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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:52 am
by curiousGeorge
Good responses all. Yes, we have a conundrum about how to make all this video "interaction" make sense from multiple POVs. I think coveDweller may be the closest to the mark, but we are not there yet.
Gotta head to work, but I will mull this over and try to post this evening. Just remember that my main focus is how to make all of this POV/Interaction make sense to the casual viewer who will probably, in the long run, make this project financially successful of not.
I think the number of "casual" viewers is probably at least 10 times the number of the hardcore fans. YT's highly questionable (that's another story) viewer metrics make this number impossible to quantify so that is admittedly just a guess. Even if is it just 2x, that is still a lot of viewers.
The Conundrum: If all characters and POV's could see all other POV's would the plotline make the least bit of sense at this point? NO. So, there has to be some kind of delineation of who sees what and it must be well defined. How could the good guys move the narrative forward if they know that everything they post about is been seen by the bad guys... And vice-versa.
Anyway, thanks all for your thoughtful input.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:53 am
by Terryfic
I read a lot of defense of things as ‘oh well, you just need suspension of disbelief’, well I hate to break it to you, but you can’t actively suspend your disbelief. The term refers to what makes it possible to enjoy something that is unrealistic without the lack of realism ruining it for you. It is a one way street. When you are full absorbed in a story it is your suspension of disbelief that allows you to enjoy it. Certain genres lend themselves to allowing for me suspending of disbelief than others, like I am much more willing to accept techno babble in Star Trek, where as in The Wire I demand things to make perfect sense. LG has chosen a genre (dramatic mock-vlog) which requires an absurd amount of realism, this is always what has appealed to me, but I am getting off topic.
Watching this show and saying that you have to actively suspend your disbelief is like saying don’t think about an elephant and then in fact, not think about an elephant. You can’t. Likewise you can’t become fully absorbed by LG if you have to continuously actively remind yourself to suspend your disbelief, since such a conscious act destroys the illusion. LG is supposed to be an alternative world, and not only that it is supposed to be one that you can play in too. This is the ultimate in escapist’s entertainment and it is why TiNAG is so important to another form of escapism entertainment and I think it should be more fully used in LG.
CG’s question would be addressed if they played more by the principals of TiNAG. The amount of ‘Oh, well never mind that Bree can’t see it because her computer is broken and only loads pieces of this website’ is ridiculous. We should never think Bree is not a real person or the authors fail at this particular genre. It sounds harsh, but trust us old guard when we say it was a far more emotionally rich experience back then. Just look at all the ‘ZOMG! I can believe it was fake! I hate you!’ videos that came out to see just how attached some people were to these characters.
All the questions of who can see who would be address if this site (or pieces of it, and I mean entire pages not just pieces of a page) were totally in-character. If Bree shouldn’t be able to see someone’s videos then they shouldn’t be listed at the same place where she posts hers. Back when I was an admin Miles tossed out the idea that the Admin account and The Creators account were going to play to different roles. Admin was going to be something like Bukanator, a fan that was running this site. I always liked this idea, and he could have served as an interesting, if only textual, character that could have acted like a mediator for OpAphid and LG. I think they should continue to return to the idea of that this is actually happening and reflect that more fully in the website.
Oh, off topic, but in regards to OpAphid being vitally important to the LG story, I think is a mistake. Not only because it makes it more difficult for a larger audience to follow, but more importantly because I feel it makes the Breeniverse far shallower than it could be. LG is (or was) about Bree and to some degree Daniel. OpAphid (as I understand it) is about The Order. They should really keep them that way. If the Order is as powerful as we are meant to believe then surely that must have other things to do besides just hunt for Bree. They have a chance to actually expand the Breeniverse here but they are instead choosing to keep it as small as possible.
OpApid is a spinoff, but it is being treated like the original text. If we were to compare it to say comic books (which I feel is appropriate since that is where the common usage of everyone favorite word canon is coming from), it would be like starting a new comic series about Wolverine but in every issue he is always hanging out with all the X-Men. It is kind of redundant. Let OpApid tell its own story, sure their can be some occasional crossover, but trying to go all Rashomon with it constantly is just not going to work.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:43 pm
by curiousGeorge
Wow, we brought a previous Bukantor out... Hmmmm. Appreciate the perspective from someone so close to the project.
Thanks Terryfic, another very articulate and thoughtful post. I think you went a level even deeper than my (annoying I realize) constant yammering for who sees what, where clarification
I think you hit the matter head on as to why, after 5 pages or so, we still don't have a definitive answer to my question... I have tried to reason all of this from every angle, and it just still does not make sense to me.
Great suggestions! I would love to see what the Order does besides follow Bree.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:45 pm
by Nora Volkova
curiousGeorge wrote:
The major concern not addressed by the above is the MUCH LARGER YouTube audience who has no clue about any of the ARG elements. I personally think the OP and Tachy are really well done and need to be folded into the main storyline, hence full canon. Doing so, would eliminate this whole line of discussion. It appears as if a member of the creative writing team is now involved so this may be on the horizon.
Sorry for going OT, CG, but this particular paragraph is putting me in mind of Jane McGonagal's LG15 analysis of back in October, I believe it was.
She had a similar line of argument back then about not fetishizing the "interactive participation" in the Bree experience.
The important aspect of the YouTube fan response wasn't the few favorable fans, but the overwhelmingly negative and mean-spirited, angry and scornful jabs of a broader YouTube viewership who felt no compunction blathering on encouraging still-"real" Bree to commit suicide and whatnot.
As I recall, at the time most of the response to her blog entry on Anchor Cove was negative -- Jane just didn't understand; it was wrong of her to focus on the negatives when the "real" response, the important one and the one worth talking about, was the favorable one.
And now in a sense, I am seeing the same objections again -- the "real" fan response is the favorable one; people who are picking things apart to play with inner workings -- especially if they find those inner workings a little lacking -- don't count. It's one thing to play to the phorum and the other long-term fans and followers, but in marketing terms we aren't necessarily the ones who "count." An eye has to be kept on newcomers and more casual viewers; they need to be directed to each part of the puzzle in order to make it all fit.
The parallel between the situations -- irritable fan responses to fan criticisms -- is very interesting to me.
As others have been saying, right now, the problems aren't yet being addressed very well, but perhaps this is a weakness they will be working to shore up in the coming weeks. That's one thing it might be important for the old-school fans to bear in mind: Telegraph Avenue is learning *how* to do this as they go.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:03 pm
by friendsofelvis
Op can see tachyon, since she's subscribed to her videos on YT
tachyon can see op, for the reason above, reversed.
gemmers can see non-canon nikki, same reason.
nikki watches all 6 players.
sorry if that's all been mentioned. I don't totally discount the possibility that their subscriptions are soley for the purpose of the fans, but I'd be turboticked if that were true. If they operate within the youtube world, youtube rules apply. which include: you only subscribe to things of which you are aware. I might give them some leniency if their youtube accounts were not in-character, but they can't (sensibly) have their youtube pages be partially in-character and partially as creators.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:48 pm
by covedweller
FYI, per the above Wolverine/X-men comment:
Tachyon and OpAphid have had their own plotline going on that is not directly related to LG15. This Gemma thing is one of the crossover points, probably the most major so far.
Part of the OpAphid/Tachyon plot is that Tachyon stole a bunch of encrypted data from The Order. As she decodes it, she finds out things that she passes along to Bree/Daniel if it will help them.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:01 pm
by curiousGeorge
Nora Volkova wrote:[
As others have been saying, right now, the problems aren't yet being addressed very well, but perhaps this is a weakness they will be working to shore up in the coming weeks. That's one thing it might be important for the old-school fans to bear in mind: Telegraph Avenue is learning *how* to do this as they go.
Ahhh, my Muse weighs in. Good points Nora and I do think that they will eventually get this stuff right. I know Miles is cognizant of the importance of developing a bigger audience. I think they will get it right, and as I said above, it is like watching a child grow up. Complete with stumbles, falls, and moments of absolute wonderfulness. Fascinating watching this all play out.
Terryfic wrote:
All the questions of who can see who would be address if this site (or pieces of it, and I mean entire pages not just pieces of a page) were totally in-character. If Bree shouldn’t be able to see someone’s videos then they shouldn’t be listed at the same place where she posts hers. Back when I was an admin Miles tossed out the idea that the Admin account and The Creators account were going to play to different roles. Admin was going to be something like Bukanator, a fan that was running this site. I always liked this idea, and he could have served as an interesting, if only textual, character that could have acted like a mediator for OpAphid and LG. I think they should continue to return to the idea of that this is actually happening and reflect that more fully in the website.
I keep coming back to this after chewing on it all day. I kinda liked covedwellers idea, but this is much better and so simple.
A Gamemaster
A Gamemaster would solve my annoyingly incessant questioning in a minute. A quick vid post, or even a phorum post would settle this issue once and for all and could serve much greater purposes than silencing a howling monkey

. It would not have to be our venerable Boris Bukanator, a new character could be created. It would be cool though if the character who created the domain and original (lost in the ether) phorum play this role. Yes, before Hye, there was Boris.
We need a conduit between all the different POV's, the creative team, and the fans. I bet any number of fans would do this,
pro bono. I personally think that the Artist Currently Know As Trainer101 would be an excellent choice. Smart, articulate, and loyal to the creative team. Talk amongst yourselves...
Ok, back OT: I think that we have looked at this from about every angle and we still have no definitive answers to my original question. It just seems that this is such a SIMPLE question, but yet no one can provide a clear and rational answer. I myself have looked at every opportunity to try and connect the dots, and still no logically defensible answer is evident. We're only left with fanwanking,
no offense to said fans.
Time for me to get out of this tree, maybe the Man With the Yellow Hat has the answer.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:48 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
have i missed something? i've been gone all weekend.. what's nbr?
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:39 pm
by Nora Volkova
It can't be Boris, silly monkey man! He's dead! Er, dead-ish, lately. I may tease Daniel about calling him, but I'm pretty sure even Tachyon couldn't make *this* connection.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:00 pm
by Killthesmiley
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:have i missed something? i've been gone all weekend.. what's nbr?
nbr = niki bower report
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:42 pm
by robtomorrow
curiousGeorge wrote:
Time for me to get out of this tree, maybe the Man With the Yellow Hat has the answer.
Nice try though couriousGeorge, very interesting arguments. Thanks

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:47 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Killthesmiley wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:have i missed something? i've been gone all weekend.. what's nbr?
nbr = niki bower report
OH duh thankss haha