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Re: dear creators
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:22 am
by mgpapas
I run a chat network. I have been involved in chat for around 10 years.
nearly 10 years ago this girl we had been chatting with for about a month came into the chat room and told us her sister had died, everyone was shocked, she said her sister had been killed in a car accident and then she said she had to be offline for awhile.
A couple of weeks later the dead girl showed up in chat... she still had the same nick but she admitted the whole death thing was just a game.... that her real name wasn't what she had told everyone it was and the girl who said she was her sister was just some other girl she chats with.
Since then I have seen or heard similar things hundreds of times. I learned way back then that nothing in the anonymous world of the internet is what it seems to be and that there were many people who enjoyed pretending to be someone they weren't and involved in a life and situations that made them seem more interesting. In some case it's out of lonelyness in others simply because it gives them pleasure mess with people's heads or trick them. In the case of the girl pretending to be dead she ultimately said "It was like I was just acting in a play and stuff, if you wanted to believe it that was your fault"
jankvb wrote:dear creators,
you guys did an amazing job! congratulations. you used the new medium in a totaly new and creative way. for that creativity you deserve respect.
There is nothing new with the whole LG15 phenomena other than the scale and the use of video instead of text. I don't think they deserve any credit for something fresh or creative because it was neither, it's not even new in the youtube medium... it was done by emogirl
and EmoKid21Ohio most notably and I'm sure has been and is being done on a smaller scale by hundreds if not thousands of others as I type.
These types of scams or performances if you prefer that term have been put on in chat rooms and forums as long as they have existed.
Hopefully this will serve as a wakeup call for millions of people who fall for these types of things every day, however I think it's more likely the same thing will keep happening over and over.
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:32 am
by TunaFish
Oops. Why aren't those "incredible fans" with their "devotion" that "exceeds expectations" taking the time to comment on this thread? Surely by now there should be hundreds of approving comments?
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:35 am
by beingbored
they're crying

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:41 am
by beingbored
Well I always thought it was a fake but I do want to thank ya'll peoples for introducing me to the song "Junkie." What a hot song!
Re: Wow,, soooooo lame
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:08 am
by rb3m
3rdrate wrote:That, and the fact that the stupid thing really started to unravel - the pluto entry was lame, along with the random high school reveal that seemed off script. And the most latest party thing is just plain dumb - Carrie, anyone? Is Bree going to go nuts and burn the place down?
Maybe that's why decided to reveal it, because things are going to get weird and it would be impossible to take the plot where they want to take it and still keep a semblance of reality... and to avoid lawsuits later.
Or maybe they just want to do something else now.
Is That So..
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:11 pm
by The Real Creators
Seems like anyone can create an identity and call themselves "The Creators". Why should we believe this post?
Re: Is That So..
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:15 pm
by TunaFish
The Real Creators wrote:Seems like anyone can create an identity and call themselves "The Creators". Why should we believe this post?
Because not everyone has a forum section created by someone with ADMIN-ONLY access just for
their posts.
Re: Hey Guys!
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by oxdeltaxo
puppylips wrote:Hey guys! I earned $$$ nothing $$$ by taking THOUSANDS of surveys. However, I did get a mass amount of SPAM in my mail box. If you're into Pyramid schemes with no payout, treasuretroopers in the place to go. You waste thousands of countless minutes trying earn, earn, earn $$$ NOTHING $$$!
Be a loser and get hated by everyone, checkout treasuretroopers!
Visit my videos on YouTube if you want the real scope on human nature.
- puppylips
Ah discordians.....
A note to the Creators
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:20 pm
by FlabioMan
We love your work! It's a true Internet situation comedy. It doesn't matter that Bree is not "real". The character is real to the imagination. She is a talented actress, that captures the imagination in a very innocent form, and always leaves you wanting to know more. For all the bloggers that feel they got cheated in some way, enjoy the moment. We look forward to more of Bree and Daniel.....
Re: Is That So..
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:29 am
by SuspiciousMind
TunaFish wrote:The Real Creators wrote:Seems like anyone can create an identity and call themselves "The Creators". Why should we believe this post?
Because not everyone has a forum section created by someone with ADMIN-ONLY access just for
their posts.
The moderators of this site -- they have access, right? I wouldn't put it past them to plant something like this if it coaxes the real creators to interact on this board and give away their IP info.
Re: Is That So..
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:30 am
by TunaFish
SuspiciousMind wrote:TunaFish wrote:The Real Creators wrote:Seems like anyone can create an identity and call themselves "The Creators". Why should we believe this post?
Because not everyone has a forum section created by someone with ADMIN-ONLY access just for
their posts.
The moderators of this site -- they have access, right? I wouldn't put it past them to plant something like this if it coaxes the real creators to interact on this board and give away their IP info.
No..the moderators do not have this access. The mods have access to user info only - the admins have access to the forum structure.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:07 am
by Christian
Long time reader and geeky fan, first time poster. Until now I haven't really had anything I deemed important enough to say.
First off, I enjoy the videos, the conspiracies, and the mystery. I'll continue to watch because I am curious to see where it goes.
Now as to the validity of 'The Creators'. Until I get some more sort of confirmation on them I am not going to believe the post. We all thought the videos were creative fakes anyway so don't be so shocked, just enjoy it.
Let's put all of the facts together. I do graphic design and web design, I am fairly tech savy and would like to offer some of my expertise. The domain was apparently purchased before the first vlog was even posted (as stated in the old forums and in various print and radio peices). The domain was 'allowed' to be used by the current operator, Bukanator. Knowing that, you have to wonder if that relationship is faked as well and guess that he is involved or is a false identity as well. What also leads me to believe that is this. Terryfic is a moderator and stated that the IP addresses for the admin and The Creators are the same. Assuming that only mods can view IPs I'll take his word for it (also assuming he's not involved, haha have to keep all the conspiracy theories available). From my knowledge of IP addresses they are like your personal identification number bound to your computer through your ISP (internet service provider). That means its like your computer's thumbprint, you can't forge that through hacking, as far as I know. If both the admin and 'The Creators' have the same IP then it leaves us with a couple more conspiracies..
Bukanator is a false identitiy and is really part of the creating force behind LG15. Having the same IP as the people posting the reveal would make that a good guess.
Bukanator faked the reveal. Since the IP is from the same as the admin maybe he faked that post, thought he would stir up some trouble. As it is highly unlikely if that happened its only been up for just over a day, and maybe the real people behind LG15 (Bree and Daniel and possible others) haven't caught the post yet. Maybe they have and think its a good idea to let it go on to stir up more confussion. Guys like myself up at 1:45 in the morning writing help fuel conspiracies.
The most unlikely Bukanator's computer that he does his admin privelages from was lifted by a freak LG15 fan. They then posted this revealing letter all as an elaborate joke.
I read the LA Times article and it talks about how they linked LG to the CAA. They claim that 3 people who met up on these boards are the ones who trapped her (lonelygirl) in a scheme to visit a bunk myspace rigged with IP Tracing software. While that is totally possible I'd like to talk to the folks from here on the boards who pulled that off. I want to fact check that article. I know how to trace IP's. The CAA will neither confirm nor deny the relationship with the LG15 SAGA. That seems a little fishy to me. Maybe I'll give them a call myself tomorrow.. or later today since its almost 2 am. Ugh. Goodnight.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:40 am
by lonelyboy15
Christian wrote:From my knowledge of IP addresses they are like your personal identification number bound to your computer through your ISP (internet service provider). That means its like your computer's thumbprint, you can't forge that through hacking, as far as I know
as far as i know this is indeed possible.
this can be done with a "botnet" attack. the term "botnet" can be used to refer to any group of bots, such as IRC bots, the word is generally used to refer to a collection of compromised machines running programs, usually referred to as worms, Trojan horses, or backdoors, under a common command and control infrastructure. A botnet's originator (aka "bot herder") can control the group remotely, usually through a means such as IRC, and usually for nefarious purposes.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:56 am
by The_Creators_
lol u guys are all a bunch of gullible noobs
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:48 am
by mgpapas
Interesting contest going on that I thought might interest people.
Help Solve the Lonelygirl15 Mystery