also the cross hairs thingy could be a computerized sniper rifle a bomb,....or just something pretty brother decided to put on there to make us freak..............
suitcase could be anything from a sniper rifle to a bomb to coke that brother is going to sell to fund his organization......
Edit:Tilting you are killing
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:05 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Okay my computer isn't cooperating so i can't get screenshots, but I'm pretty sure Lucy is with the people from the car in the lg15 video. Since Gemma seems to follow Lucy around like a lost puppy, isn't it possible that she was there too? Did the brother video come out after the lg15 video? I wasn't here yesterday to see the order. But either way, isn't it possible that Gemma was running away from the scene at which Bree's father was shot?
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:06 pm
by tiltingwindward
stuart2004 wrote:
First off it is not a rifle so it realistically shouldnt be brother killing Gemma...................the sound is wrong for it to be a rifle.......
(just for reference........ I am in the ARMY and we are taught how to differentiate the sounds of rifles vs. hand guns so that we know something about the ranges we should worry about and about the enemies we face)
and really it kinda sounds like pistol firing (which would fit with Mr. Bree being killed by the goons there at the garage)...............'
but the pistol does sound wrong like it was edited into the doesn't seem to be fired with blanks ..........even blanks in the garage would echo so badly we should be able to hear anything else except an over modulated shot.............the shot is WAY to clear
Although I don't see why it matters whether it was a rifle or not, I completely agree about the echoes thing. There should have been more, if it was actually a gunshot. However, Bree's father was NOT killed in the garage. At the very least, he is alive and able to stand up when we last see him, so I think it's erroneous to assume that he is dead.
stuart2004 wrote:ohh ohhh also the cross hairs thingy could be a computerized sniper rifle a bomb,....or just something pretty brother decided to put on there to make us freak.............. [
So far, nothing in this series has been there just because it was pretty, or just to make us freak out. If it's there, it has a purpose.
stuart2004 wrote:Edit:Tilting you are killing
Just keep your posts on topic, and don't double post, please, and you'll be fine.
Oh, and one more friendly request, as a reader of these forums and not as a moderator: could you cut down on the excess punctuation? It just makes your posts extremely difficult to read. Thanks!