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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:09 pm
by ViolinAddict
kejpi wrote:Hm. Someone said that he "almost loves her" - I think that maybe he didn't want the first time he ever said it to her to be while she's with another guy, over the internet...
Aw that would be so sad... he needs to hug her when she's down... and not yell at her... and maybe it wouldn't be so awkward to say it.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:11 pm
by Ashley
Oooooh, Daniel makes my heart pitterpatter. It looked like he wanted to cry, and yeah, he totally almost said LOVE.

I hope he gets wind of his room being watched by OpAphid.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:12 pm
by Ennovi
How can he leave someone he loves with a complete stranger?!!! :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:15 pm
by Lurker
Wait, what?

Daniel has $3.50 and suddenly he's a monster? What the heck kind of logic are we using here people? Some of you are reacting to this twinky and comic book as though he had a stash that could have put them up in the Hilton. We already knew that Daniel had some money left after the ransacking. Bree said as much. She never once said they had gone completely broke.

As a few others have said, it only makes sense to save a few dollars for a real emergency. I for one would not spend down to my last cent before I started looking for a cheaper (read: free) alternative.

Also, while Daniel did something incredibly stupid in leaving Bree with Jonas, I think we can all agree that she's been as big of an idiot as him during all of this (I'd say more, but that's me). I think it's sad that Daniel gave in to the frustration he was feeling (and there's got to be more to him taking off than just wanting to not be homeless; as others have pointed out, he wouldn't have been homeless at Jonas' either), but I can kind of understand how he might finally snap after trying so hard for so long while Bree didn't do anything to help -- especially after she saw a "cuter" guy with a lot of money and instantly wanted to run into his arms.

Anyway, incredibly stupid decision from Daniel, but I'm glad to see that he apologized, misses her, and almost said he loves her. That was really cute. Now, Daniel... when your actor gets back to the US, go do the smart thing (what you would usually do) and get her out of that guy's house.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:15 pm
by khjq
How can he let someone he loves dumpster dive when he has cash in his pockets?!!! :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:16 pm
by twinklyci
Ennovi wrote:How can he leave someone he loves with a complete stranger?!!! :shock:
after the way she's been treating him for the past couple months, why SHOULDN'T he leave her with a stranger? And if you recall, its OUR fault bree is with Jonas. We knew he didn't want to go. I don't think there's a fan out there that didn't know Daniel was worried about it. Granted, he shouldn't have done the stupid test in the first place, but I feel like the Creators really wanted for us to move the story along.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:17 pm
by twelfthofnever
First of all, Twinkies and comic books, where I come from at least, are really cheap, especially if the comic book is something less well-known and especially if you buy both at a gas station. Maybe even cheaper if you have a (former) employee discount? So, I'm guess he had $5 at the most. Definitely not enough to buy a train ticket. Also probably not enough to sustain two teenagers for a long time. My guess is maybe he forgot it was in his pocket or something, and so he used it to buy some minor luxuries that he was without when he was with Bree.

Also, someone on the video comments mentioned that Yousef got his hair cut for the VH1 Big in '06 awards, so the writer's probably just worked the haircut into the story (it's also another luxury he didn't have on the run.)

His parents, on the other hand, seem really suspicious. Didn't notice he was gone? No questions about the car? My guess is The Order contacted and threatened his parents to keep quiet so that he could be surveillanced with him out of the know.

Of course, there's always the question of whether or not he's really home, or in one of the unseen rooms of Jonas' compound...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:17 pm
by papertiger05
nobackspacebutton wrote:I think its meant to show that he almost said it accidently...he's not ready to admit that he completely loves her.
Or maybe it was just included for plot development, but not necessarily because it makes sense for Daniel to have left it edited in...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:17 pm
by Ennovi
twinklyci wrote:
Ennovi wrote:How can he leave someone he loves with a complete stranger?!!! :shock:
after the way she's been treating him for the past couple months, why SHOULDN'T he leave her with a stranger? And if you recall, its OUR fault bree is with Jonas. We knew he didn't want to go. I don't think there's a fan out there that didn't know Daniel was worried about it. Granted, he shouldn't have done the stupid test in the first place, but I feel like the Creators really wanted for us to move the story along.
It was our choice for both of them to go to Jonas not just Bree. :) Right? I am not complaining, I like the way the story is turning out. I am just shocked at Daniel's departure from Bree.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:18 pm
by twinklyci
Lurker wrote:Wait, what?

Daniel has $3.50 and suddenly he's a monster? What the heck kind of logic are we using here people? Some of you are reacting to this twinky and comic book as though he had a stash that could have put them up in the Hilton. We already knew that Daniel had some money left after the ransacking. Bree said as much. She never once said they had gone completely broke.

As a few others have said, it only makes sense to save a few dollars for a real emergency. I for one would not spend down to my last cent before I started looking for a cheaper (read: free) alternative.

Also, while Daniel did something incredibly stupid in leaving Bree with Jonas, I think we can all agree that she's been as big of an idiot as him during all of this (I'd say more, but that's me). I think it's sad that Daniel gave in to the frustration he was feeling (and there's got to be more to him taking off than just wanting to not be homeless; as others have pointed out, he wouldn't have been homeless at Jonas' either), but I can kind of understand how he might finally snap after trying so hard for so long while Bree didn't do anything to help -- especially after she saw a "cuter" guy with a lot of money and instantly wanted to run into his arms.

Anyway, incredibly stupid decision from Daniel, but I'm glad to see that he apologized, misses her, and almost said he loves her. That was really cute. Now, Daniel... when your actor gets back to the US, go do the smart thing (what you would usually do) and get her out of that guy's house.
THANK YOU. You'd think people would want him to solve the world's problems with the few dollars he did have.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:19 pm
by khjq
I'd call living in a warehouse and dumpster diving a real emergency.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:20 pm
by nobackspacebutton
No, I just think that they both could have sat down and shared a double cheeseburger for a dollar, let alone a twinkie and a comic book, before they jumped into a dumpster.

And you can't say he was saving it for an little of cash isn't going to buy you out of trouble.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:21 pm
by alysaface
wow. i didn't expect daniel to actually go home. i'm going with the person who said he's in one of jonas' spare rooms. hehe.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:22 pm
by Marilee
nobackspacebutton wrote:No, I just think that they both could have sat down and shared a double cheeseburger for a dollar, let alone a twinkie and a comic book, before they jumped into a dumpster.

And you can't say he was saving it for an little of cash isn't going to buy you out of trouble.
Fully agreed... As a college student with no money I know what $5 can buy me from the Wendy's dollar menu.... Still its not impossible to think that he just didn't think of it or something. but still a twinke and a comic book?? i feel like i am missing something.

thanks creators for the study break! 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:23 pm
by ViolinAddict
THANK YOU. You'd think people would want him to solve the world's problems with the few dollars he did have.

We are not asking him to save the world... but why would he let Bree eat leftover hot peppers from a sub sandwich out of the garbage if he could have bought HER a twinkie. If he was saving the money for an emergency he wouldn't have bought those things while he was still on the road... there could have still been an emergency.

But I don't see what he could have used that money for that would have been more useful than food.