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Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:22 pm
by Jewelybug
Look Familiar. that is just stupid.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:25 pm
by tigerlilylynn
She says hex jumble. Can we backsolve it or was it just a fudge up?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:28 pm
by shifty
sphinx wrote:From Tachyon:

SIGH... biggest waste of time, ever.

I knew it wasn't solvable with what was given...

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:41 pm
by Jengels2002
WTF??? You gotta be kidding me. What a waste of time!!!!

Next time they have a drop, I hope they put a little more effort into double checking the accuracy of the data.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:46 pm
by snipeGT
so her "brother" shoots in his profession?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:06 pm
by Aja
shifty wrote:
sphinx wrote:From Tachyon:

SIGH... biggest waste of time, ever.

I knew it wasn't solvable with what was given...
Grrrr!!! What a bunch of crap.

So the "look familiar" is just Tach's way of saying, "Hey, remember her? We know that Gemma chick!"?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:25 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Aja wrote:
shifty wrote:
sphinx wrote:From Tachyon:

SIGH... biggest waste of time, ever.

I knew it wasn't solvable with what was given...
Grrrr!!! What a bunch of crap.

So the "look familiar" is just Tach's way of saying, "Hey, remember her? We know that Gemma chick!"?
:-p don't diss them like that; this is more irrefutable evidence that tachy and gemma ARE linked, though we dunno the specifics yet.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:41 pm
by JuJu Bean
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
Aja wrote:
shifty wrote: SIGH... biggest waste of time, ever.

I knew it wasn't solvable with what was given...
Grrrr!!! What a bunch of crap.

So the "look familiar" is just Tach's way of saying, "Hey, remember her? We know that Gemma chick!"?
:-p don't diss them like that; this is more irrefutable evidence that tachy and gemma ARE linked, though we dunno the specifics yet.
I was just reviewing old videos of Gemma since I didn't really pay attention to her much back then. She has on an American Eagle sweater in An Awkward Silence....which is not sold in London as far as I know. Which she is supposely supposed to be in for Uni since she "wanted to branch off from things)..A clue that maybe Gemma isn't in London?

I posted it on the main page, but Jonas just posted his video so of course most people are distracted for one reason or another.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:03 am
by ixlr8
OK, I've been playing catch up for most of today. Here's what I've got for this:

From what I can tell, the XY puzzle was one of two things. Either it was a simple typo, or it was a deliberate mistake to throw those of us who are on Op's side for a loop. From what I can conjecture from the puzzle, one of the 1's should have been a 9.

Now some of you are probably asking "how'd you come up with that?" Well here's the trick. Someone came up with "Look familiar?" before, and it was later dismissed as an error. It just seemed too perfect of a fit for my tastes, with the exception of the one extra "a." So I started working backwards, and sure enough, everything fits, except for that one character. Therefore, in my opinion, that was either a mistake on the PM's part (and hey, you can't blame her for being human), or it was intentionally placed there to throw us off and keep us busy for a while. Both of those goals, in any instance, were met.

Conclusion: This puzzle is solved. Tachyon wants Brother to take a good long look at Gemma's videos. Maybe there's something that Tachyon is trying to tell Brother about Gemma. I don't feel comfortable with making assumptions as to what that is, however, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:52 am
by ladron121
ixlr8 wrote:OK, I've been playing catch up for most of today. Here's what I've got for this:

From what I can tell, the XY puzzle was one of two things. Either it was a simple typo, or it was a deliberate mistake to throw those of us who are on Op's side for a loop. From what I can conjecture from the puzzle, one of the 1's should have been a 9.

Now some of you are probably asking "how'd you come up with that?" Well here's the trick. Someone came up with "Look familiar?" before, and it was later dismissed as an error. It just seemed too perfect of a fit for my tastes, with the exception of the one extra "a." So I started working backwards, and sure enough, everything fits, except for that one character. Therefore, in my opinion, that was either a mistake on the PM's part (and hey, you can't blame her for being human), or it was intentionally placed there to throw us off and keep us busy for a while. Both of those goals, in any instance, were met.

Conclusion: This puzzle is solved. Tachyon wants Brother to take a good long look at Gemma's videos. Maybe there's something that Tachyon is trying to tell Brother about Gemma. I don't feel comfortable with making assumptions as to what that is, however, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

I agree. This drop has been full of false leads. The numbers in the video, the focus the video put on the lockers, this puzzle. I believe this should be taken as a lesson, which is Tachyon isn't dumb. I think we should all expect false leads to show up from here on out.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:10 am
by covedweller
Two things jump out at me with this drop:

1. It's clear that most people have chosen Op's side, and Tachyon knows it. It's funny that the "good guy" is almost the villain here.

2. How on earth did we guess the correct answer? I get that it was a HEX anagram/jumble and all, but with that 1 digit being off thing, it's a shock that it still worked.

In regards to the second observation, a few people might have messaged Tachyon with that guess and since it was right, the puzzle was considered solved.

Any consensus on what we think Look Familaar means? How would Brother know Gemma?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:43 am
by diastres
covedweller wrote:Any consensus on what we think Look Familaar means? How would Brother know Gemma?
I've mentioned this on IRC, but I guess I'll throw it out here.

In "It's Not Your Decision," Gemma mentions a boy Sam that she wasn't allowed to see anymore once her parents found out she had a crush. Perhaps Brother is Sam?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:16 am
by Aja
diastres wrote:
covedweller wrote:Any consensus on what we think Look Familaar means? How would Brother know Gemma?
I've mentioned this on IRC, but I guess I'll throw it out here.

In "It's Not Your Decision," Gemma mentions a boy Sam that she wasn't allowed to see anymore once her parents found out she had a crush. Perhaps Brother is Sam?
Interesting idea. Seems like a good possibility... Has anyone who's friendly with Tach asked her about it before?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:09 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Killthesmiley wrote:yea the same thing is popping up to me too (male/female) ... but i doubt it has anything to do with it...

I really like the " Look Familiar " idea though. It runs along with a lot of our theories on Tach and Gemma and Op.

didn't someone say they got a tachy note confirming the "look familiar"? has anyone else gotten it so we can confirm?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:13 am
by sphinx
diastres wrote:
covedweller wrote:Any consensus on what we think Look Familaar means? How would Brother know Gemma?
I've mentioned this on IRC, but I guess I'll throw it out here.

In "It's Not Your Decision," Gemma mentions a boy Sam that she wasn't allowed to see anymore once her parents found out she had a crush. Perhaps Brother is Sam?
It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small small world.

(sung like acid)